Thursday, September 17, 2020

Road Trip to Vermont

 Hi everyone. 

Today it is time for a road trip post. This past Tuesday my husband had to head to northeastern Vermont (known as the Northeast Kingdom) for work. His meeting was suppose to last only a couple of hours, and he was driving alone, so I decided to ride along with him. 

We left the house before 7 AM. It was like getting up for work back before covid-19 and teaching from home began. And it was a chilly morning, our first for the season.

We had to drive by the big lake on our way  to  get the highway north. This is the view across from Pop's which you might remember I have written about for many T days.  I think if anyone wants to go swimming they are going to find the water a little bit colder than before this morning.

It's a pretty drive. On our way to Vermont we have to head through Franconia Notch. A notch is a deep and narrow mountain pass. We have several in our state.  Unfortunately we  didn't have time to stop  because my husband had to get  to his meeting so my photos are as we drove through.

And the same fog along the lake was also in the hollows of the mountains. 

And although the foliage hadn't really started to turn, there were a few spots where there was some fall color.

The hubby's meeting was closer to the Canadian border than it was to St. Johnsbury.

And a visit to Vermont is not complete without seeing barns and cows.

And in mid-September there are also corn fields. Not people corn but cow corn.

While my husband was in his meeting, I was able to take a little walk. And take a few photos too.

And I ended my Vermont trip by meeting someone at my husband's meeting who had some bees. This was pleasant surprise. 

He was very enthused to give me a short course on keeping bees. I really enjoyed it too. And came home with a jar of some fresh honey from this hive.

It was a nice day out. A lot of driving too, but since I don't feel like I've been anywhere out of my locale since Covid hit back in March, it was really nice to see some new scenery.
Hope you enjoyed the photos!


  1. Lovely photos Erika! It must have been great to see some different scenery. It was foggy here on Tuesday, when we went for our early morning walk. We're now wearing high visibility vests as it's dark still when we set off around 6am.
    Have a good day,
    Alison xx

  2. Looks like a wonderful drive you had, thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Great to see the early morning mist over the lake and in the mountains. Lovely to see the black and white cows! I know what you mean about not getting out and about, I haven't been further than in Düsseldorf with the tram for ages. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful photos. I love sunflowers too. I think cow have the most peaceful faces and soulful eyes. Nice to get out on the open road and get some honey at the end of it.

  4. A chance to get out of the house, beautiful scenery, an fresh honey. Sounds like a perfect day

  5. What a delightful road trip! The scenery is definitely worth the drive.

  6. beautiful scenery and fresh honey to bring home-perfect!

  7. Doesn't it feel good to get out of your zone? It makes a huge dif, and it looks like you picked a glorious day, too. Honey! Yum! I love it!

  8. Stunningly Gorgeous Drive - Thank You So Much For Sharing All These Shots - So Much To See, So Much To Do - Way Cool - Have A Fantastic Weekend


  9. Dear Dear Erika! Look at these views you brought us to! Thank you so much for joining Timeless Thursdays and I am just so thrilled to see views like these with the trees starting to change color (Jeanie would sure understand why, she knows how I love Autumn views) and that is very cold weather you have there. My boss lives in Rhode Island and she also talks about chilly weather too :)


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