Sunday, September 13, 2020

Bedrock Gardens, part 2

Hi everyone. Hope your weekend was nice.  No complains from me. My husband and I got some more done on the basement cleanout (hurrah), ran errands, and today we watched some football. For anyone who is familiar with that American version of the gamer, it is weird to watch the Patriots with a new quarterback and not Tom Brady.  He was around for 20 years.

No art today, but I am taking you back to Bedrock Gardens that I visited last week. 

One of my favorite things to see and photograph is close up of flowers.  They don't have to be flowers in bloom either.

Enjoy the views.


That's all for me. Not a lot of words today.

Have a good start to the new week! And thanks for visiting.


  1. Beautiful flowers. Sad to think Summer is almost over. And Brady. Maybe Karma. Maybe he should have stayed put. Glad you had a good weekend

  2. Wonderful pics of the plants and insects, that is a place I would like to visit! Have a great, new week, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Wonderful photos? The first one stands alone perfectly!

  4. Gorgeous! There's beauty in every season :)


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