Sunday, July 26, 2020

Since It's Sunday

Hi there. Hope you are having a great weekend so far.
I think my latest page for Art Journal Journey for the When It's Hot challenge speaks for itself.
Hot here, so I am going to take a break and relax just like the lady on the beach on my page. (I'm not at the beach though.)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What a gorgeous page, Erika. I will take the mindful pause on next Sunday, thank you reminding. But right now I am still very busy. Hugs, my dear friend.

  2. Wonderful page Erik. I've taken a day off today, too, and trying to relax and rest a bit. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I want to be with the lady on the beach, too. Stay cool!

  4. Fun art piece. And your lady looks like she's having a nice time relaxing on her cool beach.

  5. Hi Erika! I wish I was at the beach with the lady on your beautiful page! Your page is absolutely lovely!! And I want to thank you for the fun and fabulous AJJ theme this month! Hugs, Sharon

  6. Ah to be sitting under a palm tree and enjoying a cool drink while it's hot is the perfect way to spend an afternoon. I think this is darling and a great entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey. Hope you had a fun day, dear.

  7. A lovely peaceful page Erika, especially if its hot. Wet and miserable here - oh how I wish I was there!
    Avril. Xx

  8. Relaxing on a tropical beach sounds like a great idea Erika!
    A wonderful page.
    Alison xx

  9. She is relaxed and in a happy place for sure! Hope she is you. Such a super beach/relaxation page! Love it!

  10. I love this "mindful pause" art :) What a relaxing scene.

  11. I love this page, Erika! You finished your summer journal, right? id you start a new one? Hugs, Eileen

  12. Palm trees remind me of Florida :-) I so loved the weather when I was there.
    Fabulous sunny scene. And a nice Jane D quote to top it off. Lovely.
    Cath x

  13. A wonderful restful page, especially if it were a really hot day.
    I loved the quote you used as well.
    Yvonne xx


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!