Wednesday, July 15, 2020

When It's Hot and Steamy

Hi everyone.
I'm back  with another entry for my When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey. I've gone tropical today because we've had a long stretch of the hot, humid and steamy tropical weather here in New Hampshire. Which is not my favorite weather. And has finally broken also-so hurrah for that!
I painted the palm fronds, stamped and painted the sun, used a lady I cut out of an old FLOW magazine, and then added 2 stamped and colored toucans.
I was inspired to make this AJJ page while working on my retirement album. In 2013 I went on a 10 day school cultural immersion trip to the Osa Peninsula rainforest of Costa Rica. Most of the trip I lived with a local family (challenging as I don't speak more than a few words of Spanish), worked in some local schools, and learned about life in this part of the world. Part of the trip we stayed also at a hostel, which is where the bottom photo was taken. 

The school runs this trip for kids each year, and then in the summer for teachers. One thing we all worried about was how hot it was going to be, but once there, we discovered it was no different than being home during this hot steamy weather, the kind we have been having lately.
You can see I also used the same toucan stamp.
My background is made with the same tropical leaf stamped in multiple shades of green. Then I added the photo, some cut outs off of the periodic table poster I have been using in this project, and some sticker letters.
If you wondered why I added the whale for Costa Rica, it is because we took a day trip across the Gulf to an eco-friendly lodge, and during that trip we saw some amazing humpback whales that breached right out of the water for us. We also saw lots of dolphins leaping out of the water too. And a few tropical critters also as we took a rainforest hike. It was really a memorable day for me as an animal lover. 

But now that I am retired, no more of these adventurous school trips for me.  I am definitely feeling glad I don't have to go back in the fall with all the Covid-19 and just happy I took advantage of these adventures when I did. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful day. And thanks for visiting!


  1. I like your hot and steamy pages. And here, hot and steamy breaks after a few days. You don't have to shovel hot and steamy, either. Enjoy the cooler weather today. And cold weather and snow will be here before we know it! Take care and have a good day.

  2. Love the new and old jungle journal pages. How lovely to have been to Costa Rica, that must have been exciting. Glad your weather has broken, and hope it will now be pleasanter for you. Have a great day, take care, Hugs, Valerie

  3. A lovely photo in your memory journal, I think that all the trips would have been cancelled for now, so you are lucky to have your own store of memories.
    Its a fabulous journal page for your AJJ theme, although I am wondering what she was seeing in her dream.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  4. What a fun piece that is, Erika. And it's especially cool because it was inspired by your trip journal. And I use the word cool in all its meanings! You may well miss those school trips -- but I don't think any schools will be taking trips for another year or two.

  5. Such a fabulous page! I love the tropical vibe 😁. Looks like you had lots of fun on your school trips, such a lovely photo of you all and a great memory to capture in your school journal too! I hope you're having a lovely week, take care! Hugs, Jo x

  6. It's hot and steamy here, too. You have captured a real fun time with your lady and her toucans. I was impressed with the palm trees, too. Another great entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    I hate to say it, but great minds think alike because I'm working on a similar theme.

    Love the page in your retirement journal. It sounded like any interesting trip. Sally went to Costa Rico with a friend who was part of a church group. I don't think Sally had as much fun as you, because she's not that religious, but wanted to accompany her friend. I enjoyed reading about the whale. It reminded me of whale watching I did on the west coast several times. I also saw dolphins and humpbacks. It must have been fun for you, too. A trip through the rain forest is something I have dreamed about doing. It sounds incredible, especially if you are walking in the emergent or canopy layer.

  7. Wonderful tropical art Erika! xx

  8. Send it over, well - just the temps! Our red-green kitchen may never see that, it will make it to you , seeing your art!

  9. Love the tropical vibe of your page with all that vibrant colour... and it's great to get a look at the memory page which inspired it - sounds like an amazing trip.

    I'm with you on humidity - it's yucky!!
    Alison x

  10. How great your journal page is really summer feeling and with the previous one you made a nice happy memory with the picture!
    Greetings Elke

  11. I love your "saw it in a dream" piece. Cool! Those are memories you'll treasure, and you're right about taking advantage of those opportunities when they come along. Putting them off too often means foregoing them altogether.


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