Friday, August 7, 2020


Happy Friday!  Hope everyone has had a good week so far. Mine has been busy but in a good way. My daughter was home for 4 days. I can tell she has been working from home  and wants  some different company and a change of scenery. Since she hasn't taken any vacation time in over 7 months, she took a day, and even though we wanted to go out to a state park, the tropical storm came through. But we still had a fun day,  and  we've planned a couple of more days later this month too.  And it is nice to have her home.

So a couple of weeks ago I was invited to a bridal shower for a niece of my husband. I didn't go as I thought there might be more people than I want to be in a group with, but I did send a gift. When I went to wrap the gift (which I bought on Amazon) I realized I didn't have a bow, so I thought, why not make something?

So I die cut a bunch of pieces from the few 3D flower dies I have.
And then I put them together, mixing and matching pieces, to make a bunch of flowers.

I thought it made a cool bow replacement.
And I had a lot of fun!

I guess I've been inspired by all the flowers blooming.

We've been having dry weather (actual low level drought here) so some flowers are growing well and some have stayed pretty small.
But my potted annual plants on my back deck are doing great, but I do have to water them each day.

I do love flowers! 

Thanks for visiting and have a great start to your weekend!


  1. That's a wonderful idea with the paper flowers, love it -unusual, beautiful and much better than a bow! Great flowers from your garden, it's all looking so good. Here is extremely hot today, so I have to water my balcony flowers time and time again!! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. That was quite clever. I've done flower arranging and must admit this is a lovely arrangement. Far better than a bow in my opinion. It's quite lovely.

    Your own flowers are doing well, too. I also have to water my potted plants daily. If it's extra hot, I'll water them twice a day, My mint is my best indicator. If it starts to shrivel, it's time to water.

    Glad you had a good time with your daughter. Even though you had to change plans, you still had fun together and that's important.

  3. Good morning, lovely flowers in your garden. and Wow I love your paper flowers for the gift topper-it's very awesome Happy Friday Kathy

  4. Your homemade package topper locked better than any store bought one, Erika! Thanks for the garden flower tour and more rain is certainly needed as we got very little from this week’s predictions too.

  5. The box you made for the gift looks beautiful and I think it will be treasured, those flowers looked gorgeous.
    Lovely photos of the real flowers as well and I loved the duck sheltering among the blooms a real cute addition.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Your flower package topper is a really cute idea. And your flowers are gorgeous. I love the duckie and the petunias. Nice that you had some time with your daughter, even if your plans changed. Enjoy the drier air, humidity is on it's way back! Yay! 😺

  7. Your garden is so rich and abundant. And what a nice "fake' and save for your gift. It looks great. (I think we've all pulled off some fakes in the past few months and some are cuter than a bow!)

  8. How lovely to have your daughter stay, I'm glad you had fun together! The flowers that you created look gorgeous and make the gift extra special - perfect 😀. The pots in your garden look amazing too, they really made me smile - so beautiful! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  9. Cool flower bow!

    You have a nice variety of blooms, and it looks like the pollinators are happy with you :)

  10. Wow! Your gift decoration looks stunning Erika, and beautiful blooms in the garden too!
    You are fortunate to see your daughter, I'm missing my son and daughter so much!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

  11. Love your flowers and they make a lovely topper for the gift, and the flowers in your garden look gorgeous.
    So nice that you've been able to spend time with your daughter but shame the weather interfered with your plans.
    Hugs Avril xx


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