Tuesday, August 11, 2020

T Stands for a Computer with some Issues and Some Normal Things

 Hi everyone.  

First I need to grumble for a minute.  My computer went through a major  update yesterday. It took all day to update, and I had no internet while it updated. Now it is telling me my fan is not working, and it may shut down at any moment. Hmmm. Hopefully I can write this post in completion. I know this is a small issue in the things of life. Especially with Elizabeth's on and off internet  which makes my small computer issue not even worth mentioning.  

It is not posting correctly so please ignore the one that says Bleubeard and Elizabeth. I had to post for her yesterday evening on AJJ and even though I changed the name back to mine, it  posted differently. I'm not sure if this is from the update/my computer or the new blogger being finicky.  

Sorry to complain, but sometimes it just feels good to get it off your chest so  thank you for "listening".

So although not technically late for T, I am late for me. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to share your drink related photo

Onto the good things.

So last week I ventured out a bit.  When my daughter was home on Tuesday we went shopping, in a selective manner. We wore our masks and picked stores that weren't too crowded, and if we went  in and one of us was uncomfortable we left. We were just in our local area so there weren't too many stores to pick from, but we did go to a fabric store and get some fabric. My daughter is making us some new masks, seeing the ones she made before are with Christmas fabric which is what she had on hand. When I get mine I will show you the new collection.

And Wednesday after my allergy shot for my hives (thanks to all of you who wished me well-still having good days and bad days), I met up with my friend Deb for lunch. She lives halfway between my home and the allergist. We went to a new place I had never been before, and  we sat outside to eat.

This is the front of Harvey's Bakery in downtown Dover, New Hampshire. 

They had some tempting dishes on their outdoor sign.

But they also had a special on their lunch menu, and I know some of you have been waiting for me to post one of these. (hee-hee).

Yup, I finally had my second of summer lobster roll. The last one was Mother's Day.  You can just make out the water I had for a drink the background. I have to say this lobster roll was $5 cheaper than Pop's and came with a bakery dessert too. (I took my slice of  pie home and my friend didn't want her dessert so I took hers home for the hubby.)   Maybe not quite so much lobster, but  still plenty.  You can tell Harvey's Bakery is not in a touristy area like where I live.

And lucky the end of last week wasn't quite so hot and humid, which we are back into today.

And on Sunday my husband and I had our ice cream for lunch, our new Sunday activity. This week I had lemon berry shortcake.

And once again I apologize if I have made anyone hungry.

And finally I have a collaged page for Alison's Pocket and Tag theme at Art Journal Journey

Can you see the TH "dog tag" style tag I added? 

That's enough for me. Wishing you all a happy new week and hope your Tuesday is going well.


  1. I have had computer woes too-perhaps its this hot weather gotta blame it on something haha Nice you were able to get out to some shops with your daughter. My Mom and I way back in the 60s did allot of fabric shopping we made our own clothes back then-My Mom always made most of all her own clothes even her lingerie she was a master seamstress.
    Your lobster looks soooo delicious I have never had lobster. and yum ice cream we love ice cream too Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. Yes, at times you have to get it out and especially these days computer issues mean no contact!

    Yes! You made me hungry!!! Buuuuut! I have 1/2 Falafel in the fridge from lunch, yipeee!
    What I need now is courage... Happy T-day to you!

  3. What a delicious meal it was and the dessert too! Nice that you met with your daughter. I'm sorry about the computer problem and I had to get the crap out of it.
    Hopefully the problem will be resolved at some point.
    Your side looks beautiful, enchanted and very lovable! I love how you put it together creatively!
    Have a good week, hugs Elke

  4. Sorry to hear about the computer problems, I had that update last week, but it hasn't improved my garbage heap of computer. And my printer is broken. If I can't get it working I will just pack it in!Your food looks great, glad you got out and had some family fun! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Your T Day posts always make me hungry ... lol 😀. What could be better than a lobster roll - yum! The lemon berry shortcake ice cream looks so delicious too! Your page looks amazing too, hope you're computer problems are all fixed. I know how you feel my tablet had a meltdown last month and had to have a factory reset so it took a while for me to get everything reprogrammed. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. The computer problem we are having is the most important computer problem ;) and is always worth mentioning just so we can all commiserate.

    I enjoy hearing how people are managing during these days, judging risk, and doing what they can safely. I think short trips and eating outside are great compromises.

    Blueberry season! They have a lot of tasty-sounding seasonal treats. Ice cream for lunch sounds like a treat I should adopt. There are so many flavors I've never tried... I love that lady's hat, with all the flowers. So pretty! Happy T Tuesday

  7. The lobster roll looks amazing Erika! And I love your beautiful page for my AJJ theme!
    Alison xx

  8. As you know we have begun getting out a bit as you are- but no lobster rolls where we've been:( Thanks for sharing yours- I can just imagine biting into it! I have lots of fabric but no more elastic and i like the ones that I can put behind my ears. Must see if I can find some anywhere...
    Beautiful collage page - I love that vintage girl image with the hydrangea headdress! Happy T day!

  9. Happy T-Day! (I'm leaving a generic comment for everyone this week, because I'm very sore after each day's storm clean up efforts. Tropical Storm Isaias clobbered Connecticut US August 4, 2020.)

  10. Computer issues are the worst news, aside from Internet woes and trying to work with blogger some days, but as you said Erika all of these are the "small stuff" these days (sigh). I really liked the blueberry treats and that lobster roll looked sooo good. But then the Sunday ice cream treat was also so delicious looking especially on this 95-degree day! We will be spending a few days in Wolfeboro, NH, as an anniversary treat to ourselves...anywhere near you? It would be fun to meet, if we can work something out.

  11. Complain away, Erika. All the T-ladies know how frustrating computers and the internet can be. I hope the allergy shots clear up your hives soon.

    Lobster roll - yummy, yummy!

    For Chris' birthday last week, I somehow managed to make Caribbean lobster taste like cold water lobster! We are two happy campers! I hope it wasn't just a fluke.

    Your ice cream looks delicious too.

    Very cute page. Yes, I saw the the right away.

    Happy T-day and have a lovely week! Hugs, Eileen

  12. You are forgiven for making me crave lobster, which doesn't live in the Great Lakes where I could get it. My granddaughter is in Nantucket: maybe she will eat some lobster in my honor.

    All those blueberry treats also look great, but we do have blueberries here so maybe I'll get some ideas.

    Good luck with curing the computer and your own ills as well.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  13. You are forgiven for making me crave lobster, which doesn't live in the Great Lakes where I could get it. My granddaughter is in Nantucket: maybe she will eat some lobster in my honor.

    All those blueberry treats also look great, but we do have blueberries here so maybe I'll get some ideas.

    Good luck with curing the computer and your own ills as well.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  14. I certainly am drooling after all the delicious looking food you posted. Yum!!!
    Glad that you were able to get out and have an enjoyable day with your daughter.
    Your journal page is lovely. I especially like that girl with the headdress of flowers.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Updates are just the pits. Oh, boy, that lobster roll looks fantastic and dessert, too. I just had some ice cream, not as good as yours as mine was the store brand. And not even ice cream. I noticed the packaging said frozen dairy dessert. Oh and all the blueberry options on the sandwich board. Now I want blueberries. I hope the computer woes are fixed. Take care, stay cool, Happy T Day

  16. My laptop is starting to get moody and all blueberries are making my mouth water.

  17. Be still my heart. I'm dying for that lobster roll!

    Sorry about your computer issues. I feel like I could be next in the line of our friends who are having issues, though still going. I'm glad you are (hopefully) fixed, although that fan is disturbing. Good luck!

  18. I am so envious! I want a lobster roll! Besides our son, my favorite thing in Maine was lobster roll! LOL But I also love blueberries! blueberry anything!
    On computers! Everytime my laptop updates on it's own, doesn't even give me a choice, it changes things, or even deletes things!!!! And, Blogger has changed. I can't figure out how to edit anymore.
    Oh well, Happy Belated T Day!

  19. My husband must have had that same update. It took all day and then things were just not right. Your outing looks lovely. What a nice bakery. We are going to pick blueberries the end of the week. Have a nice day.

  20. A super post Erika and a good moan now and again helps to put things into order. I enjoyed reading your post and seeing the photo of your yummy lobster roll.
    I love the journal page you created as well, super inspiration for Alison's AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Well Erika, I will forgive you for making my taste buds tingle as I made my way to your lovely artwork. Oh that lobster - it looks fantastic, not something I get to eat here - it is so expensive in the restaurants.
    Guess what? I love blueberries and blueberry pie is one of my favourite desserts. I so enjoyed closing my eyes and pretending I was eating all those delicious things.
    It was worth waiting for when i got to the collage page, lovely papers and what a gorgeous young lady. I just adore her head-dress, the colours are so pretty and blend in with the background so well.
    Love the touch of the gilded swan.
    hugs, Neet xx


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