Monday, October 19, 2020

T Stands for Some of Last Week's Highlights

 Hello and happy Tuesday.  It is once again time for T over at  Bleubeard andElizabeth's blog.  It's a rather long post today also. Just warning you. Smile.

This past week I have been puttering about, walking, making art, reading, binge watching (or more correctly rewatching after 30+ years) Twin Peaks on Netflix, and took a day trip to visit my mom. I mentioned it was my mom's 91st birthday last week, but I also wanted to get in a visit in case Covid gets bad enough they have to stop visits again at her assisted living.  Things are getting worse in this area after a fairly low level of spread this past summer.  It is quite worrisome.

When I visited Mom, I went through a Chick-fil-A drive through for lunch on my way home. I am impressed how they handle contact, and their sandwiches are pretty good fast food. I had my chicken sandwich and a diet coke, which is my T day drink. My dog Pete also came for a ride, and I did share a bite or 2 of my sandwich with him. 

Here's my drink.

When I ordered they asked if I wanted to try one of their brownies. Brownies? I didn't know they served brownies. Something new.

 I didn't need the calories, but it was a chocolate brownie. Plus I did have a over a 2 hour drive home. It was a pretty good driving treat. Pete didn't get any brownie though, no matter how much he would have enjoyed that treat.

(And if you were wondering why my other dog Maddie wasn't with me it was because she was at daycare for the day, playing with her dog friends. We send her once or twice a week as she loves to go, and it keeps us active in case we ever get another pup. Even though with me no longer working, we don't really need to send her. The 2 women who run doggie daycare will take a new dog from already participating families, but are full and are not taking new dogs otherwise. And if you wondered about Pete, he used to go but got kicked out. Pete just wasn't comfortable there among all the other  dogs they take a day.)

I didn't need the brownie calories because Trader Joe's fall pumpkin shortbread cookies have arrived, and we have a box (or 2) at home.  These are a favorite with me, and pure trouble when they are out.

And they are also a favorite of the dogs too.

Sorry Maddie, but the box is empty. You and Pete ate too many. Ha-ha.

 I'm also taking my sourdough playing to a new level. I've moved onto trying rye bread.

 I ordered a bag of rye flour from King Arthur Flour and made my first loaf.

It tasted fantastic, but  flattened out a bit after I lifted off the cover off of my shaped rising. I don't know if I didn't develop the gluten enough to hold its height or if it is is supposed to do this. Next time I might try shaping and baking it in a ceramic baking bowl.

And seeing the leaves were so beautiful, I went for a bit of a drive after grocery shopping one afternoon. The grocery store is in the  town next to mine, so I circled around the back roads to drive home. All the other views are in my town of New Durham.

My first stop was Merrymeeting Lake. 

Then I followed the Merrymeeting River for a bit.

I got off this road and took a cut across to the road that runs up behind the one where my house is. I've lived in town for over 30 years and yet had never driven all the way up this road. I discovered a few cool old homes and also 2 more lakes. I knew these lakes were in town, but I can't say I ever visited them before.
This first one is Chalk Pond.

And the second larger one was Marches Pond. 

Marches Pond even had a boat ramp. I know where I want to go kayaking next spring or summer.

Even better is that it wasn't more than a 10 minute drive home, although not in a direction I would normally go as right beyond these lakes the road just ends.

That's been my exciting week. Hope yours was well and you are staying safe.
Thanks for visiting.
And Happy T Day too!


  1. Belated birthjday wishes to your mom, Erika, and nice that you were able to see her. Hopefully the new outbreaks will not cause a shutdown at her facility as people do need to keep in contact with family. It's so important, especially now. We have only eaten at Chick-fil-A once and didn't really like it as the place seemed a bit pricey, but then most places have higher prices now. Those trader Joe cookies look good and we may have to get to the TJ near us to get some based on your recommendation! I made bread tonight, artisan and it was so good with homemade vegetable soup and side salad. It's that time of year !

  2. Well it looks like you were treated to lots of good things- food and sightseeing wise:) I love that Maddie enjoys and gets to go to a doggie day care- so good for socialization besides a break for you (and Pete).
    Rye bread isn't one we care much for so I'll pass on that, but the brownie and cookies- o h I know hubby would love those. Thanks for sharing the beautiful lake and roadside views. happy T day!

  3. Great post, I really enjoyed the lake photos with all the pretty fall leaves, that is nice to have so close by. How far away is the ocean for your big boat? Nice to be rural and have water near by too. I have never lived near a Trader Joe's we have always lived very rural with no shopping centers etc.That is neat that one of your dogs enjoys playing with other dogs-that's nice. I have never lived near a chick fil a either but I have been told for fast food it is good.
    I used to always make a sourdough dark rye bread for when ever I made a corn beef dinner. I think the rye breads are a little trickier to come out well-they do need longer rises and I think the sourdough ryes bake up a little better.-just my two cents worth before I knew I had celiac (no gluten) and we didn't worry about carbs I baked all of our breads-I really enjoyed it. well sorry for this long post Happy T and new week ahead Hugs Kathy

  4. You went for a lovely trip and saw some beautiful autumnal scenes, thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos. Your food you bought on the way back from your Mom's look great, too, glad Pete got a bite or two to keep him happy! I would probably have kept the Brownie for myself, too! And enjoy your fresh bread. I made a cake at the weekend, it was toooo good, dangerous! Happy T Day, have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  5. Really sad we have to fear they close down facilities again.
    Pumpkin-spice-cookies is new to me.
    Oh, what a sweet name for a lake! And such a beautiful one!
    Sad you have to remind people not to litter.
    A happy T-day to you and thank you for the beautiful pics!

  6. Beautiful photos Erika!
    Have a great week.
    Alison xx

  7. Glad you got to visit you mom. Worcester is one of several cities and towns which have moved from yellow to red as Covid is on the rise. Now red should look like your beautiful foliage. The colors with the blue of the lake and the sky are just glorious. I’ve never baked rye bread and haven’t had much luck with whole wheat or sourdough. Happy T Day

  8. Happy Birthday to your mom. I have not eaten at a fast food in 25 plus years. I have never eaten at a chic fil A. Sounds like you enjoyed it. Your bread looks amazing. Flat or not I know it tasted great. My friend only uses Kind Arthur's flour too. I can't find it here in my town. It is so pretty where you live. Thanks for showing the photos. Enjoy your day.

  9. We are in a modified lockdown due to rising numbers. No indoor dining at restaurants or food courts until the middle of November. Take out is fine.
    Love your heading.
    I have to bake gluten free as my husband is celiac, so it is a challenge.

  10. Happy birthday to your mom and I hope you can keep visiting her with the proper coverings. I hope you can hug your mom from afar at least. Love all your pictures and those ponds are so blue..just lovely.

  11. Those lakes and views are so very beautiful. Isn't it relaxing to take a ride like that one? It looks like the perfect day for it, too, with those blue skies reflected in the water. I'm glad you are out and about!

    I wonder if I added a spoonful or so of pumpkin pie spice to my favorite shortbread recipe it would be close. I miss TJs. Haven't been in AGES.

  12. I had all kinds of things to say about this post, but I got to your lake views and am still awe-struck. Breath-taking!

    Happy T Tuesday

  13. What beautiful lake pictures ~ the leaves are so colorful with that dark blue water. I love chick fila too and I also didn't know they have brownies. The cookies sound really good ~ much better then my Instant latte I'm sure. The turtle sign made me smile too :) Enjoy the week!

  14. Right before I was going to leave you a message, I got up to get coffee. When I did, I must have hit my computer screen because when I got back, my screen was black. I even rebooted and tried the little lights that adjust the screen. I was sick about it, but waited until today when I could see better what was going on. I finally found I had accidentally unplugged one of the cords that hooks the screen to the hard drive box. I am so glad I didn't need a new computer screen.

    I'm so glad you got to have time with your mother. Your trip home was amazing. Those photos after your trip to the grocery store show how beautiful it is in your part of the world. I am so in love with your area of the country and the lake and ponds are beautiful. I can't believe you live so close to that much beauty.

    Rye bread sounds wonderful. The rye I buy in the stores is always dense, so I have nothing to compare yours to, but yours sure looks great.

    I can't believe you got both a chocolate brownie AND went home to pumpkin spice cookies. I'd be waddling if I ate all that. Oh wait, I COULD eat all that (grin). That's why I waddle. Thanks for sharing your area of the country, your brownie, your rye bread, your cookies, and your diet coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  15. What a fabulous post! All those foodie treats look yummy, I can see why Pete and Maddie had their eye on them, I would too 😀. The autumnal views around the lake are so beautiful, I so enjoyed walking with you today! Sorry I'm so late visiting, it's hubby's birthday today - Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  16. How fun that your mom turned 91 and that you were able to visit her. I am sure that was a treat after not being able to see people for a while.
    I have never tried Chick-fil-a brownies but everything I have ever gotten there is delicious. I LOVE their salad because they are the only fast food restaurant that uses real greens and not iceberg as well as fresh fruit.
    Fall has certainly come to your area. The leaves are beautiful! Fall is my favorite season.
    Loved seeing what you are experimenting with rye sourdough. Do you use a gluten agent? Just curious as I have heard that flours other than white are difficult to master due to the decreased gluten content. Looking forward to seeing some more loaves from your oven.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Beautiful Fall photos, thank you. yum! A Chickfil-A brownie!
    Happy T Day!

  18. Great assortment of photos. I chuckled over Pete getting kicked out of doggy daycare. Covid-19 cases are on the rise here in Connecticut, too, after tapering off over the Summer. Happy belated T-Day! (I probably won't be posting this week. :-( )

  19. oh how I miss Trader Joes!!!!! And chick fil
    but the infection rate is rising like crazy here and it's just not safe so
    but I would have gotten the brownies too... more than one.

  20. I'm glad you got to visit your mom. I hope the COVID situation improves there soon. Here too.

    Our Sadie loves doggie daycare too. She gets along with people and other dogs outside the house. But at home, she can be a terror. She's jealous of me as far as Chris goes. We're working really hard on that issue and making progress. She also jumps at the glass doors when she sees a squirrel or bird. But out in the yard, she doesn't go after them. It seems so weird to me. Obviously she was traumatized as a pup. We think her whole litter was dumped out of a car. Three of the litter were rescued and we rescued her.

    Pumpkin spice shortbread cookies - oh my, I'd love to taste one of those. I wouldn't mind some of that rye bread (my favorite) either.

    Beautiful fall photos! The colors of fall up north can be so clear and brilliant. That and lobster rolls are the only things I miss about NJ - lol.

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

  21. How wonderful that you could go and see your mum. Happy belated birthday to her. The covid situation is worsening all over the world it seems. Even in our sleepy neck of the wood it is rearing its head. Not nice.
    A chocolate brownie sounds just the ticket! I could devour one right now. (Luckily I haven't got one)
    Well done you for attempting rye bread. It looks good even though it was flatter.
    I loved seeing the photos of the lakes and the trees all in autumn colour. beautiful!
    Sorry for the late comment,
    Have a good week,

  22. Oops! I've been meaning to get back here all week! Glad you got to see your Mom. Chicken sandwich sounds like a good idea to share with Pete!! The last sourdough I made was so dense I've given up! Loved sen the scenic route you took and to 'find' a lake or next year sounds good! Hugs, Chrisx


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