Monday, August 31, 2020

T Stands for August Wrap Up

Happy last day of August everyone.  It is feeling like September has arrived  here in New Hampshire. Other than Saturday's rain, we've had comfortable days and nice cool nights.  It is putting a big smile on my face!

This is the first of 3 posts for me in the next 12 hours. This is my T day post. At midnight we announce the new Art Journal Journey challenge for September. And then finally at 4 AM tomorrow  the new challenge at Try It On Tuesday begins.  I guess it is a busy end of one month and start of a new one. (I hope you check out the new challenges also!)

I thought I would share this page with you first thing. I made it back in July for my When It's Hot book, and for some reason I never shared it.  Since T day over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog              is where we share our drink related posts, and since today I am off at the beach for a few hours with my daughter, I thought this piece of art fits both of those occasions.

Perhaps you'd like a bite of my Sunday ice cream lunch? This week the flavor I had was chocolate lovers chocolate.

It was rich chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips and bits of brownie.

And for my drink this week, I have some hard flavored seltzer water. 

And Pete too.
This past Friday afternoon  on our weekly boating trip, it was too rough out past the jetties to fish, so my husband and I anchored in Little Harbor and had a cocktail and relaxed. I had this blueberry-acai flavored drink. I like how it isn't too sweet.

I'll wrap up my post by sharing some assorted boating photos from this past month.  
First up is one of 2 eaglettes, or baby bald eagles that grew up in the nest near where my husband likes to fish. They have since left the nest, but on this day they were making loads of noise and soaring around the nest.

And I think is flock of Canada geese is made up of parents and juveniles.  

And something good to eat had attracted this large group of cranes. Or at least I think it was some good food. 

And last  bird photo is this one of a Great Blue Heron.

And now for some boats.

Sailboats, last Friday evening as we motored into port.
And I don't know the Thomas Leighton was headed to, but as it approached the route 1 drawbridge in Portsmouth, the bridge started up.

I have a fascination with the commercial fleet. 
One day I will share some of  the close up photos I have taken.

And here is the Thomas Leighton again on another day, coming back into port.

Hpe everyone has a wonderful T day and great start to September.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Your chocolate ice cream looks fabulous. I like your bird photos too.

    be well... mae at

  2. Love that art journal page with that sinister looking shark.

    Your time our in the boat looks so fun. I loved seeing all the pictures of the boats and wildlife. And yes, your ice cream sounds delicious! YUM!

    Happy Tea Day,

  3. Hi awesome water photos-I enjoyed all of them, we haven't seen the young eagles here yet. yum your ice cream looks soooo good.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  4. Your shark page made me smile. I'd like to take a bit out of your ice cream. Oh, my, but that does look good. Beautiful wildlife photos. Hope you enjoyed your beach day. Enjoy the cooler weather. I'm looking forward to Thurs. and Fri. when temps will be in the 80s again. Happy T Day

  5. Wow, you spent a lovely weekend (sort of) on the water. Sometimes being harbored is just as much fun. I really enjoyed the sharks in the water. That was very clever (and yes, I laughed). I like how you created the water, too.

    Yum. That ice cream looks delicious. I hope it was.

    You got some great photos of the birds this month and the same with the boats. I like the photos of the commercial boats, so will definitely enjoy your photos when you share them.

    Your hard seltzer sounds good. And you weren't going anywhere, so that was safe, too. Thanks for sharing your journal page, your incredible photos of birds and boats, and your hard seltzer with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. Wonderful photos, looks like you've all had a fun time, Pete, too. And even ice cream! Have a fab, new month, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Oh, boy! I hope no one ever has a bite of me (but then... when can we travel where we like to again?).
    I´d go for the water! (Sweet tooth sleeps) - seems your furry friend wants some, also! 🧡

    Beautiful boat pictures, especially the first! A happy T-day to you! Hugs

  8. A busy day indeed! Your shark made me laugh! I can an imagine a wicked laugh going on too! Chocolate Ice-cream isn't a favourite but if I was pressed would certainly have some! Such fabulous pics of the bird life! Glad you are getting trips out on your boat! Happy T day, Chrisx

  9. Nice assortment of photos. That ice cream looks delicious. The weather has turned nice here, too. The overnight temperatures have been comfortable for sleeping, finally. (I don't have AC.) Happy T-Day!

  10. "Let's have a bite" is a fun and funny page, Erika. I love it (she said with a big smile on her face).

    Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures from your boat excursions.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  11. Terrific boating shots ~ I would love to see the shots of the working boats in the future. Pete looks happy to be aboard as well. I like your "lunch" option ~ that along with the sharks made me smile. Enjoy!

  12. What a fun page! Love the shark stamps and quote, it is perfect for your beach visits and T Day 😀. Looks like you had a lovely time on the water too! Wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  13. That chocolate ice cream is a tempting sight :) The birds must provide hours of enjoyment. Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Ice cream to die for! Oh, my -- you've got some wonderful boating shots, both of sea and shore! The shark is rather perfect. What a delightful post, Erika!

  15. Your ice cream photo is so good it makes my mouth water (and I'm not an ice cream fan) and got my husband groaning (he loves chocolate ice cream)
    Looks like you had a lovely weekend on and by the water. I love to see the boats etc. And the water birds are great.
    The sharks had me smiling.
    Happy belated T-Day (Yes, I'm late again as per usual. Tuesday is just a very busy day and I spend the whole of Wednesday catching up)

  16. Love your fun shark page, and great photos Erika! xx


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