Wednesday, July 8, 2020

How to Spend a Hot Day

Hello. I am back today with another post for  the When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey. So what is a good thing to do on a hot day?
Maybe not sitting on a mushroom, but certainly a good book helps to pass the time. And maybe even makes your eyes a bit heavy and helps  you to doze off for a nap too, even if it's a good story. 

My background is made with 3 colors watercolor crayons and 2 different stamps. The main image of the boy on the mushroom is an old LaBlanche stamp from my stash. The beauty of reorganizing is I have found some fun stamps that have been sitting unused in bins for awhile. A little coloring, some stickers and finally a tab that seemed just right for this page.

And it is time to do my monthly  reading update for anyone who is interested. This is how I am keeping track of my reading, and June was a pretty good reading month.
It started with this oldie from the early 1960's (I think 1962).  I was reading a list of the top books for each year, and this one was listed. It sounded pretty good and relatively light reading, a mystery with bit of romance set in Crete. I did enjoy it, and even though it was from the early 1960's I love the independent and strong minded female leading character.

And it is really nothing like the Disney film by the same title with Hayley Mills which I watched after finishing the book.
And then it was onto another older mystery, this one from the 1990's

This one's main character is Anna Pigeon, a US National Park Service ranger. I also enjoyed this series, which I can't believe I haven't ever read before. There's a whole collection of these set at different parks, so I think I need to read a few more.

This is book 2 is another series. The premise of this series is that there are Gods (like the ones from Greece, Rome, Norse and Celtic) still on earth fighting the daimons of New Orleans. I like that part of the story. And there is also the beautiful young girl one of them falls in love with, which is a bit too romance for me. But I have to say it is light fun reading, and this one (book 2) I liked this one much better than book 1. I guess you have to just be in the mood for an easy and light read, but I will probably read another some other time when I want a bit of  fantasy escape.
I listened to Jungles of Stone, which was a very good book. However, I think the title was deceiving, as the book was more about these 2 men and life in Central America than the Mayan discoveries. However, since I knew nothing about Central American history nor the discovery of the Mayan temples I did enjoy the listen. There is always so much to learn, isn't there?

So once I finished listening  to Jungles of Stone , I decided to listen to another Latin American book. Love in the Time of Cholera came out in the 1980's, and I read it then, and I loved it. I also enjoyed it this time around too. I have to say I remember some images from the book, and the gist of the story, but not all the details of the story. It is a wonderful piece of literature about first love and love later in life.

And then I went on to book 6 from the Sookie Stackhouse vampire series, which enjoyable and so much better than book 5.  

And right now I am listening to book 2 of the the Mayfair witches trilogy by Anne Rice. I've read the first book 3 times, including last summer , but have never read any other book in the series. This one is 28 hours long, and I am not too far into it, so let's hope I enjoy it because it is a bit commitment.  (But the first book, The Witching Hour, was also long to read, and I looked it up and that book was a 50 hour listen. Only I read my paper copy.)

And finally, I am also back to rereading  some of the earlier Louise Penny books. This is book 4 and another excellent mystery set in Quebec, Canada. I wasn't going to reread this one because I thought I remembered it, but since it's been years, I realized I didn't remember that much of it, and I really enjoyed another read through it.

And if you stop by on a regular basis, you might know I've been playing with dyeing plant images on paper. Here's a few books I've read/reread recently to learn and refresh my skills.

This top book (Eco-dyed Art Journals) is very useful with instructions. Eco-color is a wonderful book of inspiration and nice glossy photos. 

And Wild Color is a super book with lots plant dyeing info also. 

If you read, I hope June was a good month for you. 
And I appreciate you stopping by to visit.


  1. Great suggestion to read more during this time. If only it didn’t always put me to sleep! Your books includes something for everyone. I need to find ways to get more physical active too. Everything I do for relaxation is done sitting. :(

  2. Your page would make a great poster for a library. I loved The Moon Spinners and the Disney movie with Hayley Mills. Stay cool!

  3. Fantastic piece, enjoy your books, hugs, Valerie

  4. Perfect art journal page
    and thanks again for your book list

  5. I thought I had read this post, but obviously, I had not. Your central figure, the LaBlanche stamp is beautiful. Valerie sent me a couple of those and I love the feel of them. Even though I like red rubber wood mounted stamps, I'll take a LaBlanche silicone stamp any day of the week. You colored this one beautifully, too. It's a lovely entry for your theme at 'Art Journal Journey and a beautifully created journal entry, too.

    You got the best of the eco dyeing books when you got the one by the queen of eco dyeing: India Flint. The others are super sounding, too. Lucky, lucky you, dear Erika.



    PLease do not PUBLISH.

    Have you checked your e-mail? I've created a blog for Ajj behind the scenes.

  7. Yes, last year we had our big brolly out (to not get burned in the HOT SUN (whom???)) and read books on this beautiful town, Braunschweig.
    That´s a lot of books you read.
    My excuse: no sun, no warmth, no balcony-time (but heaps and heaps of books on my kindle! ATM a bio of "Rat"´s, who was working for Queen in the 70´s/80´s - a travel in time that I have an idea of).

  8. Great journal page Erika!
    Mary Stewart was one of my favourite authors in my younger days, I'm sure I have The Moon Spinners tucked away somewhere in the house.
    I'm still working my way through Kate Mosse's Labyrinth trilogy, about halfway through Sepulchre now.
    Happy reading,
    Alison xx

  9. My goodness Erika, yo have read a lot of books this past month. Far more than I have but `I can think of nothing nicer than sitting down with a good book in lovely surroundings, quiet and peaceful and losing oneself in the story. Better than thinking about the pandemic!
    Love love your journal page. Great background, fabulous image, lovely co9lours - what more is there to say? I loved it, really did.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  10. I really like your piece. What a nice blend you got on those background colors. And it's reading! What's not to love. It's sort of perfect as a segue to your book wrap. Lots of good ones here, it looks like. I really love how Louise Penny writes. Do you get her enewsletter? They're so well written, like her books. I just want her to be my neighbor!

  11. Fabulous page, Erika. I love the composition and stamping. The mushroom boy stamp is very special too.

    I think I would enjoy a few of these books. Thanks for sharing your opinions.

    Hugs, Eileen

  12. Reading a good book is always a good idea :) and I love your inspirational page. I know Mary Stewart for her Merlin trilogy. I haven't read this one. I've read some of that Nevada Barr series but had forgotten them. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. What a great book list :)

    All the best Jan

  14. A really sweet image of the child sitting reading on the mushroom.
    Its a fantastic page for your AJJ theme.
    Your book list was interesting a super variety of story lines. Its a while since I read a book that I would recommend to anyone, this is possibly because it takes me so long to read a whole book these days, to many stops and not enough time to get involved in the plot.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx


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