Friday, July 10, 2020

Ladies of Summer

Hi everyone. I can't believe it is already Friday. Talk about a week flying by.
So today I have 2 pages from my summer journal for my When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey

My first page shows beautiful Claire and is a snapshot from an evening in the garden. (The name is simply the name on the sticker I used, as I got this photo out of a magazine. I don't actually know this lady's name.)  I used some paper that is light blue with white botanical images on it. I outlined the images and added some color. I also used this vintage playing card with the 2 little bluebirds on it. This reminded me of the bird songs you often here at the end of the day. So I used this vintage lady that I cut out of a photo sheet (that I pulled out of an old magazine) and then I used these TH phrases. Finally I added a couple of cardboard dots that I painted with some gold metallic paint.
I imagine Claire walking through her garden into her home  as the light is fading. Her home is a beautiful old Victorian building with large and gorgeous gardens around it.

And my second piece takes place  now that darkness has arrived.  It is a warm summer night and the dancing from the party has moved outside under the stars. I think these 2 ladies in this next piece probably live in the same home that Claire from the first  piece lives. Only based on their dress style, these ladies lived a few years before Claire. One of them might have even been Claire's grandmother when she was a young woman.

I made this page with some black spray ink, 2 sticker ladies, a quote from the Art By Marlene punch out image book, as well as some little metal stars and some dots of sparkle glue.

Hope you have a super start to your weekend .


  1. Wow! Two fabulous pages - Claire certainly has a busy day! I love the garden one especially of course!! Have a great weekend! Chrisxx

  2. Gorgeous pages Erika and I liked reading your post about the ladies, its good to see the way fashion has changed over the years. I don't think our youngsters these days would like to wear cover all dresses in the heat of the day.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Love how you highlighted the white flowers on the backgorund page in the first piece. It really pops and I love the image, too.

  4. Both pieces are lovely, and I like the fun stories you have woven round them, well done! And those ladies have such tiny waists, My waist has long gone to waste! Have a great afternoon, keep cool! Hugs, Valerie

  5. I love Claire and her story!!! (whilst I still freeze my butt off. 21C is better, but not summer!!!)
    Ohhh. I´m too old to party!
    Hmmmm . Do you have any idea what to do with a whole can (400 ml) of golden spray stuff? Asking and hopping on to gold here :-)

  6. Wow, you gave us a two-fer. How awesome. Sometimes it's fun to make up names so we can follow the fantasy through to the end. I really love both these pages, dear, and I think they are really amazing inspiration entries for us at Art Journal Journey using your theme.

  7. I love both of your journal pages-and enjoyed the stories behind them very much.
    for being so hot and humid here the week has gone by fast for me too. Happy weekend Kathy

  8. Lovely pages and stories ... great post :)

    All the best Jan


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