Saturday, August 29, 2020

Veggies and Such

Hi everyone.  Happy weekend. 

Hope everyone's week went well. I enjoyed some cooler weather which meant long morning walks,  a few little home projects finished and of course, some fun art time too!

I am  here today with what might be my last page for Alison's Pockets and Tags challenge at Art Journal Journey. I am not sure if shall get back online with another page before Monday when the month ends, or if I won't.  If I don't, I want to say THANKS Alison for such a fun challenge this month. And thanks to all of you who read my blog and participated. You certainly sent lots of inspiration my way!
So this is a page from my garden journal that I have been working in often lately.
This is my tribute to my dream veggie garden. It didn't happen this year thanks to chipmunks and the drought we're in ( I'm not watering as we are on a well and I don't want that to run dry).  But being ever hopeful, it will happen next year. I will say my cherry tomatoes have done fabulous and there might be some more kale coming soon.
So my page began with some mini papers, some rubbed on green and yellow ink, and then some blue stamping and brushing on the same blue ink. I then added the vintage seed packets and some other paper ephemera, including a playing card-showing the backside- coming out of the corn pack-that is my pocket.  And on the top of the beet seed packet is a small round tag that I stamped and colored with a butterfly image also. And you might notice the corn variety is called Country Gentleman. It's the perfect cue for adding this country gentleman TH found relative.

I wanted to share the star of my garden this year.

I actually got grapes on my one grapevine. It is  4-5 years old (not sure exactly when I planted it), and I did plant  it on a whim to see what it would do. I had given up on grapes, but this year it really produced.
It is a Concord Grape variety, better for making jelly than eating, so the other day I did just that. I had hoped for even 1 small jar of grape jelly, but I got 4!

Now I need to make some sourdough bread so I can try it out.

And look at this weird guy who was sitting on one of my hydrangeas.

I was surprised he didn't fly off when I got close.

That's all for me today. We are suppose to have some rain today (hurrah-hurrah-we so need it). My daughter is coming home tomorrow and has another vacation day Monday. If the weather works out, we are off for the beach again. So keep your fingers crossed it will be sunny and not too chilly.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Wow, such delicious looking grapes! This has been a year for growing things! So much heat and humidity. That is one scary looking fly, or is it a bee? Very interesting!

  2. Love your beautiful journal page with lovely veggies. If I could have a garden it would be one full of edibles with a few dandelions for decoration! What a strange critter on your flyers, I've never seen one like that before. And congrats on the grapes and jelly, yum! Enjoy! Have a good and hopefully rainy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. I just looked this insect up. It's a bee-like Tachinid Fly. You can read more about it here:

  4. Your garden page reminds me of a farmer's market. None of that this year. Maybe next. Those grapes look gorgeous. So do the jars of grape jelly, and now I'm salivating thinking about grape jelly on sourdough bread. That is the weirdest fly I have ever seen. I half expected it to have a human head and a little voice crying, Help, me. Heelllp, meeeeee. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. That is one crazy, hairy insect! Great photo.

    be well... mae at

  6. It has turned cooler here too, so much so I am wearing socks indoors - and the cardigan may come out later! I love this page. The little pocket on it's side looks great and I love that the gentleman has his own corn seeds!
    Grape jelly and sourdough bread sounds like a plan!!
    Oh my! That fly looks like a painting.
    Enjoy your time with your daughter! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. That's another fabulous page for the challenge Erika! It's been very Autumnal here the last few days, wet and chilly.
    Your grapes and jam look wonderful, enjoy!
    That's an interesting insect, wonder what it is.
    Enjoy your time with your daughter, I'd love to spend time with my kids, hopefully soon.
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xx

  8. I'm hoping we get cooler weather, too. So far, I haven't seen too much cooler weather, though. So glad it's cooler for you.

    I absolutely LOVE your journal entry. It's fabulous. I like how you used the vintage seed packets. They were lovely additions and clever pockets for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey. I like how you used the butterfly side of the playing card for the tag, too.

    You got a ton of grapes. How wonderful. Guess you have to net them so the birds don't get them, but at least you got a nice harvest. Hope you and your daughter have a great day together on Monday. Fingers crossed it will be a nice day for you. For me a nice day is a high of 70 F!

  9. Your page is stunning, Erika! I love the guy sitting on the corn!
    May I have a jar of grape jelly, please? It looks delicious! Ha ha!
    Hugs, my dear friend.

  10. Fabulous veggie garden page! Loving all the layers and details that you created and that beetroot is the star of the show 😀. Wow, your grapes look amazing and grape jelly is something I make every year but not until Sept/Oct time as they aren't ripe yet. Have a lovely time with your daughter, hope you get sunny weather for the beach! Happy long weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  11. How exciting! It brings back fond memories of when Mother made jelly from the grapes she grew in the back yard. Sweet :)

    That's some fly! I've never noticed one like that around here.

  12. Your garden journal is terrific and you are certainly pulling a wonderful bounty from your own garden. The jam looks really good!

  13. Hi Erika, nice that the grapes were bountiful this year and I can supply some peanut butter to go with the grape jam, just saying.

  14. The grape jelly looked delicious Erika. I loved your journal page spread as well.
    Hope you are having a good weekend .
    Yvonne xx

  15. That is a great garden collage, so much to investigate. I rather like the little round tag and the gentleman who must obviously be a gardener with an allotment. Funny about your weather - we have had the opposite for the last few months - tons of rain, cold and overcast which the courgettes don't like.
    That's fantastic getting four jars of grape jelly from your own grapes.
    You couldn't invent the little insect, he is like a cartoon insect. I think he is gorgeous. It's a very good clear photograph.

  16. Those grapes do look good :)

    Have a great time with your daughter.

    All the best Jan


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