Monday, September 14, 2020

T Stands for Food and Drink "Things"

Hi everyone. Happy middle of September. Amazing we are already this far into the month, isn't it?

It' cooled off here quite a bit. I am writing this Monday evening, and tonight's weather forecast is saying our temperatures could drop down into the 40's (degrees F. That's in the single digit range for degrees C) tonight.  Daytime temperatures have been in the high 60's to around 70 degrees(again degrees F.  That's around 20 degrees C). That didn't stop us from having a Sunday ice cream for lunch this past weekend. 

This week I had a flavor called Aroma Joe's peanut butter cup.  Aroma Joe's is a local coffee franchise, and this ice cream  was coffee flavored  with peanut butter and chocolate in it. Yummy.
 I also spent some time this past weekend, along with my husband, cleaning out more of some shelves in our basement. I was excited to find these.

They may not look like much as they are not fine crystal, but they were my grandmother's tapioca glasses. My brother, my cousin and myself have fond memories of my grandmother making tapioca for us, especially at Easter.  Not that she used them for only tapioca pudding, but that's how I remember them.  I'm excited to find them, seeing I totally forget I had them and thought they were lost to time.

And it is time for T again over at   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.  This is where we share our drink related posts and catch up with friends. Even those friends who are new to us.

Hopefully Elizabeth will get her computer back working also.

So back in August  (you might remember) my daughter and I had a couple of reservations for one of the State Park beaches in my local area.  Because this beach area shrinks a lot at high tide, we  wanted to go during low tide because we would have much more beach and space. The first time we went the low tide was in the morning. The second time we went it wasn't until later in the afternoon. So before the beach we arranged to meet my husband for lunch at a restaurant that has a large and very nice outdoor seating area. 

I hadn't been there since Covid began, so when we went that day, it was interesting to see what they were doing.

And instead of menus, (which you could get if you wanted a paper version), you could hold your smartphone up to the scan and get the menu over your phone. I'm sure some of you have seen this, but I hadn't. What a great idea.

Of course I forgot to take a photo of my salad ( but it contained a turkey burger in lettuce, beets, dried cranberries, walnuts, tomato slices and blue cheese crumbles). For for my drink you can see I had a Diet Coke and also you can see my daughter's water.

And my last food and drink related part of this post is another Down on the Farm tag for Tag Tuesday and Valerie's challenge.

Hope you have a wonderful T day.
Also, as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. Beach going is only in my dreams! I'd love to be on a beach at high or low tide. Sometimes this lockdown seems never-ending. Your lunch space also sounds very nice.

    be well... mae at

  2. Now that sounds like my kind of ice cream treat-yum! And your salad choice too, so good thing I had dinner;)
    I have several glasses like the one on the left in your photo- and I do recall tapioca pudding as well(not that I cared for it).
    I ran into the menu scan thing with your phone for the first time at the winery visit(in my post for this week) and of course had to have the young ones explain and show me what to do:):)
    Love your fun and cute tag! Happy T day!

  3. Love that tag. It's so cute!

    Your ice cream looks delicious. It always makes me wish I had some in my freezer when I am reading your posts. Too bad I can't go and grab a cup.

    Your grandmother's tapioca glasses are so pretty. It is wonderful to find treasures we forgot about while cleaning but even better when they have special memories attached. Do you have her tapioca recipe? You should make some and dish it out in the glasses.

    Happy Tea Day,

  4. That Ice Cream Looks A Little Too Sweet For My Palate But I'll Bet I Would Finish It With A Smile On My Face - Love The Cow Cup As Well - Moo On Tomorrow


  5. Lovely post - udderly lovely! Thanks for making that gorgeous tag for my challenge, much appreciated. And thanks for the smile, something I needed badly this morning. Glad you have been able to get out and about and eat and drink, that's great. Those scan-me menus are in use here, too, a great idea. And yummy ice.... Have a happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  6. What a wonderful find those glasses were in the basement!
    Great tag too!
    We had a very Autumnal early morning mist today.
    Happy mid September!
    Alison xx

  7. *LOL* Your tag is so funny! Need to make one with a cow, too.

  8. Here summer came along! But there is no beach, sadly.
    Maybe mny sweet tooth wakes up and later I can talk hubby into an ice cream at the Italian guys!

    Based on milk, hello, sweet cow there on the cuppa-tag!
    Happy T-day!

  9. That ice cream looks good and perfect for the Indian Summer we're having here at the moment 😁. That looks like a great place to eat, I love it when places take Covid seriously and your meal sounds delicious too. Loving the tag too, it really made me smile - wishing you a very happy T Day 😁. Hugs, Jo x

  10. Ice cream lunch yum! Though too chilly for me now for ice cream! 😺 How wonderful to find your grandmother's dessert dishes. Especially in these times when pleasant memories are needed. Scanning a QR code for a menu is brilliant. That will cut down on having to have things printed. And I'd love an udder cup of tea except this morning I haven't had my first yet! Happy T Day

  11. I always loved the beach when I lived in Wrightsville beach nc back in the 70s-that was the best time to find nifty shells sand dollars and such.
    the ice cream sounds delish, that is a nifty idea for getting the menu-except we don't use smart phones I know it's what everyone does but we just refuse to be tied down to those-just our opinion-we're old haha.
    Love your tag too-Happy T hugs Kathy

  12. I'm also excited that you found your grandmother's tapioca glasses. Do you ever make tapioca? I don't think I've had it for 30 or even 40 years. Of course it is not for sale here in Spain, but there are English food outlets on the coast where I could get it if I wanted. I remember I did like it.
    Reading your tapioca story made me thing of those kind of things and I ended up making rice pudding in the slow cooker (Ok, not the same as tapioca, but also an old fashioned dessert.). It will be ready at 10 pm tonight. It will probably thicken overnight and tomorrow we can have it as dessert of even for breakfast.
    That ice cream looks really delicious. I think I would love that flavor.
    Yes, the menu via the scan code is popular here too. Ad most people now have a smart phone, it is easy to do. Good idea.

    Happy T-Day,

  13. The ice cream looks and sounds delicious! I love your glassware. Mother had some similar pieces that we used for ice cream.

    Beach outings must be such a treat!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

  14. your tag is delightful, what a great pun! and that ice cream, wow! thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  15. I'm loving your Sunday ice cream tradition. Aroma Joe's peanut butter cup flavor sounds really good to me. Your grandmother's tapioca dishes are just perfect for Sunday ice cream.

    I haven't seen that smartphone menu thing and probably couldn't figure it out if I did. Lucky me, I have a techie hubby.

    Your moo-velous tag really made me smile.

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

  16. The ice cream looks so good. I live on the beach. Not a fun, put on your shorts much less a bathing suit, kind of beach. It is cold year round and wind from mean wind gods. LOL With the way things are handle here in Florence, I will never eat out again. Looks like that cafe has it down.

  17. Erika, those glasses of your grans are just wonderful. So pretty and I'm thrilled that you found them. And that ice cream does look to die for. Wish I had some just now!

  18. Oooh! Stop It!! That ice-cream flavour sounds heavenly! I love those dishes too - I do remember tapioca pudding too! Your beach visits must have been great and to have a delicious meal with hubby too sounds like a fabulous day! I absolutely adore your tag! Belated Happy T Day,Hugs, Chrisx

  19. I apologize for taking so long to visit. It was definitely beyond my control, as you know. I'm trying to catch up, but it's harder than I actually imagined it would be. Thank you SO much for linking me to AJJ. I realized you couldn't at TioT, so was glad you didn't. I know because I tried to link someone once and the same thing happened.

    Your ice cream looks wonderful. Now I want some. Of course, I also want your meal, too. I'm glad you DIDN'T share it, because I'm already hungry.

    LOVE that tag. It's moolisciously mischievous. It's also perfect for T this week, too, as is your diet coke and your daughter's water. Thanks for sharing and thanks for showing up when I couldn't be there.

  20. Your tag is so cute!! I had to rush past the ice cream or I would have needed to get some lol. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday xx

  21. Yum to ice cream ~ Your tag is adorable, love the google eyes and the sentiment.


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