Friday, October 16, 2020

Fairies and Flowers

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Another week has flown by, hasn't it? Hope yours has been a good one.

I had a nice visit with Mom yesterday.

Her assisted living had a nice new set up this time in a small private dining room. They had a wall of windows, which were open with fans, so that we could visit and Mom could stay warm. The only bad thing is that we were  on a time schedule, and after about an hour and 15  minutes, our meeting had to end so they could clean for the next visit. I'll take that time however because at least I don't have to worry about cold or wet days now.

So I'll start my art post today with some pages from the Mystery, Mayhem and Magic altered book I have been making.  The book is getting thick and hard to lay open flat, so I apologize that my pages aren't exactly completely straight in these photos.

Today I have some Magic  pages for you, fairy magic.

I had this cool piece of paper with all the grasses on it. I simply modified it just a bit.
And the next 2 page spread somewhat shares a background but not a theme.

I lined up all my painted stamped circles. And I enhanced a pretty fall image a bit also.
On the right,  I stamped the background and used this old apothecary piece.  I added a stamped bit of acetate to the center of the image (which doesn't really show up in the photo), a tag, and a bit of stamped cloth. 

I'm linking them up to Chris'  Hold the Line challenge at Art Journal Journey. Can you find the lines?

And even though our weather has been dry, my roses are having one last big bloom right now. 

As everything else dies back, it is great to have some flowers. They're a little reminder of the summer that was.

Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Great that you can see your mom safely! Your roses look beautiful, as do your etherial faerie images.

    be well... mae at

  2. Nice to see your Mother is well.
    Your today's art is beautiful and thank you for sharing also the lovely roses.

    Wishing you and yours happy, enjoyable weekend,

  3. That is so nice the assisted living had indoor space for a visit, and that you had a nice visit. The fairies pages are fun. The paper with the grasses looks like you painted it. Your roses are beautiful, too. a reminder of the Summer to come 😉 Enjoy your day.

  4. Your roses still look dazzling. What a treat when, as you say, all else is fading.

    The situation with the assisted living home sounds like a good one and I'm glad you can have a long and safe visit. It sounds like a good thing, better than a lot of set-ups like that. And your mysterious pages are indeed mysterious -- and lovely!

  5. How lovely that you got to spend some time with your mother - she looks happy about it too! Beautiful pages - sorry I've been missing magic and mayhem - I could do with some of that right now, but between packing and organising the move, it's all I can do to manage a bit of creative time each day. Love those grasses waving in the wind, and the lovely ferns and vintage almanac advert make a wonderful double spread. Your roses are beautiful too... ah, summer 2020!
    Alison x

  6. I'm so happy to see a photo of your Mom. I was afraid to ask you how she was doing, after you said she came down with covid-19. (I know of three people who have died from it.) I hope she is fully recovered. Your art looks great. And I like your blog header. Your flowers look lovely. I've been seeing those types of flowers (wild roses?) in some areas around here in Connecticut. It is nice to see the last vestiges of Summer. I saw a monarch butterfly yesterday, but I wasn't able to get a photo of it.

  7. Your Mom is looking good, great to see her up and about, and I'm happy you enjoyed the visit. Your journal pages are beautiful, the first one is my big fave today. Lovely photos, too, your roses are doing well! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. Good morning, so glad to read you were able to have a nice and safe visit with your Mom.
    I love your newest journal pages, I don't remember this journal theme but I love them.
    and wow such lovely roses-they smell wonderful Happy Friday and weekend hugs Kathy

  9. I want to begin by saying how good your mother looks after the harrowing time she had this spring. I'm so glad you had a chance to see her and I know she probably felt the same. Is this the first times since the COVID outbreak?

    Second, what in the world are you feeding those roses? I want your secret. Some kind of super food? Mine have gone into hibernation, or at least it appears so.

    Third, I like this latest spread in your M, M, and M journal. I guess I need to start believing in magic. I like how you used the fairies, too. And that German scrap is perfect for that page.

    Then there's your two page spread I really like. You come up witht he best and most unusual pages for this journal. Really very clever, especially the fairies again and the ferns. It's a great entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey, too, dear.

    SO glad you got to see your mom.

  10. How lovely to meet up with your mum, looks like you had fun together! Your fairy pages are gorgeous, love the pretty fairy stamp and the glitter that you added to their wings - gorgeous 😁. Your roses are still looking beautiful too! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  11. I can tell that your mother is smiling even behind her mask - how great you got to see her! Your roses still look so good! We have seen one or two unexpected flowerings of different plants on our garden visits! Your journal pages are fabulous - I think we need to believe in magic these days - I love how the fairies are flitting around your pages! Thanks for linking to my theme at AJJ. We also have to believe it will be will!! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. Awww your Mom looks so happy, that's a very nice photograph of her. I'm so pleased you enjoyed your visit and got to spend some time with her.
    Your journal pages look great, but the first one is my favourite.
    Your roses are still doing well, gorgeous colour.

    All the best Jan

  13. I'm happy for y'all that they've made these visiting arrangements. Your roses are a wonderful sight, especially this time of year.

  14. Sad you got that time-limit, but that´s the way it has to be now...

    I so agree on the magic. And ohhhh... the roses!

  15. A lovely post Erika, so good you got to visit your mum.
    Alison xx

  16. It was good to see the photo of your Mom and read that you had had a nice visit with her even though your time was limited.
    Your journal pages look fantastic and yes a little bit of magic would be very welcome these days.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx


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