Sunday, July 19, 2020

Desert Heat

Hi everyone. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

I'm back with another Art Journal Journey page for my When It's Hot challenge.  Today my page started with a scrap of cacti printed tissue paper. 
The dessert is (obviously) hot in the summer sun. It is that sneaky dry heat though. When it is hot here in New Hampshire and you sweat, it is like you just stepped out of the water. You clothes get wet right through and drops of water fall off your face. In the desert, though you sweat, you don't seem to get quite as drenched, because the air is so dry it evaporates the moisture quickly. (It's called diffusion/osmosis if you are a science geek like me). 
And I know many of you are reading this saying "Of course. That's why it is a desert. " And wherever you live, you know about summer like heat from some year or another. Or maybe you always deal with summer heat. Just bear with me please.
That is all part of my inspiration for this page.

I used the southwestern Native American sun image as the centerpiece of my page, adding a few details to it.  I've spent some time in the summer in the desert, and maybe green was NOT a good color of choice from the center of my page because there isn't a lot of green. But this is my page and I like the green.

And for some reason I thought of this old song by the 1970's band America.
"I've been to the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to get out of the rain..."

So I stamped this horse across the bottom.
This is a fantasy page for me since I'm, as well as many other people, are not traveling far this summer. I do miss having that change of scenery though.

And that's enough said.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I know that song about the horse with no name. And It's a great title for your wonderful, happy page. When I was living in Israel the heat in the coastal cities was unbelievable as there was always very high humidity, but in the Negev it was bearable, although it was hotter, and the evenings and nights were always great. Here hot usually means sweaty-hot, too, and I don't like it! Have a great Sunday, hugs, valerie

  2. Great journal page Erika, and don't be afraid to watch the movie I shared-the end is very happy tears I should have expected it but I didn't

  3. Fabulous page! Loving all those cacti and the south western images - perfect 😀. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  4. Great page Erika! I love the colourful cacti, and the song reference with the horses, I'll be singing that now.
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  5. This is amazing. I like it beginning with the cactus tissue paper you used in the background. I also love that Native American sun image because it reminds me of the one used on the Wichita flag, as well as the flag of New Mexico. Had to laugh at the horse with no name. I'll be singing that song all night long, now. It's amazing when it 105 F in Kansas, the heat index is about 110 to 112, while if it's 105 F in New Mexico, the heat index is actually lower, like 95-98 F. That's what dry heat will do for you. Love the geek speak, too. It's a really great journal entry for your theme at Art Journal Journey, Erika. I really like this one a LOT.

  6. Your page would make a wonderful wrapping paper design. The sun symbol and horse stamp are fabulous. No dry heat for us today. Stay cool until the break comes mid-week.

  7. Super love the sun depiction you chose Erika! It reminds me of the sun on New Mexico's flag! gorgeous artwork as always. Sending hugs from the Philippines!

  8. I know that song! It does go well with your desert art :) We're getting humidity that takes the heat index up to 110 some days, but I'm still thinking the desert would be harder because of the lack of water.

  9. Thanks for the "Horse with no name" ear worm, Erika.

    Cacti grow in the desert so green isn't a bad choice. I like the happy background.

    Where I grew up (WI), summers were hot and humid. Where I live now, they're hot and dry. It doesn't feel as hot - that diffusion/osmosis thing. But man, what dry heat does to your skin. I buy body lotion by the gallon (slight exaggeration).

    Hugs, Eileen

  10. Until the psst few days we've had a remarkable lack of humidity. Now it's a little thicker with all the wet. The lack of it would be the desert's great benefit!

  11. First - thanks for the ear worm!! This really is a fabulous page ! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. A fantastic page Erika, sorry I am late catching up.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Love that song and although I don't know many of the words it is going around and around in my head now.
    Of course, it is your page and so you can do what you want with it, besides which I like the green which you have used, it works so well with the cacti and the colourful pots really make the page pop as wells as linking in with the flowers of the cacti.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps thanks for the lesson on diffusion x


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