Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Friday Walk Photos

 Hi everyone. Hope your weekend is going well.

This past Friday was a gorgeous day. and one of my work friends and her sister were coming my direction to walk some of the Wolfeboro Rail trail. The trail runs 12 miles or a little over 19 kilometers between the towns of Wolfeboro and Wakefield, New Hampshire.  I've walked some of it before, and shown you photos too, but  always in either spring or fall. When they asked me along, they didn't have to twist my arm to go.  We ended up walking over 5 miles round trip ( over 8 km and over 15,000 steps for me). I had to head back as it was Friday, and I was going boating with my husband that afternoon. They'd decided it was lunch time so they turned around with me and the 3 of us walked back.

I know many of you are familiar with rail trails. If you're not, they are old railroad beds turned into walking, biking, running, cross country skiing trails. Almost all of this trail is a nicely paved and flat walking surface. And this rail trail  passes 3 lakes so the views are really nice too.
The first is Back Bay in Wolfeboro (where we started), which is a little bay on the Big Lake/Lake Winnipesaukee.  The jump on the right is for a local water ski club. I'm not sure with social distancing if it's getting used this summer.
And in that section you pass a few "developed" spots.
This is the third lake, Lake Wentworth.  This one of the town of  Wolfeboro's  beaches, Albee Beach. I had never been here before so we checked it out, and it is a gorgeous.  There were lots of trees so you didn't have to sit in the sun and the swimming area was really sandy.
More of Albee beach.
Past the beach the trail becomes the Cotton Valley Rail trail, and I loved this mailbox set up.
Not much of a photo below, but this red flower jumped out at us. It looked like a phlox.
More of Lake Wentworth along the trail
And the middle lake is Crescent Lake. I must admit the people in the water made it look tempting to me to jump in too. I snapped this as we were on the way back.
And this pretty patch of lily pads in bloom, though my photo isn't great as I was using my phone.
And on part of the trail there are these wonderful benches if you want to rest. I love the quote from the famous poem  on this one.
And if you like to read placards, there are also some of those. I learned a bit this time because we stopped to read them.

I'm ready to go again.  Too bad this week is suppose to be hot and humid again. I think this fall when the tourists vacate and the days are cooler I will try to make an effort to get back more and walk.

That's all for me today. I am taking an art break.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Looks like you had a great walk along the trail. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Great post Erika, loved the photos.
    Avril xx

  3. Wonderful photos! I know of this place and someone who once lived in Wolfeboro. But she moved to FL. What was she thinking?!!!

  4. What a nice variety of sights along that trail! I love how much of it provides a view of a lake. Nice!

  5. wow what a lovely place to walk-I enjoyed all the views

  6. Such Lovely Photos - Thank You


  7. :-) "they didn't have to twist my arm to go" sure made me giggle!
    YES. We have the "Ringgleis", old trails like these. Oh, I´d like to jump into the water (if not too cold!!!).
    Yes, again. The best is yet to be, I so hope, or do I hope for too much (I had a wonderful life so far).
    Hot, hot, hot here, too-huuuu, yipee!

  8. You have had a great walking around fantastic scenery. Thank you for sharing the details and photos ☺️
    Wishing you happy week ahead ❤️

  9. That was a wonderful walk along the rail trail. I almost felt as if I was on holiday. A walk with water views is marvellous, I think. I also loved the reddish house and the yellow flowers. Thanks for these great photos, Erika, much appreciated.

  10. It looks like you had a very pleasant walk with your friends Erika, the photos looked lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  11. What a gorgeous trail, Erika. I can only imagine how glorious it is to walk this and have so many fun places to stop and look. I would have wanted to jump in too, especially after a long walk. That had to be a healing, lovely afternoon and good to be with friends.

  12. Hi Erika, we will be spending 3 days in Wolfeboro the week of Aug 17 and would enjoy walking this rail trail, Hopefully the weather won't be as hot as this week. I left a comment on a previous post about our visit and perhaps if you are close enough, we can meet-up. Feel free to send me an email reply or comment on my blog as I check comments daily. Thanks.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!