Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Signs of the Season

Hi everyone. 
I just love these early fall days. 
Before we went to my mother-in-law's home last weekend, we stopped at a nearby farm. They have a great farmstand we like to visit, but also an apple orchard where we picked several pounds worth of apples. These are a mixture of Cortland and Macs.

 On the parking edge of the orchard they had a row of giant sunflowers growing. The flowers for the most part are passe, but they make great photos even at this stage.
You can see the row here.

Here are what's left of the flowers.

Sunflowers are one of my favorites. Next year I want to try planting a row of these myself behind my veggie garden. Someone told me they always point east, which means I won't see much of the flowers, but they are such fascinating plants I would still like to try growing them. Does anyone know about the flowers facing east?

And here's my latest page for Art Journal Journey.  This month Jo is our lovely hostess, and her theme is texture.
And there is texture here. 

My background started with a light spray of blue and yellow Dina Wakely spray gloss paint. I drew the sunflowers and painted the petals and leaves. I know you also find leaves along the stem, but I didn't want the page to be too busy. Then I used some small plastic bronze colored beads to create the centers where all the seeds are found. I also used this wood little sticker with a quote as well as adding the buttons  and some thread ties to most of them.

I thought it would be fun to go retro and added the old fashioned girl and piggie.Seeing my whole post has a "farmish" theme, I thought they worked perfectly.

Thanks for visiting. Hope you have a nice middle of the week. 


  1. Love the look of your apples, yummy! Nothing like fresh from the farm! The sunflowers are gorgeous, too, that's my favourite stage when they start to hang their heads. I love the patterns in the seeds, makes me think of Fibonacci! Great journal page, too, love the texture on the flowers. I've been working on sunflowers, too, I will show them on Friday. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Mmm, apples. Macs and Corlands. Sounds like someone will be baking pies. Cute sunflower page. Burpee seeds only said sunflowers grow best in full sun, but nothing about the flowers facing east.

    I wonder if the flowers are like daffodils and turn their faces to the sun? Enjoy your day. So what time is pie? 😺

  3. I love sunflowers too, even at the end of their days! I love the page you made, great texture and I love the image you have used! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. Good morning, how awesome to be able to pick your apples-years ago I did allot of picking of fruits-I didn't know about the sunflowers facing east. I love sunflowers too I may look for seeds of smaller versions for next year-and I have a recipe for using sunflower petals in the soap. Loved your journal pages-hugs Kathy

  5. I was curious so needed to look up the sunflowers facing east this is what I found How do sunflowers face the sun? Before the break of dawn, a young sunflower faces East—towards the direction of the sunrise. As the sun moves from east to west, the flower turns westward as well. When the sun sets, the flower reverts to its original position, facing east, to begin the cycle again the next day

  6. Stunning page! I love the sunflowers with their beaded centres and those buttons are beautiful, you certainly created lots of other texture too - perfect 😀. Our friends have just gifted us some apples from their garden so I'm going to be busy stewing and freezing them this week too! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Art Journal Journey and wishing you a great week! Hugs, Jo x

  7. The apples looks tasty.

    Sunflowers turn to face the sun, following that direction through the day:

  8. Nothing more satisfying than buying fruits from the orchard directly...

  9. Lovely apples and art! Our sunflower is facing East, which is sadly away from the house, so I have to go out in the garden to see it. Worth it every time!
    Hope you're having a good week,
    Alison xx

  10. The photos of the apples and sun flowers looked lovely. Did you make an apple pie with some of theme?
    The sun flower page looks fabulous, yellow is such a happy colour and this page is so uplifting to look at.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Reading a good few of your posts at once. I have been wondering how apple picking will of my favorite fall activities. Great page!

  12. Call me crazy but there's something about dead sunflowers I just love. They have such chaaracter! Your art works perfectly with your wonderful day.

  13. I see Kathy already answered your question about sunflowers. YES, they follow the sun during the day. Even on cloudy days, they manage to follow where the sun should be. Trust me. It's my state flower!! We are known as the Sunflower State. It's even on our vehicle license plates.

    You will surely be baking soon, dear. Looks like you got some gorgeous apples. I miss my MO friend who had an apple and pecan orchard. also, I forgot to mention. Here are days are in the mid to high 80s F and nights are in the high 60s to low 70s. I'd gladly trade you weather about now.

  14. I'm a dufus. I forgot to thank you for the lovely page you created for Art Journal Journey using Jo's theme. My bad. Love the pig. Rooting for truffles, perhaps or just having a friendly conversation with the bird?

  15. The little girl and the cute pig certainly do add to the farm scene here with those gorgeous sunflowers. Love the idea of the plastic beads for the centres, I too use beads some times for them.
    The buttons are a lovely idea and they echo the sunflowers perfectly with the colours of green and yellow.
    I once read that sunflowers always face the sun so maybe that is why they face east. Never thought that maybe they got named sunflowers because of that reason.
    Funny thing is we saw some HUGE sunflowers on our way up here yesterday, so tall that it made me remark on them. I would love to grow some over 6' tall ones.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. So beautiful art journal page. I love your sunflowers.


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