Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Spooky Skeletons

Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday.
I hope your week is going well. I've been busy with a few small cleaning projects that I am suddenly feeling like  should be done by now. One voice in my head says "You've been retired since June and you haven't done them? What have you accomplished?" And the other voice in my head says "You have plenty of time to do these jobs. What is your rush? Life is short so go for a walk or make some art."
Some days one voice wins out and some days the other. Some days I compromise between the two.
I guess this is just part of the retirement adjustment process for me.  I am not bored, and I seem to manage to spend more time doing what I want to be doing, but some days all those much needed house projects need to be addressed, even for an hour. Yesterday I worked on cleaning out a few more things from the attic. I must say, it did make me feel accomplished and stopped the boom of one of those voices.
And I had plenty of arttime afterwards.

There is a new challenge at Tag Tuesday.  This time it is All Hallow's Eve.  I had created this tag for my Mystery, Mayhem and Magic altered book, and this challenge is a perfect place to show it. (You'll have to ignore the view behind this tag page in my book-like the feet peeking out at the bottom.)

My tag ended up being a lot spookier than I thought it would. (He's even a little spooky for me!) I started by putting down some glue swirls, and then once dry, I inked the page with black. Those glue swirls look really ghostly to me. The skeleton is a sticker from a Victorian style sticker book, not even meant for Halloween.  The spider is a little button and I added some painted eyes. I attached the tag to a cut off page in my book, and backed it up with another tag. The glitter hand was on my table because I had cut it out for my Try It on Tuesday page, but I didn't like it there so I figured I might as well put it here. And the tag that backs up this one had the trim added to it, but it is a bonus for this tag.

And speaking of skeletons, a house down the road from me does some clever skeleton scenes each fall. This year I've taken  photos of them. Here's what they've had out so far.

The lemonade stand with the poisonous lemonade.

There are ads here on TV for an online dating service called Farmer's Only. Their catchy song says "You don't have to be lonely with" The sign on the left has that written on it, and there is your lonely farmer with his animals.

And the latest one is this Hawaiian luau. Complete with roast pig.

It'll be fun to see what they do next.
Thanks for visiting.



  1. Oh my Gosh! thanks for that!!! SO FUnny!
    (not a farmer)

  2. Life is short, enjoy it! doing chores is very overrated! Love our wonderful tag, so spooky. Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday again. I've been busy all day here and got nothing done....Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I enjoy seeing the Halloween decorations people put out, especially as I've never done much along those lines. Those people are going all out!

  4. What a fabulous tag and those skeletons are getting up to all sorts of antics, so funny 😁. Take care and enjoy your week! Hugs, Jo x

  5. I like your spooky tag and the neighbor’s yard decorations are hilarious.

  6. your tag is marvelous and perfectly spooky! thanks for linking to tag tuesday! love the decorations you've been seeing! xo

  7. I made the same kind of job yesterday. I hate to clean the bathroom tubes, but yesterday a voice said me, that you are lazy, just do it!! - and I did!
    Your tag is impressive and topic.
    Thanks for sharing these crazy garden decoration photos... it is not to my taste.
    Have a wonderful day, my friend xx

  8. Love it all, your spooky tag and the lemonade to die for. Ohhh, and the pig, hmmm.
    Sadly here they don´t do decorations like that.

  9. I love your spooky artwork. And those yard scenes are fantastic, especially the skeletons having a pig roast. How clever! I've been meaning to take photos of yard decor I've seen around the area, but in some places, there is nowhere to park, to hop out and take a photo. Which reminds me, one spot near a church had tombstones, so I can park in the church parking lot and walk over to the house, to get photos (if I remember).

  10. I like this piece a lot, Erika. It IS spooky! And I can relate to the cleaning -- I've been working on both my room and especially the art room office -- which takes a lot longer than you think. It's not just cleaning, it's sorting and organizing. So I feel what you say.

    Love the neighbor's decorations!


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