Thursday, August 6, 2020

Art for Me

Hi everyone. 
It's been a busy week for me, but luckily back on Monday I had a nice chunk of time and I finished up a lot of half done projects last time I was in the studio, so that means I have some art to show you.

I am still working on my retirement book. Not quite done, but I'm getting close. I wish I had actually put one more signature into the book because I keep finding things to add. Of course after 35 years that is not a surprise if I really think about it.

So this first spread began on the left with a magazine cover because I liked the women and I also used to read the Science News magazines which showed up in our department.  The teacher card is from a pack of Old Maid game cards.(They used to be my daughter's and when she outgrew the game I decided they would be good art bits.)  I added the name sticker because when I was single and my last name was Anderson, everyone always called me Mrs. Anderson. Then I got married and decided to change my name to Nelson (as it was similar enough culturally and in sound to Anderson), everyone started calling me Miss Nelson. (Even though I prefer Ms). Go figure on that one.
I drew and cut out the tote bag for the evolving man tag on my page. Is it stretching it to link it up to Alison's pockets and tags challenge at Art Journal Journey?
The quote on the right is a page I pulled out of  a calendar planner I had on my desk and used as a plan book for my classes.
And here's the other side of the spread. 

I added the armadillo to the quote and created the right page as  to remember how the school year ended.  (And my career too!) 
The page below  has some bits and pieces. The flower was one that some girls made me to decorate for my room for spring.  You can see the entire chain they made hanging on the doorway. I've been using these in my book. This one I decorated with a punched out school seal and also added some words that related to teaching.

The ribbons came off my retirement mug when it was gift wrapped. The little key is one they didn't ask me to return. It opened the lab cabinets in my room. The fox was a sticker on my school laptop and the car is cut out of the periodic table poster I am using bits from as decorations in my journal.

And finally for today, a page made with the cover of our school yearly agenda book. Everyone gets one, kids and staff. I added the school mission statement  and an older photo of me from school pictures, as well as the some border from the periodic table poster I am cutting apart. 

It is fun making this book and having a chance to relive some past moments. I do have to say though, I am so glad to be retired and not have to go back and deal with school during the Covid-19 era. I know it will still be weird come another few weeks when school is back and I don't have to deal with it, but if September is even half as busy as this summer has been, I'll be having too much fun to miss work. Even if it is me being busy at home.  And I think by then I will feel more retired. It is a process, isn't it?

Enough for me. Have a great rest of your day and thanks for visiting.


  1. I wish I had an art journal when I finished school - I didn't even start crafting until my Mum died in the December of my first term of being retired and it was the desire to record pictures of her that spurred me to start a scrapbook. I think you will definitely feel retired in September - for me it was then end of the school holiday that made me realise - no more school! Slightly different for you as you weren't actually in the school building.
    I love these pages - the flower is my favourite as it uses something the students made and it also has such brilliant words!
    Hugs, Chrisx

  2. You have made lots of fun art today, glad you had time to play in your journals. Had to laugh at your story of the names! So Mrs/ms/ miss Erika, I wish you a fun day with lots of time for painting and relaxing. Here it's very hot, not my fave, but I can't change it! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I love your creativity and this book will be a good read for sure.

  4. Good morning, I am loving your retirement journal allot-great memories to look back on
    Happy Thursday hugs Kathy

  5. Fun pages and memories of your years teaching. I have the same tote as your Evolution Man. Mine has my initials embroidered in it. I think it's from Land's End. What a hard decision it would be to go back to school this year. I don't envy teachers, staff, parents, or kids.Out of an abundance of safety, the museum is having us remote teach classes. I hope you came through the storm ok. Enjoy the weather, the humidity broke. Have fun in the garden.

  6. These are terrific images. It was such a wonderful idea and I love hearing the stories behind why you chose certain words or images. Loved your photo in the last one!

  7. These pages are very crafty and very sentimental Erika! I really appreciate it because I am also a very sentimental person and I like keeping mementos and keepsakes but you made it even more precious by making it into these scrapbook pages! Love it!

  8. I'm sure you have had a lot of fun making this book.

    With the world experiencing 'a new normal' and the grandchildren due to go back to school in September, it is worrying, Covid 19 is still on the increase!

    All the best Jan

  9. When I first suggested you keep a record of your final year, I never dreamed it would turn into a 35 year journal. Needless to say, I am still loving this. I really like how you cut up the periodic table and used it throughout the journal. It was the cohesive thing that held the journal together. I'm loving the tag you created, too. It's NOT a stretch, but a clever way to join Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. So wonderful and I'm LOVING this journal, dear.

  10. What a wonderful record of a career you are creating. It's such a good way to honour those years of service and mark the transition to a new kind of life (especially since the end of your last term was so unlike normal - closure must have been tricky). Lovely to have all those mementos and reminders gathered in a piece of artwork which I'm sure it will give you joy and satisfaction to look over in times to come.

    Couldn't agree more about being lucky to be out of the struggles which are undoubtedly on the way to deal with the pandemic in schools. I can't imagine how it's going to work.

    Still, you'll be busy being creative, so that's all good!
    Alison x

  11. Its good that you are enjoying creating your memory book Erika, the pages are looking so interesting and must mean so much to you.
    You will get to wondering how you ever had time to ho to works as the weeks of your retirement pass by, enjoy every day.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Wonderful pages Erika!
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  13. What wonderful memories you have and what a joy these will be to look at in future years. I know several teachers who are retiring before they had planned to. They were not at all convinced the proper protections would be in place.

  14. It's so much fun reliving your happy school memories with you! I love the pages that you created and hearing where the materials that you've added come from - amazing 😁. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a Happy August! Hugs, Jo x


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