Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday Morning Clouds

 Hi everyone.  Happy Friday.

It's a cloudy morning here, which is actually a  nice excuse to be lazy. We do need the rain as 70% of New Hampshire is in a severe drought, but just because there's clouds doesn't mean they'll be rain, which is why we are in a severe drought in the first place. I am also about 80% covered in hives today, but at least my joints aren't so achy as they have been the last couple of days. Hurrah for that. It's been 3 years of almost daily hives, some days a few, some days a lot. They are driving me crazy. But yes, I could have something worse than hives  It does feel better to write  that though, even  it doesn't make the hives go away. Which of course, I wish they would. Smile. 

So instead let me show you  some art for Jo's Texture challenge at Art Journal Journey

I've been looking at this page wondering if it needs any actual stitching on it, especially where the 2 papers meet. I think I shall show it to you as is, because I like it. On the left is some white textured vinyl wallpaper, and on the right is some scrapbooking paper with some white raised designs. I then added a piece of suede paper to the middle and also this die cut flower in white. The faux stitching is with a white pen. As is the faux stitching around the quote.
I still might go back and add some stitching to give it a little more depth. Funny how I can see better what it might need when I post it online.

That's all for me today. 

Hope you are having or have a great Friday and start to your weekend.

And thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. Lovely page. I like the Queen Anne's lace bloom as it looks a little bit like clouds, too. Time to dig out socks and a sweatshirt for the weekend. Take care.

  2. I like it as it is, it's really elegant and very textural. Sorry about your hives, it must be very difficult to deal with. Have a great day in spite of it all, hugs, Valerie

  3. I'm sorry about yours hives. It could (almost) always be worse, but still hives sounds bad enough :( I hope you're better soon.

  4. That is a wonderful journal!
    I hope you feel better soon, hug Elke

  5. So sorry to hear about your hives, my hubby gets them daily too so I can sympathize as I know how they drive him crazy too! He has just started getting more of them lately too but nothing compared to you. I hope they are more manageable soon and you feel better 😁. Your page is gorgeous, I love the wallpaper and the pretty flower against the panel is so pretty. Thanks for another beautiful entry at Art Journal Journey! Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Poor you Erika it must be so uncomfortable having had to put up with those hives for so long, I get them during Summertime but as a woman of a certain age night sweats can bring them on too, I hope they leave you be soon.. I love your page as it is, those girls are very sweet and look like great friends. You can always go back to it later and add a little extra, I do that often with journal pages. Sorry I was late linking up to TioT & AJJ today, I had an issue with commenting as my computer wanted to update. All happily linked now.
    Take care & I hope the rain comes soon Hugs Tracey xx

  7. Wise words and great work. To a great weekend (oh, so cold here, I´m freezing, hoping it warms up).

  8. A beautiful page Erika, love all the textures and that wonderful quote.
    Sorry to hear about your hives, hope they clear up soon.
    Have a good weekend,
    Alison xx

  9. The hives sound just miserable. I hope they resolve soon (gardening- instigated?) I love your piece today. The colors are lovely.

  10. I'm sorry about your hives, do so hope they clear soon.

    A very nice art piece you've shared here.

    All the best Jan

  11. Sorry I am late calling in Erika. I love the look of the page as it is, super textures. I hope you are feeling a bit better now.
    Yvonne xx


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