Saturday, October 10, 2020

Weekend Art Post

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hi everyone. Happy Saturday and happy weekend to you!
Blogger seems to be having issues centering my text this morning. OK, now it seems to be working. Go figure.
Today we're having a bit of warmth so the plan is to go get the dock and other water paraphernalia cleaned up at my mother-in-laws. It needs to be done since someone has to get a little wet to pull out the dock, and the water temperatures are starting to get cold. The dock raiser usually puts on hip wader boots like you see some fisherpeople wear. I am suspecting it will either be my husband or my sister-in-law's husband that goes in to do that. I'll just move chairs as I am too short for the waders (they'd probably go half way up over my face) and to lift the dock much out of the water.
My first spread today is from my Halloween Mystery, Mayhem and Magic altered book. My pages today are a bit on the mayhem side, at least the left one is.

I picked up this TH gothic text stencil recently. (I love the look of old text.)  After painting the background this bright yellow, I used  the stencil with black paint.
I used a page out of a plant book to make my left side background,  and then I added the twins. I cut these ladies out of an old magazine cover. I can't remember the name of the magazine, but it was an art photography one that I rediscovered while reorganizing and cleaning. They are probably in real life sweet women, but here I turned them into poisoners who had done away with 56 victims. 

On the right side I used some ferns that I die cut. I also used some paper ephemera from my stash that I layered. Then I added the half curtain that came from a TH Halloween ephemera packet I picked up when I got the stencil. I also trimmed out the bottom of the right page with a piece of scrap paper.
I am linking my page up to Chris' Hold The Line challenge at Art Journal Journey. Although there aren't obvious lines here, you can see them on the top and bottom of the word poison, in the curtains, in the lined up text, as well as a few other spots.

I also have another tag for Pinky's Tree challenge at Tag Tuesday.  When I pulled out my little bin of  tree stamps I was inspired to make a few tags. This one is a more traditional take on autumn trees.

This tag also works to remind anyone interested that the latest challenge at Try It On Tuesday is the Colors of Autumn.. The challenge runs through Monday night.

Ok, enough for me. The day's adventures are calling me.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love your spread, especially the ladies-page. Its composition is great. The other pages are beautiful as well, and the tag is perfect, too.
    Happy weekend, my friend xx

  2. Your Halloween journal is so fun. I'd love to hear the story of the Poisoners and their 56 victims. Probably not as nice or funny as Arsenic and Old Lace. Pretty tag and I like the murder of crows. Have fun at the dock. I laughed at the image of you in waders with just your eyes peeking over the top.

  3. I love your Halloween and Fall artwork. It looks great. It's supposed to be warm here in CT today too: high of 75 F. These are the days where we get wild swings in temperatures, both during the day and night. Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind, what she wants the days to be like. I love this time of year.

  4. Two fabulous pages from your altered book Erika - shuddering at the thought of those two being mass murderesses but so pleased to see this spooky pair linked to my theme! We have just started to watch 'Prodigal Son' with a scary Michael Sheen starring! Your tag reminds me - I have one to post! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Being short, yes. Things could be worse but it ain´t nice!
    Oh, I love the velvet curtain! And I wonder what the ladies talk about.
    oh. 56. Not 57? I dunno about your news but here they make up "exact" Corinna-numbers like that - how???
    The tag is great, too, the mushrooms sure dominate it lovingly.

    I started thinking my brain out about Koch, but actually it´s easy.
    Go to google, type "koch aussprache" and you should find a button to click and hear it.
    Reckon "koch pronunciation" might lead you to COKE, me at least.

    A happy weekend to you, hugs - Iris

  6. I love your seasonal pages and the colors you chose for the Autumn color piece.

  7. Love your fun journal pages, and the tag is gorgeous, too, thanks so much for joining us again, much appreciated. I am trying to imagine you in waders with just your head peeking over the top! You have certainly covered all of out challenges with this lovely post, well done! Have a fun weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

  8. How amazing, dear Erika, I really LOVE that Halloween inspired book you are working in. That's a great stencil, too. I'm also a big fan of gothic text. Your pages are so well done. Lots to see on both pages. In fact, I see something new each time I look at them. The curtain reminds me of Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. Thanks for another great entry using Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Pinky came up with a great theme, and I really LOVE your tree. I should see if I have some tree stamps. You did great. This is a wonderful tag and so great for TioT, too.

  9. A fabulous spread Erika, and I love your autumnal tag! Hope the clearing and cleaning by the lake goes well.
    Alison xx

  10. There are times when being short is really a blessing -- like when you might have to otherwise put on waders and go in cold water! Meanwhile, I love the book you are doing. The Poison page is especially intriguing to me! Happily creepy!

  11. Yes, it was nice to have some warmer than usual for fall temps this week, Erika, and hope that the projects went well at your MIL's place. We will be glad for the cooler temps to return since we're still trying to spend as much time as possible on outdoor explorations. I am sure the twins will never discover how you made them into poisoners, so not to worry :-)

  12. The Halloween inspired page look fantastic Erika, I realy like the text you used in the backgrounds.
    I can picture you wearing the waders or anyone who is short of statue, that would be me as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Such fabulous pages and I'm loving your autumnal tag! Have fun at the dock and I'd be exactly the same in those waders 😀. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  14. All the work in the dock sounds so wet and cold, I can't even imagine what you are doing - raising the dock? Isn't it lucky you are not tall enough to go in with waders.
    These two pages are seriously spooky. In other circumstances the two ladies might look innocent but you have given them a rather frightening look with the words and the grey flowers and both backing pages of text.
    The other, with the owl, looks rather like the cover of a rather interesting Young Adult book which are often very readable. That's a fierce looking owl and a unnerving threatening curtain.
    Top class invention and layering, Erika, these certainly spook me out.

  15. Oh that double page is something else Erika. Gave me chills lol. Thanks for yet another gorgeous tag. Trees are definitely hard to resist. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday xx


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