Monday, August 17, 2020

T Stands for Fast Food for Dinner

 Hi everyone. 

Last Thursday evening I met my daughter in Nashua, New Hampshire. It is a good place to meet because it is exactly the same amount of time for each of us to drive to the park and ride, where we leave one car.  My daughter had ordered some new glasses at Costco, and since I am the member, not her, I needed to go with her so she could pick them up.
Before Costco we  went to Alex's shoes, which is very near the park and ride. I haven't been in many stores other than the grocery store, and if it was crowded, we weren't going to go inside. But it was fairly empty so I went in looking for what I needed.
 I have some shoes I use on the boat, but they are 11 years old this year. They are in decent shape except the bottoms are worn a enough that they are slippery on the boat. Slipping on the boat is not good. So I wanted to see if they had any markdowns since it is now August.
There was a possible pair i saw, until we were helped by a nice masked man (as we were masked also) who recommended with my small feet that I could also look into children's sizes and save some money.
Now my feet are small but not that small. I thought only women who wore a US size 5 could fit into children's shoes. But I was wrong. 
Not the greatest photo but here's my new shoes.

No slipping now!
And I saved quite a bit of cash even off the markdowns in women's sizes.
And for T this week  I have some fast food to share. After our Costco trip, we went to Chick-fil-A.
I must say I was very impressed with their set up, since you can't go inside to order.

Here's my T day drink photo. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join us for T this week.

I had a chicken sandwich, still in the bag with the chicken head as well as some waffle fries. You can see we had a picnic in my car.

And this week for Sunday's lunch ice cream I had coffee oreo cookie.

And when we went out in the boat last Friday we saw some interesting things.

We saw 2 bald eagles. This is the only one I got a photo of.

And how about this tug boat spraying water.
This sailboat is huge, the biggest I have ever seen. This ocean ready sailboat is over 33 meters long.

You can see how much bigger it is from the other sailboats in the harbor.

And here's a bit of rusty barge for our hostess Elizabeth.

And finally I think this boat is named correctly as it does shine in the evening light.

Hope you have a great T day. And thanks for visiting.


  1. Hi, A very fun post. glad you found a bargain for shoes, I am in need of new sneakers by sketchers as one of the bottoms as a big hole in it.
    Great way to eat out at a restaurant and be safe. and I enjoyed all the water photos. We have missed our eagles while they were raising their youngsters and now we started seeing them again-I just love watching them. awesome sailboat-and that is allot of rust-perfect for rust dyeing. Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. Your shoes look comfortable! I never knew that children's sizes would fit some women. May I ask what size you are? I would love to save money and shop in the children's section.

    Your meal from Chick-fil-a looks delicious!I LOVE their food and go there every chance I can get. And their service is fabulous.

    It sounds like you really enjoy sailing. Hopefully, you will have many more warm days on the water to enjoy it.

    Happy Tea Day,

  3. Great new shoes! I've had ones like it and they are so comfortable. Lucky to see the eagles.

    be well... mae at

  4. Didn't think about children's shoes-thanks for the tip- and kudos on your wonderful bargain shoes!!
    I think most all restaurants are very well organized and doing their very best to make the customers feel comfortable enough to come-it's a good feeling isn't it- and they certainly need our business!
    Oh, and the boats - love!!! Happy T day!

  5. What a fun day you and your daughter had and what a great day you and your husband had on the lake. Looks like you will enjoy those new shoes, too. Let's hope they last equally another 11 years (grin). That tall ship was beautiful. I'm glad you showed the comparison, too. It's a beauty.

    Now I'm going to be hungry. I know you daughter's favorite place is Chick-fil-A. I see a Hobby Lobby in the distance, too (grin). Sounds like you got some great shoes and she got a favorite meal. Thanks for sharing your meals and drinks with us for T this Tuesday in your world. BTW, I love the looks of that ice cream, too.

  6. How lovely to get out into the water again, it looks wonderful. Love the new shoes, just right for the boat, and glad you found some bargains. Your food looks fabulous, and now I'm hungry! Great shot of the eagles. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Uh-oh! Be careful with old shoes!!!
    Mine broke. At work. I didn´t slip, but, weee 8 hours were tough ;-) - it was a cold winter´s day..
    Hmmm, your food looks yummy and I love all those boats! My Brother is at the ocean right now and sent me heaps of pics... awww, sooo nice.
    Happy T-day!

  8. Great photos Erika, how exciting to see the bald eagles.
    Lovely new shoes. I get into children's shoes as my feet are the smallest women's size (UK 3). It's very handy sometimes, but some shops only have size 4 and up, which is frustrating.
    Hope you're having a good week.
    Alison xx

  9. What a fun day with your daughter and scoring your new boat shoes. Looks like you had a great day on the boat, too. Happy T Day

  10. Congrats on finding the perfect shoes! And on the eagle sighting! I've not heard of coffee oreo ice cream before, but it looks tasty. Happy T Tuesday

  11. Looks like you had a fabulous time out on the water! Your meal looks scrummy, I've never tried Chick-fil-A before and have a few friends who like to go there so I must try it someday. Your virtual meal holds far less calories for me though but still leaves me 😀. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  12. The shoes are fabulous! LOVE them. And I also love that last photo -- "Shine" indeed!

  13. I like your new boat shoes, Erika. And I'm glad you don't risk slipping on a wet deck any more! I guess while your feet stayed the same smallish size, kids' feet have gotten bigger.

    You didn't say why the tugboat was spraying water. I've only seen that during celebrations.

    That sailboat is impressive when seen in front of the smaller ones. Great photo. So is the last one - Shine.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. Such beautiful nautical shots! I love your new shoes ~ If they are Keen brand, they will last you the rest of your life!! I love me some chick fila & ice cream ~ yum ~ Enjoy your week!

  15. Erika, you were in our neighborhood in Nashua as Alex’s is the go to place for footwear, which sadly left downtown a couple of years ago. Glad you found a new pair of non slip ones.

  16. Great boating photos! I am glad I had some Baskin'Robins chocolate and peanut butter ice cream, I would so much want that coffee oreo cookie icecream! LOL Happy Day!

  17. Sounds like you had a really fun day with your daughter. Nice shoes too. I often shop in the children's department (I have size 3).
    I love seeing the boats and that sailing yacht is huge! It must be an ocean going yacht as it flies the Swedish flag, so it must have come across the ocean.
    I've just googled the name of the ship Cygnus Montanus, and found out it is owned by Carl-Henric Svanberg and his wife. Svanberg is chairman of Volvo and BP. (Hence the Swedish flag).
    I'm sorry I'm late in commenting. My laptop has decided it does no longer wants to use Chrome or Internet Explorer and I have not been able to comment. I have an iPhone but I've tried commenting before and most comments don't arrive. So I am looking for someone to do me a blog on Wordpress (the free version). If you know of anyone who could do that for me and is reasonably priced, please let me know. I have tried myself but I have not succeeded.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  18. Fabulous post. So glad you were able to spend some time with your daughter. My daughter also has a size 5 foot and buys shoes in the kids section. Except she love high heels and boots. She found an online sight that fits her perfectly. I have not eaten at a fast food place in 25 years. But that ice cream looks soo good. I also love the boat photos. Have a nice evening.

  19. Good to know you found a non slip pair of shoes at a reduced price Erika, my Mom having size 3 feet (UK) would always head to the children's section first. Magnificent sail boat I noticed the Swedish flag straight away, I really wish I wasn't a little frightened of the water and seas :( Maybe that coffee oreo ice would tempt me hee hee..
    Hugs Tracey xx P.S Stay safe in those shoes ;)

  20. Sounds like you had a fun outing. Nashua, NH is a very nice area (or at least it was, the last time I was there, which was awhile ago). Good deal on the shoes. I have small feet too, so next time I'm in a shoe store, I might have to check the children's section, to see if I can save some money. :-) Have you been getting a normal amount of rain? We still seem to miss most of the rainfall where I am in Connecticut. Although yesterday the shoreline got some rain, which was only given a 20% chance of happening, so that was good. Your boat photos look great. I love the last one, with the sunlight. And catching a photo of a Bald Eagle is a thrill. I got one for the first time last year. Happy Belated T-Day!

  21. Okay, so now I've stopped drooling over the Coffee Oreo ice-cream I will also say that Chicken sandwich sounds like a good treat too! How great to get those shoes at a bargain price - they do look comfy, and now you are safe again! Lucky you to see an eagle - hubby is jealous! That sail boat is certainly dwarfing the others around! Very Belated T Day Wishes - mundane day to day stuff kept me away from the computer! Hugs, Chrisx


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