Friday, October 9, 2020

Lines of Sight

 Happy Friday everyone! Monday through Friday went from start to end in a blink of an eye, and now it is almost the weekend.

Today I have a page for Chris' challenge at Art Journal Journey. Chris has asked us to Hold the Line this month, and my page today is about lines of sight. I drew 5  lines of sight on my page to represent ways you might observe the house, but of course 9as you know)  there are far more depending on where you are standing when you look at the house. You will have to use your imagination to see the view from each of those directions I did include. And the front of the house that I show you has no drawn lines for that sighting, but of course is the line of the sight you see.

But as you also know, drawing it as I want is the joy of art journaling-smile.

Here's the quote. 

I thought I would also share a few more photos from my walk  at Odiorne State Park with my daughter the other day.

Here's inspiration photos for my art today. 

I have wanted to walk out on this jetty for as long as we have been boating and anchoring out at the beach.  The view of the jetty from the boat looks really different. Below is a view from the boat I took back in the summer on a warm, calm day. 

When my daughter and I  walked the other day I planned on walking out on the jetty. 

Only... the tide was very high and still 30 minutes from highest tide, plus there were several waves breaking over it. Not wanting to be washed out to sea (smile) or getting my feet drenched, I figured it would be better to wait until one day when the tide was low and the sea was calmer.  Plus getting over that  watery pool close to the front of the photo looked a bit tricky.
And here's a slightly different view of the jetty, or another line of sight.

And a few more ocean photos for you.  This is the beach where we often anchor our boat. The tide was high enough there was no beach at all.

And the bridge over a river in the salt marsh to get out to the harbor. 

Enjoy whatever you have left of your Friday and the start of your weekend. 


  1. Love your fun page, Erika, very cleverly thought out and made! And great photos of you ladies having fun by the sea. Glad you didn't try the walk over those rocks, it might have been dangerous! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. A clever take on line of sight. Yeah, I wouldn't want to walk the jetty so close to high tide. We had gone to Wells Beach with Himself's sister when the girlies were little. The tide had started to come in and we had a difficult time holding onto girlies and beach things making our way to the stairs near the parking lot.

  3. Such a lovely page! The blue skies and falling leaves looks amazing and what a gorgeous day you had out on the water 😀. I loved seeing the photos and exploring with you! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  4. That is a different view of the jetty! I'd enjoy exploring that, but as you say it'd be better without the risk of being swept away. I look forward to photos when the conditions are better.

  5. Beautiful photos Erika, and a great page too!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  6. It's such a magical place - and one day I'm sure you'll get to walk out on that jetty - it will be like being far out at sea! I love your page and the idea of the lines of sight and leaving home and starting something new (can't imagine why that quote speaks so much to me at the moment!!!). Love the leaves swirling around, and the tiny house at the centre is adorable.

    No, I can't see an email from you... not in Spam either, unless your secret email name is "Michel"!
    Alison x

  7. Your journal page is brilliant, dear Erika. I love the lines. That is clever. I like the quote, too. It's a great page for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    BTW, I'm working on getting AJJ back.

    Those rocks look grueling. I am glad you had time with your daughter, but I think you need to stay safe.

  8. Oh, I looove that little house!
    The quote is frightening for me... I fail to trust in a new job.
    Butthe pics... sooo beautiful! Thank you for sharing them!

  9. Your colors and leaves are so cool on your page. The words are thought-provoking. It inspires ideas in my head. Don't you just love Fall?

    Your pictures are sooo cool - I am so jealous.

    You left a note on my blog about sending an email - I don't see an email - can you ask again ( - I may have deleted it in error. Hugz!

  10. I suspect you made the right decision on the jetty but i can see why you'd like to go to the end. It looks like a fabulous day and wonderful time. All that blue sky and water makes me smile big.

  11. What a fabulous idea for my theme at AJJ! I love your little house at the centre with all those leaves falling around it! I am so ready for some new beginnings but I fear that with Corona levels rising in our area I will have to wait a while wait...I bought a new cookbook the other day...there's something to look forward to! Wishing you a happy weekend, hugs, Chrisx

  12. Lovely artwork and great beach photos. I like that jetty. The water seemed a little choppy. I also like that bridge to get to the harbor. What a beautiful area.


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