Friday, August 14, 2020

End of the Week

 Hi everyone. So this week was the only week in July and August I had nothing on my agenda. Low and behold about 10 things came up.  About 1/2 good, 1/4 neither good nor bad and a 1/4  of those things that were hassels to deal with. One of them was the 2 days this week my computer decided to spend the day updating. Once again. Yesterday I had a scheduled post, but if you wonder why I haven't been by yet, updating is the reason.

So Wednesday I had the day home, and I went through my scrap paper bin which was a disaster zone. I threw out about 3/4 of the scraps and saved these you can see below.

I am going to try to use up most of these by the end of the year and take an idea from Valerie and toss out whatever is then left.
And I also found this small bin of bit and pieces. This bin was a find.
I found some good "stuff" in there like some wine bottle labels, some tags and some die cuts. Yet I definitely need to weed even this pile down also. 
To do that, I started one collage mini-journal this week  I actually found this miniboard book in the scrap paper mess.

Here's the pages I have done so far in this mini-board collage book. I'm not sure if I am done with these pages  or not, as all I have done is ripped and glued down bits from these 2 bins.

I did do a bit of outlining to give some definition.

And I do have another inspiration page for Alison's Pockets and Tags challenge at Art Journal Journey 


I used my blue Dina Wakely journal and some Gelatos to color the page. Then I used a baby wipe to mush the Gelatos into the fabric. I taped down some book scraps and a long paper scrap. The tag I made with some stamps and the girl is out of one of my Art By Marlene/Studio Light punch out books.

That's all for me today.  Wishing you a good start to your weekend


  1. Great idea to clear out scraps, we all have too many. I think they multiply overnight. Fun pages for the board book, and a lovely page for Alison's challenge. Enjoy your day, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  2. A day to update? That doesn’t sound right unless you haven’t updated your computer in a year. Weird. But it gave you time to sort through your staff and to make some beautiful artwork. Enjoy the weekend

  3. Wonderful collage pages, Erika. Love each and all.
    Happy weekend xx

  4. Wonderful collages of scraps pages Erika, and great inspiration for my AJJ theme.
    Alison xx

  5. So funny, I have done exactly the same 😀 ... and must have thrown away the same amount of leftover papers as you, it was very cathartic! Your pages are gorgeous, I love how you collaged and layered things together - perfect! I hope you are staying cool in the hot weather. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  6. I like your mini-collage book. I have the worst time throwing out paper stuff. I walk into my "room" and walk out again. I need to decide if I will ever do collage again and if I do, how much and then either pass on or toss everything else. It seems daunting. Well done!

  7. I often wonder why we hoard all the scraps, but making a collage journal is a good way to use some up. Love the journal page. Hope you're having a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  8. These collages are terrific, full of colour and life. I'm having a collage thing at the moment so am going to study them carefully. Of course I have to choose a favourite (hope you don't mind) and I'll chose the toucan with all these great colours and patterns and the one with the hen because it has a nice sense of calmness and they are both different.
    Oh I do like the AJJ piece with this lovely violet flowered tag and the neat bits of text. I think the girl is happy to be there, isn't she? It's a great page.

  9. I'm sure that every artist has a collection of odds 'n ends, Erika and after a while may also wonder WHY? Glad to read that the PC is still working OK but some of those updates do take an awfully long tim. Glad we finally had cooler weather for the weekend here in NH even if it wasn't the nicest couple of days, cooler is good.

  10. Great idea to make such a fun, beautiful journal from the leftovers. Have a good day, take care! Hugs, Elke

  11. I love how you are using up the scrap pieces Erika, the pages you have created look fantastic.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Those collages are very appealing. I like how you arranged the elements and chose the colors.

  13. I like the idea of using the scraps in this way and clearing out at year end. I would hope to do the same now, but am I strong enough?
    Love the pages you have done up to now, I need to get back to my smaller journal and using up some of those pieces.
    Well done and thank you for spurring me on.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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