Thursday, July 9, 2020

Not Just for Kids

Hi everyone. The heat is back in my area, as well as the humidity, making it feel steamy.
And what's a good treat to enjoy in the heat,
how about a Popsicle or ice pop?

I made my page by using Dina Wakely's spray paints to cover the background. Once that dried I drew some squiggly lines across the page. Then I drew a giant ice pop, which I then cut out and added to my page.  I also added to ice pops die cuts and 2 stickers. The die cuts  and my drawing was painted by me and I added a bit of  Stickles to give them the cold  icy look.

I've been working on my studio reorganizing, and I finally feel like I am getting somewhere.  But I'm not done yet!

See that pile of books in the photo above?  That's my pile of books I brought home when I cleaned out my classroom that started this whole project. 
Not that it couldn't use a good cleaning. 

But I am finally starting to actually clean up the mess!

Hope you're staying cool if you're in the summer season, and for those of you on the other side of the planet, I hope your winter isn't too cold.

That's all for me today.


  1. Great studio space, definitely has everything! ;)

  2. Love your icy page, sometimes we just NEED a nice ice I had some caramel/chocolate ice in the freezer and I ate it as my reward after the OP yesterday when I came home. Well done on the cleaning. I'm just having a totally lazy pyjama day today! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Every time I walk into my art room/office, I look at it, gt insane and walk out again.During Covid I even moved my computer to the living room so I didn't have to be in there. I have to dump a TON of stuff I don't and won't use and right now no one is taking much of anything. Or maybe they are but I'm here and that's there... Ah well, it's not going anywhere, that's for sure! I applaud you. As I look at your room I see a sneak preview of mine and realize I'll have to get to the ugly before I get to the good!

  4. Happy page! A popsicle would be a really good treat for this evening. Now where did I put the popsicle mold? Stay cool!

  5. That looks like a refreshing treat :) I excel at moving things from one place to another ;) not so much the actual cleaning up of the stacks lol

  6. Yes, when it's hot a popsicle or ice pop can be so refreshing :)

    I love your popsicle art today.

    All the best Jan

  7. I love your pop-sickles. They are SO cute. They will surely help you cool down in this heat and humidity. I really like how this journal page because such an inspiration and I'm thrilled it was part of your theme for Art Journal Journey.

    You have so many dies and stamps, I can't believe it. I really enjoyed peeking into your craft studio and your work in progress. What fun you mus t be having discovering things you had forgotten you owned or purchased.

  8. What a smashing piece and your so right they are NOT just for kids.. I tell my 23 year old this every Thursday when I get back home after my care duties with his two pots of icecream haa haa... (he's the only baby I have left at home now.) Your doing a grand job with the craft area, just think of all those things you will find that you forgot about.
    Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Can you please send just a little of that sunshine and warm weather our way, it's been down right wet n windy here for the past week x

  9. A delicious fun ice cream site, I love ice cream and must always be in summer!
    There is a lot of work in sorting and rearranging all of this.
    But when you are finished, you will also feel more comfortable and another chapter closed from school.
    Greetings Elke

  10. Its a wonderful ice pop page, just right for hot days although its cool , windy and raining here.
    I am loving your AJJ inspiration pages.
    Yvonne xx

  11. That is a cool idea with the ... what do you call them, Eisstiele?
    Are those real ones? May I steal your idea (I´ll certainly refer to you! And no pressure, my sweet tooth is hibernating...)? I do believe we have two ice pops in the fridge still!

    Hahaha, summer-season. We do stay cool. Heating is on. It´s supposed to be the hottest month of the year.

  12. That popsicle does look refreshing on another warm day in Nashua too. Your craft room reminded me of what my own work are looked like when we lived in VA and I had an entire spare (small) bedroom all to myself! It is amazing how our hobbies and interests seem to take over any space. And, you are right about being limited now in finding places to donate too. The Salvation Army Family Store that was here in downtown Nashua shut down permanently. It was a great place to donate and to make great finds too!

  13. Your banner is beautiful, Erika 👍
    And the page delicious.
    Happy weekend ❤️


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