Monday, June 29, 2020

T Stands 2 Types of Congratulations

Hi everyone. Happy T day.  Hope everyone is well and staying safe. Here in the US the virus is getting out of control in some places, or so the news is reporting. I think  people are having isolation rebellion, especially with summer weather here. I live in a tourist area, and it is a little scary to me to see how many people are back at their camps or who are visiting. Not that I blame these people for coming, but our population triples in the summer and those  much higher numbers are scary. 
This is the time to share your drink related post over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth''s blog

So my drink related photo today is this mug I received as a retirement gift from a friend. My friend Deb was the one who was going to have my retirement party at her house. Her son is studying graphic arts so  he made a custom design that was for both myself and my friend Jo who also retired this June. If it wasn't for Covid 19 and there could have been a retirement  party, this design was suppose to be the napkins and paper plates, but since Covid caused the cancellation of the event, Deb used the images to make us both a mug.
And my face side are some biology images, and on my friend Jo's side are some chemistry images as her background was that science. 

It's a fun mug with a fun story, and I like how it celebrates both of us retirees.

And this past Friday evening the school finally was able to have graduation. I had a lot of connections with kids in this class. These were connections that went back for 2 years when I had them as sophomores. So I wanted to go for that reason, plus I was curious about how graduation would be run with this virus and social distancing.

So here I am with my mask and my robe. The school orders teacher's robes to wear as it give an air of formality to the event.

Normally the staff and student march in but this year they had names on the seats for the kids so they could just go sit down. The staff seating was all around the edge of  the kids, and it was open seating for staff on those seats.

And I like this photo a parent took and sent to my friend Deb (whose son designed the mug). That's her on the right and me on the left.

I think the school did a fantastic job keeping everyone separated and being sure masks were worn. They only allowed 1 car for each student, with only 2 guests (they all had to be in the 1 car) per student. The ceremony was recorded and also shown live on the local cable network channel. After the ceremony ended, each graduates car participated in a car parade through the city. 

That's my post for today. I hope everyone has a great T day!
And thanks for visiting.


  1. So glad the kids had their graduation during these crazy times.
    Love the mug-especially that it was made for the two of you.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. Oh I get what you mean about Covid and the numbers increasing because of people not wanting to take it seriously anymore and gathering in groups:(
    Love your new blog header!!
    And how wonderful and creative is the mug- I love it, along with the graduation ceremony and how it was handled!
    Soon I am expecting to see a lobster roll from the shack- just so I can be taunted and hungry for one again:):):) Happy T day!

  3. OMGosh, Erika. That LOOKS like you on the mug. I laughed when I saw it, because it was SO YOU. I love it.

    I remember my undergrad graduation was on an astro turf style (like yours) football field. They told the women they could NOT wear heels, and if they did, they weren't allowed to let them damage the astro turf. I wore high top tennis shoes, so I knew I was safe. People laughed, but I knew I and the field were safe.

    That was a great photo of you and Deb on the field. I know that was a proud moment for you, too.

    It's sad you didn't get your retirement party, but you got a fantastic mug that fit you perfectly. I want to know who cut your hair. It looks freshly cut, unlike mine, which looks all shaggy (and will look that way for the next four years on my DL).

    Thanks for sharing your graduation ceremony photos, your selfie with your mask, and your incredible new mug with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  4. Glad the kids got their graduation ceremony, that's something nice to look back on. And it all looks very safely organised. Same problem here that people are flooding into places to visit ad not being careful. I only go into our little town in the early morning now, I don't want to meet up with the boats and bus loads of tourists coming later in the day. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Crazy times.
    I love your mug, though and certainly a big yay for the students to have the opportunity to celebrate!
    A happy T-day to you!

  6. I'm glad they were able to have their graduation ceremony. I like that mug your friend's son designed. Maybe you can have the party next year, if we're back to "normal" by then. (I have my doubts.) Happy T-Day!

  7. It was good that the children go their ceremony it looks very well organised and it seems they got a memorable car parade as well.
    Your mug was fun as well as special, you must have many memories to share with yourfriend, all those photos were super s well.
    Happy T day wishes and stay safe.
    As lock down eases here there are many folk not respecting others safety as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Very clever mugs and nice keepsakes. I noticed the COVID virus on both sides. This is a year we'll certainly never forget!

    I'm glad the seniors were able to have some sort of graduation ceremony and that you could attend as well.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  9. I'm glad you were able to go to graduation, especially given that this is your retirement year and having missed so much, this is a nice cap to it all. (Pun only partially intended!) The mug is really cute -- what a thoughtful thing to do.

  10. What a lovely mug! Really special. Such a great idea to use the design as a mug.
    I'm so glad those kids have been able to have their graduation. It looks very well organized. What age are they? 17? Will they be able to go to university after graduation? Or does it depend on the marks? Could you explain what sophomores are. I'm not familiar with that word. I understand they are younger students.
    Wishing you a very happy T-Day,
    Hugs (These ones are allowed, but oh I so crave real hugs),

  11. Congrats on your retirement and your fun mug ~ It's great that you had a graduation ceremony for the kids :) Happy T day!

  12. What a crazy looking graduation. Thankfully, those kids were still able to have a ceremony, not to mention a memorable one.
    Happy Tea Day,

  13. "Isolation rebellion" is a good name for it. I keep being tempted to get out. But if it's not for groceries I always back out. They did a great job of managing the graduation safely. Nice! Happy T Tuesday

  14. What a fabulous post! Your mug is wonderful, so beautifully designed and a lovely momento of your time at school - amazing 😀. The graduation ceremony looks fantastic too, it was so well organised and I love the thought of the car parade too! We live in a tourist area and it gets a bit scary here too! Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Great mug and fun personalizations. And the pic of you and Deb, look like bookends. Happy T Day. PS the numbers are scary. I had a long phone conversation with my friend who is an Infection Control Practitioner at Stanford Univ.

  16. Your retirement mug looked very nice and what a special gift from your friend. Congrats to the grads and nice that they were able to have an outdoor event with social distancing in place.

  17. What a fabulous mug ! The graduation looks to be well organise! I had a similar comment from a friend about the situation in London where folk are just acting 'normal' - it is indeed scary! I think we have many months of needing to remain vigilant wth the virus! A bit worried to hear that it may still be around in 2022 though! Belated T Day Wishes, Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Super cool mug!!!! Great graduation handled right. Awesome pictures and great to see one of you too!!!

  19. I am so glad I did not miss this post.
    First of all I like your blog header and secondly that mug is absolutely fantastic! What a lovely gift! Something for you to treasure for always - in fact it would have to go in a cabinet were it mine in case Mr Butterfingers broke it.
    Love that the kids got a graduation ceremony, so many haven't had one and your school organised it perfectly. What a wonderful sight it must have been when you had the cavalcade of cars parading through the city.
    I too have worried about those spots that might get overcrowded (and have on hot days) being loaded with Covid. All we can do is hope and pray that they find an antidote and quickly. Stay as safe and well as you can.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Great to see the school taking things so seriously whilst also commemorating this important milestone for the students. Lovely to see your mug - so glad those carefully designed images didn't go to waste, and now you have the perfect memento of the party that never was!!
    Alison x


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