Wednesday, August 12, 2020

So Far This Week

 Hi everyone.  My computer has seemed to finally reset itself and seems to be back working smoothly again, at least for the moment. Hurrah for that.

My page today is from my garden journal. I spent a lot of art time on Monday, and this is one of my favorite pages I made. The chair is stamped with paint and foam stamp. It gives the chair a little more umph than the images I stamped with ink, but they work together well I think.
It's been hot here but the other late afternoon I sat on my deck stairs watching all the pollinators playing in a pot of flowers. I shouldn't be, but I am amazed at the variety in this one cluster of flowers.

And hopefully my grapes aren't spoiling. Some of them are getting a slight touch of purple. All I want is to harvest enough to make even a jar of jelly.

The blackberries on the side of my driveway are starting to ripen. I have a little treat each morning as there is not enough to pick and make anything with, so I figure I might as well enjoy their summer sweetness.

And I made a batch our sourdough bread this week since it's almost too hot to be outside. 

This has been my best batch yet, but I think it might be the new recipe I tried.

And that's all for me. Today is going to be another one of those lazy days of summer in the heat.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. These are delights to my eye Erika! The denim art is very lovely, I love denim on everything! Even my laptop is colored Denim blue and I call it levis :) These fruits and berries look so delicious and amazing job shooting those bees!

  2. Lovely page, your garden looks fantastic and the bread even better! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Yeah to the PC working OK again, but it may have been sending warning signals so good to keep a wary watch. tech things are great until they are not (sigh). I used to spend a lot of time watching winged things in our VA flower gardens, but wasps and other things that sting are not favorites of mine. Nice to have fresh raspberries for a morning treat and hope the grapes will let you make a jar of jam. Nice looking loaves of bread and there's nothing like home-baked.

  4. Wow, never knew there were so many different kinds of bees. I haven’t seen many bees around here. If it wasn’t so hot, your chair would be a perfect spot to watch the world going by. And snack on some of that delicious bread and blackberries.

  5. Great post. Your garden is so pretty. Nice to see the bee. I made blackberry jam the other day with our berries. I wish I could grow grapes too. Have a nice evening.

  6. A lovely page on the denim Erika, and great photos! I love watching the pollinators at work, it's mesmerising. Bread looks delicious, and hope you get a good crop of berries and grapes.
    Keep cool, it's been too hot to go outside here too.
    Alison xx

  7. Good news about the computer, give it a little stroke and tell it how much you love it each day even computers need to know we care about them everyday haa haa. Love how printing with paint leaves extra texture, is the page denim or just paper? Love it either way. Fabulous garden pictures, everything is blooming Erika. Those berries are a good source of vitamins and will give you an extra boost each morning. Hugs Tracey xx

  8. I know the bees, but what are all these other ones? They don't look like flies (well, one, maybe). I have no idea!

    In any event, wonderful photos and how lovely tosee this life going by.

    And I adore your page. You're right about the white. It works, standing out well, as it should.

  9. Catching up as usual Erika, this is a fantastic page stamped onto the denim.
    I have to say the photos of the flowers in your garden really caught my eye, they look so colourful and were sure to get the visits from the bees. It must be lovely sitting watching them buzz around the plants.
    Your batch of bread looks delicious.
    Enjoy the days and I hope it doesn't get to hot.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Your photography is ... I'm at a loss for words! I admire how you get the colors and clarity in such close-up photos.

  11. Love the stamping on denim - I am impressed it turned out so well. Also the3 loaf - that looks so inviting, you obviously have .
    Lastly, your photographs. What lovely closeup photos of al those insects - very well done Erika.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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