Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fabric Dyeing

Hi everyone.  Happy Thursday. Today I have a photo post for you. I'm heading off early to go visit my Mom. Although a couple of days past her birthday, better late than never as they say.
A couple of weeks ago I started doing some fabric dyeing. My first batch was made with some white scrap fabric, which I folded and held in place with rubber bands. Then I added some iron water to my non-treated iron water. There was also some "scum" left in the bottom of the pot from some earlier paper dyeing. After soaking, boiling and then some more soaking, here's some results.

The results are subtle but interesting.
What I will do with them is yet to be decided.  Something will come to me.

Hope you enjoy your views.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Pretty. When you said you held the fabric with elastic bands, I though this would be vibrant like traditional hippie tie dye. I like the softness and subtly especially the leaves. Looks like you’ll have a nice weather day to visit your mom. Enjoy your day

  2. Interesting results, and all different. I'm sure you will have fun playing with them. Have fun with your mum! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I Love your results!! so fun isn't it?
    I have those dried black walnuts from last year that keeps calling my name to make into dye and or ink. enjoy your day hugs Kathy

  4. Ohhh I am very excited on how you will use these cool dyed fabric dear Erika! I sure will be on the lookout :)

  5. OMGosh, Erika. We are on the same wavelength. I'm also dyeing a bit of fabric. I love what you have created. Subtle, yes, but beautiful none-the-less. I like how you folded the fabric, too.

  6. Wow, your fabric dying looks amazing, the colours and patterns look gorgeous 😀. Happy Thursday and have fun visiting your mum! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Cool. It’s always neat how stuff not made by man( dyes one can buy) can create neat colours. It will be interesting to see what you will make.

  8. Way Cool - Hope The Visit Went Well - Enjoy Your Weekend


  9. Wow, that is very cool! Looking forward to what you come up to with it.
    Hope you have/had a great day with your Mum.

  10. You got some intriguing patterns from this -- I've never really dug into that (dying) but it looks very satisfying.


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