Monday, July 27, 2020

The Last Week

Hi everyone. We're now into the last week of July. It's been a fast month for certain.

 If I had to go back to school, I would start to feel a little sad  about now that there are would be so few weeks of my vacation left. But it is good this year not to have to go back and deal with all the chaos the Covid-19 virus is causing. I feel bad for my friends who are spending some of their summer preparing for any teaching possibility. It doesn't give them much of a break at all.

The top page started with this photo that was in some packaging that I've recycled. I stamped the calendar image several times on the background in brown ink as I like the shadow effect. Then I stamped the square season image on white paper and added that stamped image to my page. This is an oldie but goodie in my collection.

And if you aren't lactose intolerant and like a cool dairy treat, how about some ice cream or frozen yogurt on a hot day?

My husband and I have a new fun tradition this summer of having ice cream for either lunch or dinner on Sundays. His favorite is strawberry, so I must have been thinking of him when I made this page.
The scoops and quotes are another ancient stamp set in my collection. The set is a Hero Arts baking set, but they work well with ice cream too.

Both of these pages are for my When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I am off to visit my Mom today. It is really hot, but hopefully storm free. 

Hope you are all stay cool! Thanks for visiting.


  1. You have made 2 more beautiful pages for your challenge Erika, well done. I especially like the one with ice-cream, and hope to go somewhere to enjoy an ice before summer is over. I'm glad you don't have to think about not going back to school again. I know I've NEVER missed it! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. I must look more closely at packaging. This is a superb piece even without the green square but the square raises it to something else. I like it a lot.
    Interesting to read how you made it.
    The second is lots of fun. I could manage this pink ice-cream any day.
    The little scoops stamped and coloured are just so sweet, especially with the words behind.

  3. Perfect “When It’s Hot” art! I felt the heat as soon as I saw the first image. Very effective! Planning on going back to school has to be scary right now. No matter who is going, administrators, teachers, students, also parents, the timing won’t seem right to me until virus dangers are more controlled. I hope your friends stay well. It’s good to be retired, especially this year.

  4. The ice cream cone looks super real! I'm so glad you don't have to go back to school. So glad.

  5. Both pages are great for summer! Love the colors and that background calendar stamping on the first one. The second is so totally fun with your background words and wonderful cone. Love your new tradition with your hubby. My Mom and Pop had icecream for dinner every night after they retired. She told me that if you eat a good breakfast and lunch there is no reason why that would be a problem and I agree! Fun stuff here!

  6. Ice Cream Suppers used to be a thing here in church gatherings, but I haven't heard of one in ages. Strawberry ice cream would make my day today :)

  7. Erika, I shared your ideas for weekend dinner of ice cream with my husband and he was highly in favor of that plan! Glad you were able to see your mom and yes one day it would be nice to meet up either when you pass through Nashua...or we could take a Sunday drive for a meet-up. We surely need some road trip adventures. Doesn't everyone?

  8. Two super pages, Erika. All the stamps are very cool. I wonder if you have all four seasons of the square stamp.

    I like you new Sunday tradition. I'd have pecan praline and Chris would want Neapolitan. We haven't had either of those in the house for many years. Just vanilla that we dress up to our individual tastes.

    Hugs, Eileen

  9. But you're you don't have to think about it all - yay!

    Your pages are wonderful. I'm amazed at all your different ideas. Brilliant :-)
    Cath x

  10. Two fabulous pages for your AJJ theme Erika. Ice cream treats sound good to me on hot summer days.
    Yvonne xx


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