Monday, July 20, 2020

T Stands for More of the Same

Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday and Happy T day again.  Wasn't it just last Tuesday?

Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog for this week's T party.
And I want to send out big thanks to Elizabeth and Linda for the fun happy mail. I will share those next week when we share our party ATCs.

I am going to start today's post with my next piece for my When It's Hot challenge at Art Journal Journey There's still over a week of the month left and plenty of time to play along.

My page is an ode to 3 things- picnics, the beach and if you can get or like to eat lobster rolls.

Today for T,  I can share the picnic and the beach with you, but sorry, no lobster rolls. I think it is time to visit Pop's again for one.
As my title referenced, we are back in our boat. It's only my husband, myself and the 2 dogs on the voyage this past Saturday.

This week for lunch we switched it up a bit and had Italian cold cuts, cheese and tomatoes. In hot dog rolls. I guess it is time to go back to the grocery store and shop. Smile. Some of my supplies are getting low.

And for dessert, we have another pack of cookies. I bought a big box of them at Costco earlier this season just for this reason. They are very handy to take on the boat.

And this week's drink is a cold Switchback Ale which is brewed in Burlington, Vermont and is a very good beer. The label on mine could a bit pushed together on the top.

It was another hot day on the water. We did do a bit of mackerel fishing first. When we arrived we each put in our fishing lines. Within 30 seconds my husband caught 4 (there are multiple hooks on a mackerel line), and I caught one. Then we fished for another hour and didn't even get 1 bite.

My husband's boat is made for fishing so it has a wet well. The wet well  pumps in fresh oxygenated water to keep the fish alive. Sometimes we take mackerel home to eat (I like them a lot, the hubby not so much) and sometimes we fish with them. But this time they merely kept Maddie fascinated whenever someone would lift the lid until we decided we were done for the day. I then threw them back in to live another day. 

Maddie is really into the fish.

And no photos but we went for a dip into the ocean to cool off.

And maybe I've inspired you to get a boat.  The beach is near a pricey marina and this "boat", the Lady Kath, is docked there every summer. This year she has a for sale sign on her. 

We looked it up online, and the price is a mere 6.5 million US dollars. She is registered in the Cayman Islands so I wonder who is using some kind of offshore tax break.
So if you're looking for comfort and style and have a fortune to spend, maybe you'd be interested.  SMILE!

And here's a few other boats. We saw the tow boat out. Someone's engine must have died.

 And there were quite a few lobstermen out too. Getting those lobsters for those lobster rolls people buy.

Below, this is the tourist boat that goes around the harbor.  We always laugh and say no voyage is complete if we don't see the Heritage. Saturday was no exception.

And we are wondering if these next 2 photos are for  some kind of experiment of photoshoot set up. Or maybe real, but in our 11 years of boating here we have never even seen a boat here. It would have been anchored really close to shore for this to happen.

Things just look a little too nicely set up and I don't think anyone would lobster that close to tide line.

I like this photo. 

And how about something REALLY big, even bigger than the Lady Kath.

Hope you have a great T day. Thanks for stopping by


  1. A gorgeous page, Erika. You know how much you inspire me!
    Sorry I haven't visited you recently and I was VERY busy (I still am, until the end of the month).
    Hugs, my dear friend.

  2. Did you say $6.5 Million? Too bad!

    You seem to have had a wonderful day on the water. Good way to keep yourselves from contagion. I like all your photos.

    be well... mae at

  3. I really like your latest journal page. I love the sentiment you shared, too. I think winter is the best time for a picnic because the ants have gone away or in their ant holes by then. But I do love the page and it's great for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I could live on that boat. I think it would be fun, but I know I'd need to hire others if I were to take it anywhere on a real trip. It's certainly a beauty, though. Now if I could just get them down to say 4 MIL, I might consider it (GRIN)!!!

    I enjoyed watching Maddie checking out the fish. I don't think I've ever had mackerel, but I'm actually partial to white fish. Those were so small, at least from what I saw, once you got them dressed, they would have only been about four bites each (grin). You were wise to throw them back.

    That boat really DOES look out of p9lace, but it also looks like there is construction of some kind going on. You'll have to let us know more about this in the coming weeks, please.

    Your cold cuts actually look good, so I must be hungry for meat and cheese. I know you prefer a lighter beer like ale, so I'm sure that tasted good. Thanks for sharing your journal page, your time on the boat, and your beer with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear Erika.

  4. Lobster rolls....oh please have one for me when you get to Pops!! Your beach/ lobster themed art is wonderful.
    LOVE all the boats and yacht photos! When we were in Palm Beach last winter we saw yachts like this one that is for sale- and even bigger more expensive ones, and they are nice, and extravagant but in all honesty I love the charm of the small ones like the schooners and the lobster and fishing boats.
    So cute how your dogs are both keeping a good eye on the mackerel:):)
    Thanks for sharing your summer adventure , and happy T day!

  5. Hi Erika, I really enjoyed all of your lake views-sounds like a very fun day out on your boat. would you believe we have many boats like the Lady Kath here on our lake-just craziness to see these ocean boats on our lake. we found out it is a tax break for them since our lake is registered as navigateble waters.
    great idea to bring along a picnic lunch.
    Great journal page too-Happy T hugs Kathy

  6. What a great page! I really love the lobsters in the background.

    Beautiful boats. Sounds like a great way to spend some money if one has some extra. I love the idea but dislike the maintenance that would be involved.

    Happy Tea Day,

  7. Wonderful shots of the sea and boats, very cooling in hot weather, you are lucky to have that boat and be able to get out. I just have my feet and the possibility to walk! Love the way Maddie is eyeing the fish, too funny! And your picnic looks great. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  8. Yay to the first two. Had lobster once. Not sure?
    The ale: here! Please ;-)
    But... mackerel ... Ingo once caught one in Carnarvon, Western Australia, it was awful!!
    Beautiful, beautiful boat pics (apart from those two, ohhh, hope it was a hoax?).
    Heating is on here - in July!!!
    A happy T-day, enjoy!

  9. Great page and wonderful photos Erika! Glad you put the fish back.
    Alison xx

  10. Hot dog buns make excellent sandwich rolls, or at least they do here ;) That looks tasty. I think for that amount of money I'd find something else to buy -a lot of something elses lol Those sailboats make a lovely scene, and the way the colors of water and sky blend at the horizon... gorgeous!

  11. Great set of photos. The water is a nice place to be when it's hot. I like how your dog is curious about the fish in the container. I agree with you about that boat on the shore: it looks staged. Maybe they're filming a movie or something? Happy T-Day!

  12. I love your lobster (roll) page! Hoping The Young One decides on lobster rolls from the 99 for her birthday dinner today. Looks like a fine time out on the boat. I've never had mackerel. If I had some chump change, the Lady Kath would be a fine purchase. The boat that ran aground looks like a movie set? Love the picture of the sailboats. Take care and have a Happy T Day

  13. I received my ATC! Thank you for the extra surprises as well ~ Fantastic shots of your boating excursion ~ We love to boat and fish and eat lobster too :) I can't say I have 6 mil to spend on a new boat though! ~ Enjoy your week

  14. What a great post! I grew up in a harbour city (Rotterdam) and love watching the boats, great and small.
    Yes, I love mackerel. It's an oily fish and as such quite healthy (fish oils) and I like the taste. My favorite is smoked mackerel but here in this part of Spain, people don't smoke food.
    As for picnics? I love picnics as long as I have somewhere to sit (dry and safe). Picnics make even the most ordinary and modest lunches taste like a feast.
    As for the Lady Kath? No thank you! It's purely a status symbol and if I had that sort of money, I would certainly not spend it on a yacht like that.
    Wishing you a very happy T-Day,

  15. Holy mackerel, that was a lucky 30 seconds.

    For sale signs - a sign of the times.

    I agree that the lobster boat run aground looks staged. I hope you'll let us know if you learn more or have any celebrity sightings.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  16. Such a fabulous page! I love Maine lobster and you reminded me of the time when we did the tourist thing and went lobster fishing when we were in Portland, Maine - it was so interesting and such fun 😀. Loving your lunch, I would have been happy to join you especialky if I got to ride on your boat, I love being on the water 😀. Mackerel are one of my favourites, we buy them at a local market and I dust them lightly in flour and Cajun spice then pan fry them and serve them in a deli roll with mayo or tartare sauce (with a side of sweet potato fries) - so yummy! Take care and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  17. I love your lobster page! We eat oily fish at least once a week - mackerel (smoked) is one of our favourites! Yours did look quite small! I enjoyed seeing the boats around - is that expensive one a Sunseeker? There must surely be a story behind why that boat was so close to the tideline. Happy T Day! Chrisx

  18. Love your page and what is written on it! We had a "pick up picnic " for the 4th of July this year, since the event couldn't be held this year because of Covid19.
    I enjoyed all your sea photos. If I had that much money, I sure wouldn't spend it on one boat! I could get by with a smaller one. Love that you can go boating and picnicking! Thanks for sharing! Happy T Day!

  19. This day looks like my idea of heaven. Boats, fish, lobster rolls. Oh, I wish we could get a good lobster roll here! Count your blessings on that one!

  20. Another fabulous page for your AJJ theme, I also loved seeing all the photos of your latest trip to the lake. I'll pass on thinking of buying a boat, gosh.. some are so expensive I wonder what their house price would be or was all the money spent on the boat.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Lady Kath looks just the boat for me - shame I don't have the money!
    So nice to read about your time on the boat and see the dogs enjoying it too - especially with the fish well
    I remember seeing mackerel fishing in Cornwall many years ago, a little girl was doing fine and just taking them off the hook and bashing them on the rocks - ugh! I couldn't do that as an adult never mind as a child. Mind you I do like eating mackerel, especially smoked.
    Love your page - lobster rolls, yum yum yum. Nice background for the lobsters and the writing and i do like the way you have written the word 'Beach' - it is just perfect for the subject.
    Gosh all that food reminds me I have not head breakfast yet. Off to see what I can have.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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