Sunday, August 16, 2020

End of the Weekend Photos

Hi everyone. 
My weekend  had cool and cloudy weather, but no rain. We need rain!  It was a low key weekend because of the weather, but late Saturday afternoon we took a drive around the Big Lake near us, Lake Winnipesaukee. I pulled into a little turn off on the side of the road, and was surprised to see this guy was waving at us.  I thought he was a happy way to start off a post.
And if you wondered why I needed to turn around,  it was because of this guy.

This rock frog is on route 109 in Tuftonboro, New Hampshire.  It's always been painted as far as I remember, and I read online he gets a fresh greening every now and again. And this year he's doing his part to stay safe in the Covid-19 world.
And the other excitement during our drive that I didn't have a chance to photograph and  show you was the bear that ran across the road.  It was an exciting drive!
And there's been some crazy caterpillars. on my walks lately.

I have no idea what these will turn into.
But these creepy ones are tent caterpillars.

The late summer wildflowers are blooming. And the days becoming a little bit shorter (and noticeably) means we are moving towards fall.

And the local snowmobile club has been out fixing up the trails.

August is just flying by.

 And here's a journal page I made last week that I particulary like.  
The pear was on a set of postcards I got back when I was in Japan.  I cut it out and added it to  my inked and stamped scrap of paper. 
Not sure we're quite at pear season yet though.

That's all for me today. Hope everyone had a great weekend.


  1. Love the first too pics, what fun! Those caterpillars look strange, hope they don't turn into something even stranger! The month is really passing quickly. I'm glad it's getting darker earlier and I hope we soon cool down. Autumn is on its way. Your flowers are still looking good. The journal page is lovely, wonderful paper and colours. Have a great start to the week! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Fabulous art and photos Erika! How exciting to see a bear!
    Have a lovely week!
    Alison xx

  3. Beautiful photos, especially the close-ups of flowers and bugs.

    be well... mae at

  4. The tin man and the frog are both fun and a real day maker because they are both wearing masks. Ick, Gypsy Moths, I hope we don't have another huge infestation. I love the weed flowers: goldenrod, Heath Asters, Milkweed,Boneset, and Queen Anne's Lace. Summer is just flying by. You can feel a change of seasons at night. 🙁 Very pretty, pear page. Such a bright green color. Not looking forward to seeing cold, white snow.

  5. Glorious blooms! And I adore, absolutely adore the fun fellow on the tractor and the masked rock!That's just so much fun!

    Ohm, and your journal page is divine.

  6. The tin man is terrific! Beautiful flowers, and I love the journal page!

  7. I love the sculptures. The mask is an attention-getter :) The caterpillars are fun to watch. I don't get any on my patio any more, and I do miss them. I've never seen ones like you picture, except for the tent caterpillars. Wow! Striking! The flowers this time of year bring me joy. Such bright summer pretties. Time flies.

  8. It took me awhile, but I fnally found one I hadn't seen. I love the Tin Man on the tractor. Very Oz-esk. Those caterpillars are ugly, and incredible. I LOVED the frog. A true sign of the times. Is his name Jeremiah?

    Great photos of flowers. I want some Queen Anne's Lace.

    I almost forgot to mention how much I LOVE that pear page. I think it almost looks digital, but I know it isn't. It's beautiful.


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