Tuesday, July 14, 2020

T Stands for Another Boat Picnic

Happy Tuesday everyone. Time for a celebration for 7 years of T, HURRAH! And  I also have some art with once again a beach theme to share also.

This is a page I drew and painted except for all the sunglasses which are die cuts as well as the quote which I stamped many times.  It's my page for today at my When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey
And it also works with  my T day post today.

This past Sunday was a steamy but beautiful day. My daughter  was home for a couple of days, so we packed another picnic, got the dogs into their life jackets and headed out for another trip by boat to the beach. Because it was such a warm and sunny day, it was much more crowded day than what I showed you last week.

The beach area we boat to is on the edge of a State Park and isn't really as big as many of the beaches along the shore.  This one is in a harbor and is only accessible by either boat or by hiking through the state park. But since it was a nice day you can see lots of boats. These boats come in and anchor.
We boated in also, but we  anchored out in the harbor so we could social distance more.
But with the heat, that didn't stop me for going in for a dip off the back of the boat.

My daughter also joined in the fun, but my husband stayed aboard the boat. The water off New Hampshire  is very  cold, and I only go in when the air is really hot. It takes me awhile to get down the boat ladder because I have to basically get used to the cold, which means becoming numb. But it does bring down the inner core temperature! We were floating around on the boat's bumpers which are actually used for  when we are docked somewhere so the side of the boat doesn't get all scratched up
And my husband put each of the dogs in too, one at time, just to cool them down. No photos as we were still in the water with them and my husband was helping them out of and then back into the boat.

And lunch was another chicken salad sandwich as well as some chips and grapes.

And today I had a beer, but I managed to photograph the side of the bottle not the front. 

This is what you'd see on the front  of the bottle or can.

As my husband says, you can't go wrong with an Old Brown Dog , if you like a brown beer that is. Hanging out at the beach is a relaxing way to spend part of a Sunday, and it was nice to be out and about but still socially distanced from others.
I do think my husband would have rather gone fishing, but even he admitted the seas were really rough at 3-5 feet. Which is big for a little boat.

Wishing Elizabeth another 7 years of T!
Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for the birthday party.

And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. Hi Erika, a very fun post!! I think is awesome that your dogs get to come along and enjoy the fun too-sounds like a perfect day on the water.
    I never did learn how to swim, I think I had poor teachers when I was young and was always afraid of the water. but I do love being around it just not In it haha.
    Happy T I love the beer can when my husband has a beer it is only the dark European type brews-great art page too hugs Kathy

  2. Love your beautiful journal page, too fun! And how lovely to go bathing, even if it was very cold in the water. You were brave! Your food and drinks sound great, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. It must have been fun to be out on the water. You were brave to go in! Brrrr. I love the page you created. My 2 year old grand-niece loves sunglasses. I gave her kiddie sunglasses in every color I could find for her 2nd birthday. She calls them eyes! Stay cool and Happy T Day

  4. Erika, this is a wonderful summer site, great so fun and also your photos of the excursion on the boat and the water palm, wonderful with your family!
    Happy week, hugs Elke

  5. A super post, I love your beach page and on your trip to the lake it looks like you took your own advice and did 'seize the day'. Good for you to go swimming in the cold lake water, the dogs would be enjoying themselves as well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Love your sunny, summer page Erika- great drawings! And oh how wonderful to spend the day on the boat and in the water near the beach! I'd even take a dip in the cold water. You are lucky you have been able to social distance. Have you seen photos(on the news) of the beaches in NJ, MD, and DE where we tend to go? People can be really stupid - it's no wonder COVID 19 is spiking again, and as much as I love the beach I won't put myself in such a crowded place.
    Happy T day!

  7. What a wonderful outing and so nice that you could park your boat out a ways and not have to deal with the crowd :) Happy T Tuesday!

  8. What a fun and inspiring journal page, Erika. I LOVE a good pun and this one has it all over the page. It's such a fun page and those sunglasses are great. Of course, that bikini is a hoot. I love it, but you would never catch me in it.

    Sounds like the perfect day on the water. It's too bad you have to cool your core temp because of the cold water. I fear I'd probably wait until I could dive in. I'm a diver, so that would be fun to hit the water that way. I promise I wouldn't splash you. I know how to control a dive, since I used to teach diving lessons when I was a red cross certified water safety instructor.

    Not sure what "brown" beer is, but I like stout. I fear brown is not dark enough to be stout.

    Thanks for sharing your journal page, your day on the lake, and your Old Brown Dog beer with us for T this anniversary Tuesday.

  9. Oh Erika thank you so so much for taking us with you and your family on your summer getaway! I very much needed this even virtually! Love the sunglasses so much! And that boat must be so much fun! Never riden a boat like that ever, only the wooden boats we use in island hopping here in our country :)

  10. Your Beach trip with the family looks so relaxing. Your lunch looks delicious and how fun that you were able to be on a boat.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. Your drawings are really fun, Erika. I'm loving your summer journal and your theme. When we can't get out and enjoy the typical summer fun, let's make art about it!

    Your boat picnic looks very inviting. I'd like to dive right in there with you, but I'd probably get hypothermia.

    Fun post.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  12. What a lovely way to enjoy the sun and relax! Even better when you get to share the fun with your family too 😀. Your meal and beer would suit my just fine, nothing better than locally brewed beer - yum! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  13. I´m late, and sorry, but, ohhh, thank you for sharing this boat adventure. And the beer :-)
    Sunnies... not required here, this is the worst summer I remember. So nice to see you out and about :-)

  14. Oh my gosh, I love your boating trip pictures, the picnic sounds fun, love that beer (wouldn't the labels look great on a page?), and your journal page is the perfect compliment to it all as you definitely seized the day. Sounds so fun and your page is super fun too. I want a sunglass die now and some chicken salad. Great post. Hugz

  15. It looks like a terrific day filled with love and fun. I am so, so glad you can spend time with your daughter. Lunch looks delish!

  16. Wonderful art and great photos Erika! Looks like a fun day out.
    Alison xx

  17. What a wonderful post! It looks like the perfect day on the water. Just looking at that water makes me feel cooler. You're very brave though going into that very cold lake.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  18. Lovely artwork. The water looks fantastic and refreshing to be in, with this heat we continue to have. Those choppy waves were probably due to Fay still moving out of the area. This Summer has been odd with rainfall. You very well could be getting a lot of rain. It's almost like there's a vortex or something over my area, and the rain goes west and east of us. Happy belated T-Day!

  19. I know it’s the theme, but I’m over anything that says hot, so water fun is great! Reminds me of our boating days, sigh.

  20. I love your page! Perfect summer attire if you don't have grey skies! We waited until half an hour ago for some blue sky to appear today! You certainly know how to cool of and your picnic looked wonderful! Belated Happy T Day! Hugs, Chrisx
    PS your ATC will be on it's way - I have your address from TIOT

  21. I love your artwork! Great drawing and die cuts. You are making me wish I could be on a boat! It looks like so much fun! Happy belated T Day!


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