Thursday, October 29, 2020

Halloween Collage, Part 2

 Hi there. I am back with my Mystery, Mayhem and Magic altered book art today. Today I am going to continue with the mystery theme with some more palm reading and fortune telling.

On the left is a tag. Is it All Hallow's Eve enough to link up to Tag Tuesday?

And more lines on the fortune car on the right, so I am once more linking up to Chris' Hold the Line challenge at Art Journal Journey.

On the right is a fortune telling spread. I have to laugh at the man on the bottom right. I cut him out of the back of a playing card. His club look like a giant green pickle.  At least to me.
 I made this page with a story in mind.  The man with the pickle club is in love with the women whose face is on the 2 of clubs playing card at the top of the page. He is not sure she loves him back, so he goes to see a fortune teller to find out. 
Her answer is shown in the gold rectangle with the 8 hearts with the sword. Now this answer is open to some interpretation. It might mean he will have 8 women he loves and that don't love him back before he finds his true love.  It also might mean that he rejected the love of 8 women for the women in the card. With fortunes, they are always so vague you can interpret them to fit your life. 

One of my friends had a fortune telling party many years ago.  She brought in a palm reader/card reader. On my turn she said 2 interesting things that I remember. She told me that one of my passed relatives looked over me, and that he, being a brick mason, just loved my living room fireplace. (You might remember from my decorating photos is made of both brick and stones from the property.) She thought it was my grandfather (who was not a brick mason) but when I mentioned the name she said no. When I mentioned my mother's uncle who was a brick mason, she said no. She said he had an unusual name (at least for her) in the US.  I didn't know who else it would be. Later I was telling this story to my cousin, and she said it had to be her dad. His name was Idoff, and he is the only one I have ever heard of with that name. He had been a brick mason, and he had passed when I was younger. And my cousin said he would have loved my fireplace.  Maybe, maybe not. But it makes a good Halloween story.
The other things this lady told me was that I needed to continue with my watercolor painting as I would make a name for myself if I did. I looked at her and said I didn't watercolor paint. She told me I had better start.  That I would be really good and make some money also if I did. At that time I scrapbooked in my own journalish way but didn't even really art journal.  
Hmmm.  Even now I sometimes think if I should take up watercolor painting in a serious way.

OK, enough for me today. Thanks for visiting and hope your day goes well.


  1. Well Erika, you could try the watercolouring a little and see where it leads you. But, just in case, can I have your autograph now please. What a super story about the fortune teller and what a great way to have a party.
    I love how you told a story with your layout today but I somehow now have this picture of the giant pickle in my head when originally I thought it was a club he was holding. Mind you I did wonder why it was lime green!
    I love the various pictures you have used to make this grand collage and I am pondering on how or where you got them. They are perfect for this book and I love the fortune telling lady.
    A great spread.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Fun post, had to smile at the green pickle! Love your story, too. Have a good and safe day, hug, Valerie

  3. Fun story to go with the pages. Maybe the Pickle Club Man has to perform 8 challenges to win the heart of his lady love. 🎃 Cool story about the fortune telling party?

  4. I LOVE the pages. This is a gorgeous book and I think one of my favorites from all the projects you show. And the story about the party and fortune teller is pretty interesting. I never count those things out. Same with some of the things about (well done, not newspaper) astrology. And as you said, no matter what, it makes for an interesting and fun story!

  5. More fabulous pages, love the texture the braid adds to the tag. I took chickled at the green club being held by the Joker? Yes it does look like a pickle hee hee!! Great find and a great tale, I'm a believer that someone is always watching over us.. and it's never too late to take up watercolour it's a very relaxing past time. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Awesome header btw. Stay safe x

  6. I love the palm reader hand. SO impressive. I like both of these pages, Erika. But most of all, I like the palm reading party. Rather spooky how the name worked out. Whatever the reason, it made a great story and I sure enjoyed it. Thanks, too, for sharing this with Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme.

  7. Fabulous pages and that's a good story too! x

  8. I love this page but I have got the giggles about the pickle club! Thank for linking with this fun page! Maybe you should try watercoloring - you just never know! Hugs, Chris

  9. I looove the tassel effect on the left page Erika! gives me a mystical gypsy aura to it :)

  10. I love the story you wove around this spread, especially the giant pickle club. You have quite the imagination. I also enjoyed hearing about your palm reading. Now that you'retired, you should have time to try watercolors just to see if she was right. I'm curious. Happy Halloween! Hugs, Eileen

  11. this is marvelous! tank you for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  12. Very spooky story indeed. I had my fortune told once and quite a few things became true! Not sure if I believe or dis-believe lol. Loving your beautiful artwork Erika! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.


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