Saturday, July 18, 2020

Time to Take A Walk

Hi everyone.
We've had a couple of wonderful summer days this past week. Warm but not too hot, low humidity.  I just came in from gardening and it is just gorgeous right now also. Yesterday was rather grey and dry. We could have used some more rain but none fell.  This has been a weird summer because it seems some people are getting rain and some are not. Even in a close vicinity. 
 The real steamy weather is due to return. I'm not a fan of high humidity.  It keeps you inside a closed house with AC running, but at least you can be cool. (And I know many of you don't have AC so I can feel for you.)

So today I have another page from my When It's Hot Journal for Art Journal Journey.  I switched up the page direction this time as well as using some yellow and green to ink my background. I'm not too crazy about that background, but I wanted something so this vintage postcard would stand out. 
This postcard is actually from a package of TH ephemera. I liked it because it reminded me of my morning walk. I suppose I should add a little person on the road. That would actually finish it off.

Doesn't the postcard look similar?
I stamped the boots as well as the footprints and quote.
I don't actually wear the big hiking boots to take my walk, but on my road you certainly could at some times of the year.

Unfortunately with the increase in temperature and humidity I probably won't get out walking until it cools back down. (grumble and groan). I worry about the dogs in their fur coats and walking in the woods as I do, the humidity brings out the deer flies and mosquitoes in droves. 
The hubby told me  he heard that this week is usually the hottest of year,  so I guess I just can't fight mother nature.  Smile.

Have a great Saturday!


  1. The post card and the photo do look alike. Its a fabulous page Erika and I van imagine how lovely it must have been walking down the leaft lane. A wonderful page for your AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Your journal page is gorgeous, and it really does look like your road. And the hiking boots look like mine, I love wearing them, but not in this weather! Sorry the weather is still so hot for you, and hope your allergies are behaving! It's warm here today, so had a nice walk along the Rhine this morning and through the fields this afternoon. Now it's crafty time! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Yes, the woods are always a good way to keep out of the sun - well at any time really.. I love how you added footprints and boots! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. Your post made me smile. Thank you.

  5. I love scenes like this. My mother sketched one such on her honeymoon in Minnesota, and I still have it. It's a favorite type of scene for postcards, too.

    be well... mae at

  6. The post card does look like your view as you walk. It could be the same road. We're having heat here, too, with a heat index into the 100s. Hot and humid, but we're used to it. It'll be Autumn before we know it, I imagine.

  7. Your journal page reminds me of Jo. I tell her I'm always amazed at how her life is interpreted on her journal pages. Your journal page and your photo taken near your home are very similar. It's wonderful and really clever. So sweet of you to add it to this month's entries at Art Journal Journey using your theme.

    I walk outside and get eaten by mosquitoes and chased by flies. The heat and humidity are relentless, even at night. I can't seem to get out from under my AC in the office. My whole house AC is working overtime and not keeping up too well. Have a super weekend and please take care, dear.

  8. The first two words on your artwork, BOOM. Earworm!
    AC. Haha. We have the heating on (not kidding). Send some temps over if you like! it might get warm, but not hot...
    Hups, Sunday over here already, I´m late - enjoy yours despite the heat. To no mossie-bites!

  9. A gorgeous page Erika! We're due for some rain today, but the weather was fine for our walk this morning. We were thrilled to spot the heron taking flight by the golf course lake today 😊
    Happy Sunday xx

  10. Beautiful similarity and perfect page elements. I want to move to NH! Southern NJ has been unbearable.

  11. Ticks, too, for the dogs. Yes,not a good idea for two many deep woods walks these days, as delightful as they sound. Batten the hatches. If rainy weather moves east, you may be in for some doozies of rain and thunderstorms with high winds. I know we needed rain but now we need a break!

  12. This is a super page, Erika. I love the boots stamping (or is it stomping?) across the page. I think the background colors are perfect to make the cool vintage postcard stand out.

    I love this page!

    Hugs, Eileen

  13. That was truly inspired! I love how you added those footprints and the boots in the corner - really sets the page off and adds so much to the photo\postcard.
    I think your background is just right, you didn't want anything too strong to detract from what you were telling and it allows us to see the picture and the footprints in all their glory.
    Yes, looks like your road!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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