Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Halloween Collage Part 1

 Hi everyone. With Halloween just a few days away, I figured I would share a spread each day from my Mystery, Mayhem and Magic altered book. I have some autumn spreads left, but I'll save those for next month.

How about some mystery. Like palm reading and astrology?
The left book page was left plain, but I did stamp some painted circles and added a molecule printed piece of acetate, a velum palmistry image, a stamped gentleman, and a stamped quote. I finished the page with a little paper trim and a plastic spider.
My right page was painted and then stamped with the same pink paint on a circle as my left side. I added some printed tissue paper, a playing card, a moon sticker, a vintage man cut out of from a page as well as some punch out designs. I finished by stamping a few star cluster/horoscope designs. 

And there are lines too. Like on the palm and also all over the right side. Just perfect for Chris' Hold the Line challenge at Art Journal Journey.
With a few days left this month, you have a few days left to join us for this challenge.

Hope your week is going well.


  1. Lovely pages, Erika, palm reading would not be Covid conform! It's a shame that everything's been cancelled this year because of it. Have a fun day, take care, stay safe. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Very cool! In Italy we had palm reading - from a computer, but an ooold one. She spoke, too, but alas, I don´t speak/understand Italian. Gladly the sheets of paper came in English!

  3. Tarot cards are more my thing, but I love your art here. Mysteries revealed.

  4. Oh Wow Erika! I love these pages, the han page especially and that quote! Thank you so much for sharing for my theme at Art Journal Journey. Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Wonderful astronomy pages, Erika. Lot of interesting details to look at.
    By the way I created yesterday an astronomy page, too. It's not going to entry any challenge, I just got the idea to do it. A fun coincident, isn't it ;)
    Have a wonderful day xx

  6. Have looked at your blog, I still think you do great things and stop by occasionally. I have not had time to make cards as I have actually been working on a book which has now been published.

  7. terrific journal pages, I really like the style!
    Have a good time and take care of yourself, hug Elke

  8. I like the sound of the Three M's book. You can really let your imagination run away with you on this one but you have some perfect images there. I love the Palmistry picture and the old fashioned gent who looks as if he is walking into the palm readers booth to find out his fortune.
    The other page is a great contrast with its rich red c. olours and the mystical signs of the zodiac.
    Enjoy your journey into the mystical magical world of mayhem.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Spooky and mysterious. Love the magician gent in the top hat. Got your shovel ready?

  10. Turn story. Time to pick up some watercolor brushes

  11. Great story. Time to get some watercolor brushes and explore

  12. This is filling up nicely Erika, I love the intrigue of each piece. The man with his bulging coat with the missing button made me smile, made he needs his palm read to help him find it hee hee!!
    Hugs Tracey x

  13. Another wonderful pair of pages Erika! I love the quote too.
    Alison xx


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