Wednesday, July 1, 2020

It's July!

Hi everyone. Happy July!

And if you are from Canada, I wish you a Happy Canada Day! 

It's a new month, and it's time for a new challenge at Art Journal Journey. Thanks Halle for being a great host, and I hope this month I can be as good a host. Yes, this month I am hosting AJJ, and my challenge is all about heat. 
This month you need to think about When It's Hot.
Think about summer, hot colors, hot drinks or food, hot guys or girls, hot topics, stoves left on, or whatever other hot thing crosses your mind.

I've made a journal with HOT inspired pages The journal is in a 2 ring binder, so on some of my pages you might see the holes where they get inserted. And I am also using both sides of my pages.
Here's the front page. 

I used a stencil to create the dark orange rays. I added some dashed lines to them. The sun is a punch out from an Art by Marlene booklet, although I did added some Glossy Accents to the glasses. And I have an ancient set of Technique Tuesday summer word stamps which I used.
You'll be seeing a few more of these as the month goes by.

 And the backside of this page is a similar idea, so I thought I would share it with you today also.

The background is painted yellow and then sprayed with some orange ink. I added the diecut fan and decided to use some blue glitter to represent the air moving through the fan. You can also see the 2 rings that hold the pages in the journal.

I can't wait to see your hot journal pages over at Art Journal Journey.
Thanks for visiting and thanks in advance for joining us at AJJ also.


  1. Both of your pages are wonderful, Erika. You stole my idea of fan, BUT I don't have a die cut. I love this fan and I really LOVED the stamp set you will more than likely be choosing from this month. I thought the sun face looked a lot like you, too! These are great inspiration pieces, dear.

  2. Beautiful art and a great theme, have a fun month! Today the weather here has cooled off and we had rain in the night - a wonder! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Wish it was hot! Raining. 18C/64F. July? Summer?

  4. Its a super new challenge theme for AJJ Erika and your journal covers look fabulous, I will be waiting patiently to see the inspiration you have for us as you share the inside pages. The word stamp set looks useful for your theme as well.
    Stay safe, enjoy the summer.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Fun journal. A fan is welcome when it's hot. Not too hot today, I don't think, but watch out for the afternoon thunderstorms. Hope you got some much needed rain. Take care.

  6. Not being artistic (or patient) I don't have anything to share but I am really enjoying the creations of your participants! I especially like your last art work.

    be well... mae at

  7. Great pages and great theme. I love the glasses on the sun and your fan die cut. You have some really neat supplies! Hugs, Eileen

  8. Very nice art . Different tho . Very bright and beautiful

  9. Hello Erika. I've missed your posts and am going to have a fun time going back through them. You've retired! I don't think you will ever, ever be bored, not with all your interests.
    Your two pages are definitely hot. I like the sun with her "hot" sunglasses. She is really cool, haha!
    Great theme and an unusual idea. I've got several ideas for my next one, if the garden lets me back indoors. There is some heavy rain forecast, so here's hoping it actually comes.

  10. I liked that vintage fan, Erika, and the glitter really finished it off well.

  11. They ARE hot pages. And it certainly is hot out! Happy July!

  12. Wow - both are fabulous and inspire me. GREAT thinking. Now I want to call in sick and stay home and make some pages! Love that sun and love the fan.

  13. Wonderful pages Erika, and a great theme for July! xx

  14. Hi Erika, when I saw the challenge I thought to myself "my, this is going to be a challenge for me with my Dylusion figures and the quotes that are already laid on the table" but as soon as I started it all fell into place. Am now looking forward to the next one.
    Love your pages and I can see the shine on the glasses of Mr Sun. Love how his rays radiate out and that glitter was certainly an inspired choice. Brill!
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I love the fan on the other side and the background is fabulous!

  15. That is great theme, Erika! That are beautiful Pages!
    Greetings elke

  16. Hi Erika, you brought a smile to my face with your "when it's hot" theme.. as Summer here can sometimes just not happen but when it does boy they can be hot!
    Lovely addition of glossy accents on your sun's glasses and I really love that zest orange behind the fan, the colour screams hot. I'm going to have to think real hard about this theme but look forward to the challenge.
    HUgs Tracey xx

  17. Sizzling sun rays in the first page, and such a great fiery background behind your fan too... we had a few days of heat but now it's so chilly again that I almost needed a hot water bottle last night! I'm not sure we're going to get much more warmth, but your pages have warmed me up!
    Alison x


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