Tuesday, October 6, 2020

T Stands for Another in the Car Picnic

 Hi everyone. 

Hope your October has started off in a good way, and everyone is staying healthy. 

I managed to keep myself out of trouble last week, which is always a good thing.  Over  the weekend we brought our boat home to store it for the winter. That always makes my husband a bit on the blue side. I can't say the temperatures have been warm enough for boating lately however, and the marina closes the lawn storage next weekend. Another season wraps up. Sad or not, it is time.

Speaking of time, time  for T again, the first one of October. Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to see what the T ladies have been doing and what they have been drinking. 

My drink today goes back to my road trip to the White Mountains 2 1/2 weeks ago. If you missed those posts and want to read them you can find them here: Part 1  and Part 2. My husband and I had driven about 2 hours north of our house to the mountains for a little change of scenery. We brought some snacks, because what's a road trip without snacks? We didn't bring lunch though. When we reached our northern apex after a meandering drive and had also watched a couple trains at the Cog Railroad, we decided we needed some real food before we drove the couple of hours home.

We weren't exactly in an easy place to get some lunch. The cog railroad station had some food, but  the food was expensive and sitting under a heat lamp. No thank you. If we weren't in the middle of the covid19 epidemic, we could have visited the beautiful old Mount Washington hotel restaurant for probably a really nice lunch. We've done take out and sat outside in open areas for food, but we're not ready to go sit down inside. Plus that day it was too cold to sit outside and eat.

That left us one option. Get a take out sandwich at a deli at the local  general store.

What was interesting was that the general store (as you can sort of see in the above photo) was an old train station. I am guessing that this station was where passengers going to the Mount Washington Hotel for a summer holiday (back in  the early 1900's) disembarked from the trains that brought those tourists to the area from points further south. I should have gotten a better photo, but at the time I wasn't thinking T post.
Inside the general store they had a deli, so we ordered sandwiches. We had decided we would go back what was maybe a quarter mile back down the road to a rest area we had passed. We could park, have our lunch and enjoy the view.

This was my view from the driver's seat of my car. You can see the Mount Washington Hotel on the left and Mount Washington behind it and off the the right. The fence is there as there is a big drop off down to the road.
Here's my lunch. I had a turkey wrap with some veggies and a bag of Doritos. I haven't had Doritos in maybe 8 or 10 years. They tasted pretty good for switch, but I couldn't finish the bag. I couldn't finish my sandwich either.

And here's my drink.

Keeping this post short today. I am waiting for the dentist to call me back as last night I had an issue with a tooth. I hate that, not knowing when they can squeeze you in. I feel like I need to be ready in case they say can you come right now. Of course, they rarely do that.

I will get by your blog also, but depending on the dental call, it might be later. 

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week.


  1. Sad to be packing the boat away again, time flies so quickly! Your lunch up in the mountains looks good, I haven't had nachos for years, thanks for the reminder!😁😁 Hope all goes well at the dentist's! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Where has summer gone, it seems to have zoomed by! No fun to put the boat away, I would be said too, I had to get long trousers out a couple of weeks ago andmput my shorts and flipflops away - boo hoo! I love the White Mountains, they are a wonderful place to see all the Fall foliage and your lunch looked so yummy too 😀. Hope you get your tooth sorted soon, take care! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  3. Fantastic photos from your trip to Mount Washington. Beautiful blue skies that day. Putting the boat away for the season is always a sad event, signifying the unpleasantness to come. (While it's not the same, this weekend I took down my hanging flowering baskets and put the metal hanging things away in the shed.) I like the drink you had. Happy T-Day!

  4. Good morning, hoping by now you are at the dentist. This is such a pretty area, I love buildings with history still being in use. Perfect lunch I would say. Happy T hugs Kathy

  5. Old RR stations have been converted to such a variety of repurposed uses. This is a great example. And what luck you had to find good (or at least acceptable) sandwiches. The views of the hotel are also beautiful.

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  6. unfortunately I could finish the sandwich plus the bag of chips (except I'm allergic to corn) the mountain hotel is so pretty

  7. I'd be sad like your hubby putting the boat away. I'm still lamenting the end of summer even though the fall is quite beautiful as well. Glad you found a place to get some decent food before the long drive home. Glorious view from the car window. I would have loved to take a glimpse in the Mount Washington Hotel;) Hope all goes well with the dental visit. happy T day!

  8. Your road trip to the White Mountains must have been fun. The photos are gorgeous. I love how you managed to find lunch food for your in-car picnic.

    Good luck at the dentist's office.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

  9. I'm glad you finally found a place where you could grab some food. I love that they kept the old train station and repurposed it. I hope all went well with the dentist. I hate going to the dentist.

  10. I like your motor cover ~ Very professional and clean looking. In Virginia we have boat lifts so your boat can stay in all year around which is nice for those warm winter days we randomly have here. The mountain view was very pretty. I hope your dental appt goes well ~ Blessings on your week

  11. That hotel looks like a real find! I've never been a Doritos fan, and it always feels like meals I buy out are too big. I can't finish the sandwiches either. I'm sorry about your tooth :( Happy T Tuesday

  12. I am SO glad you gave the links to the two posts I missed. Seems I've missed a LOT of posts during my time away.

    Your wrap actually didn't look bad and, like you, it's been years since I've had a Doritos. Thanks for sharing your wonderful road trip, your view of the hotel and mountains, your wrap, and your diet Coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  13. Wow, that view is gorgeous! I can see why you would rather have had a meal at the hotel. It looks like a lovely place. At least you still got to enjoy the view and the local food.
    I am sure that you will be looking forward to summer next year so you can take the boat out. It sounds like you have a lot of wonderful experiences this year.
    happy Tea Day,

  14. Summer is over 😿 bye boat. See you in 259 days. What an awesome view of the Mt. Washington Inn. Reminds me of the hotel in Stephen King’s The Shining. Delicious looking lunch. I haven’t had Doritos in ages. Was looking at some bags on an end cap at the grocery store today. I was wishing carbs were the thing that was good for you instead of veggies. Happy T Day

  15. How interesting that the store was an old train station.
    Great photos of Mt. Washington. The coke even looks good! :) Happy T Day!

  16. So sad to see the boat and the season go. So you´re some Tupper-lady, too, taking the other half home ;-)
    Great views and happy belated T-day. Hope the dentist went well. I have no issues, but I fear tomorrow, right away at 08:00 a.m. it´s dentist time for me...

  17. Hope our tooth is better. Lovely trip, it is so pretty there. Yeah bringing the boat in is tough but nice to know it will be ready for next year. Enjoy your day.

  18. Sad to see the boat being put away for the winter, but you had some lovely times on it in the summer. Lovely photos, and your picnic looks good.
    Alison xx

  19. Yes, in spite of Covid, summer has just flown by!
    Oh what a beautiful view from the rest area. The Mount Washington hotel looks very posh. Is it still in use?
    I hope your dental appointment goes well.
    Stay safe,
    Happy belated T-Day,

  20. These days I'd rather picnic in the car than go in anywhere (unless it was a picnic outside -- but that sounded a bit chill!). It looks delicious -- and who could argue with the view?

    Sorry about the boat -- that's how I feel about closing the cottage.


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