Monday, July 27, 2020

T Stands for Happy Mail and More

Hello my fellow T ladies.  Today I have a lot to share in my post.
But before I forget, stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for T this week.

First of all, I received a fun envelope in the mail from our lovely hostess Elizabeth and her trusty sidekick Bleubeard.

And I also received a fantastic ATC from Linda,

Thank you so much ladies. You' re the best!
And  I am still waiting for another ATC that hasn't arrived yet but I was told was shipped from Chris who had my name for the swap. Hopefully it will be here next week so I can share that with you then
 And  for art today, I have another page for Art Journal Journey. My When It's Hot challenge runs until this Friday when the month ends.
And I want to say thank you to all of you who have joined in to date. I've enjoyed all the inspiring art so far!

 So my journal page today is all about watermelon which many people enjoy on hot summer days.

And my page works with my drink for this week.

I've made a few pitchers of this tea over the past week  and then kept each pitcher in the frig. It is really  a refreshing drink with ice during these very hot days we've been having. I've used the mug the school gave me for retirement as you can see to the right of the tea tin.

And as our weather has been very hot lately, so I've been inside baking a bit. I hate to see my electric bill next month for all the time the AC has been running.

I used up some bananas and also a zucchini and made some banana bread and a chocolate zucchini sheet cake.

I frosted the cake and added some chocolate sprinkles.

And I made some sourdough bread also.

Sorry to make some of you hungry!

And over the weekend I spent some time at my other-in-laws on lake. 

At least there was a nice breeze on the water.  And actually we had the place to ourselves since my MIL was at my sister-in-laws house for the weekend. That was the icing on the cake as they say.

 I wish all of you a Happy Tuesday! And thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. Hi Erika, beautiful atc you received. I love your watermelon page for the theme-perfect. we love watermelon here. and you found a tea with watermelon sounds good.
    glad you were able to spend time on the lake and yum lots of good baking at your house-hugs and Happy T Kathy

  2. Glad you liked the ATC- it was sent from the first link Elizabeth posted that we had asterisks by our names and that was the one I followed....and then the next week it changed with more asterisks and a different order of names - oh well. Elizabeth was truly generous with all the happy mail she sent out!
    Yummy baked goods- been doing some of that too:)
    MMM and I can about taste and smell the delicious watermelon flavor- both in the tea and your fun journal page! Happy T day!

  3. Sounds like you had a fun time, I haven't baked in ages, I don't have AC. Your cakes look great. Wonderful journal page, melon is always delicious. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. You're having a busy time with all that yummy baking Erika.
    Lovely swaps and a great, summery page.
    Alison xx

  5. Fun package to receive!

    Love your watermelon page - so screams hot summer day full of fun!

    Your food takes the show though! All of it looks amazing - especially that loaf of bread! I am impressed!!!!

  6. The NH lake looks so lovely. It was already 80 degrees on our outside porch at 6:30 am this morning. We should drive to NH! With that kind of heat, I can’t consider baking, but I can enjoy seeing yours. So glad you are retired with so much uncertainty in the schools. Love ice cold watermelon!

  7. Cool how you coordinated you page and your beverage. The tea sounds like an interesting combination. Mmm, your baked goodies look delicious. I'm waiting for our crop of zucchini to come in. The lake looks like a beautiful spot. Take care, stay cool, and Happy T Day

  8. What A Wonderful Post - You Sprinkled In All Kinds Of Tasty Photos - Very Peaceful And Well Done


  9. My mouth waters at the idea of the banana bread, and the journal page is so summer!

  10. Hi Erika! Thank you again for my ATC, I posted about it today too. You've been busy baking I see ~ Yum ~ I'll have to go to my trader Joe's and see if I can find that tea it sounds refreshing. Your journal page is bright and happy too. The lake getaway sounds like fun and I'm glad you enjoyed the breezes. Happy T day!

  11. Your happy mail is delightful. The "imagine" ATC is gorgeous. The texture and color... Nice! I'd love some of that tasty bread ;)

    That lake view is a peaceful scene.

  12. It's so much fun to get snail mail. Elizabeth went above and beyond this year. I love Linda's colorful card.

    Your watermelon page is da bomb! That wild color just smacks you in the eye. I love it!

    I'd sure like a taste of that sourdough bread. I bet it was nice to go to the lake for the weekend.

    Happy T-day and have a lovely week! Hugs, Eileen

  13. I have this theory about my internet. It knows exactly when it's Monday at 4 pm, so it immediately goes offline. ATT said they'd send someone Tuesday morning between 8 and noon. Looks like they did, since I'm now online.

    Linda's ATC is gorgeous. I like it as much as the one she sent me. The reason for the post card is because I know how much you like visiting the southwest and this was the closest I could find. Yes, I chose this one especially for you.

    You are really making me hungry with your watermelon journal entry. I love it and it's true that watermelon has a cooling effect on the palette. Thanks for yet another inspiring entry at Art Journal Journey using your theme.

    And now I'm really, really hungry. I love both banana and zucchini bread. And that cake is out of this world. Of course, the watermelon mint black tea sounds incredible, too. Thanks for sharing your art, your ATCs, and your baked goods and drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

  14. A beautiful ATC from Linda. And what a fun journal page. I love all those watermelons. Nothing quite says summer like a slice of juicy watermelon. Yum!
    That is a wonderful way to spend hot days. All of your bakes look mouthwatering and i can imagine that they didn't last long.
    What a beautiful view at the lake. How fun that you had a relaxing weekend to yourselves.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Such beautiful ATCs and goodies! Wow, that's a lot of yummy baking too 😁. I'd love to try a bit of each please with my cuppa, although I'm visiting a bit late so maybe I could pop over tomorrow instead 😀. I'm loving your happy watermelon page too and I bet the tea is so refreshing on a hot summers day too, as well as being by the lake - perfect! Happy 7th Anniversary and T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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  17. Iced tea sounds like a great idea on these hot days. You must have very good A/C to be able to bake those delicious-looking cakes!

    be well... mae at

  18. I looove watermelon, though this year they are tasteless - crazy "summer".
    And. I absolutely want you to avoid to order Rollmops by accident!
    Labskaus is a dish like this: Mashed potatoes, corned beef, gherkin, beetroot, fried egg. In the North of Germany with Rollmops. That´s a pickled herring!!! Ewwww.
    I once nearly ordered Kutteln. Sounded so yummy, luckily I asked - you call it Tripe... help! ;-)

  19. Wow lovely gifts and art. The watermelon tea sounds so good. But cake and bread yum how can you go wrong with that?

  20. Your baking has my mouth watering! And that watermelon mint iced tea sounds so refreshing and delicious. What a fun post -- you've been seriously busy!

  21. I love your water melon page! The way you've lined the letters with white. I love it. The colour really screams: Hot!!
    Your special tea sounds just the ticket for hot weather.
    Your cakes look really yummy. Yes, you have made me hungry (it's 5:30), but I have made some banana/choc cake too and I will just cut a slice from mine. (and pretend it's yours). Thanks.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  22. I love your watermelon page. Linda's ATC was a treat - I have done the same as Linda as I had two asterisked names. Your baking does look so good - I've never had much success with baking sourdough bread.
    Love how the sun is shining on the lake! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  23. I love watermelon but I don't get to eat it very often.
    You've been busy! Lots of baking...I love baking but when you live on your own you end up eating too much if you bake much, so I have given up after all my initial Lockdown baking for neighbours, lol. I got to enjoy my ginger cake way too much...
    As for sourdough. The weather has been so unstable here that both my attempted starters failed abysmally. I was so disappointed with the first one because it was doing really, really well, but on the last day, it had loads of brown fluid in it - ichor they call it. The temperature was so low it killed it off, even though I tried to rejuvenate it. Yours looks FAB! I'd even try white bread for a taste, lol.

    Love your journal page...

    Cath x

  24. Hi Erika! I thought I left a message here yesterday? I just received an ATC from Chris, I think she sent it to me by mistake! I'll forward it on to you if your send me your address. Thanks ~ Love, Karen

  25. had a smile at the thought of melon juice, it does get everywhere, but is so refreshing.
    Your baked cakes looked delicious.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Fun goodies to receive. Your artwork looks lovely. Your food looks delicious. The lake looks cool and inviting. (Still dry and hot here in CT.) Happy belated T-Day!


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