Monday, October 12, 2020

T Stands for a Beautiful Morning

 Hi there. Tuesday has come around again already.  Time to share a drink related post  with the T Gang ladies over at  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog. Won't you join us?

This past Sunday morning was crisp but beautiful. My husband, the dogs and myself went for a short woodland walk. This trail was (well is) only 5 minutes by car from our house, but we had never walked it. We've driven by it probably a million times, only a slight exaggeration, but you often see cars parked there.This morning was nice time to give it a try. Although only about 3/4 of a mile (1.2 km), it was a great walk in the woods.

And after just a slight bit of exercise, it was good to come home and have a cup of tea.
I recently bought a couple of new flavors of tea.

They are both very good. I wasn't so sure about the key lime flavor but there is just a hint of citrus. I'm glad I felt adventurous enough to get it.
And can I offer you a slice of sourdough pumpkin cinnamon bread with your tea? I made this on Friday as a weekend treat. It is very good toasted. (But I keep forgetting photos when I slice myself some for toast.)

Otherwise it was a busy chore weekend in my house. That made for a lazy Monday when I wrote this.  Monday was also my mom's 91st. I couldn't get down  as I wasn't thinking and made an appointment to get some car maintenance done. The weather is supposed to much nicer mid-week which works better anyhow as we have to visit outside due to covid. 
Here's a photo from her birthday last year.

I'm particulary glad she gets to celebrate this one as some of you may remember she had covid-19 this past spring.

That's all for me. Have a great T day.

And thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Hi Erika, what a beautiful spot for a walk and with the dogs too. Loved all the autumn photos. Your bread sounds delicious as do the teas. Happy T wishes and new week ahead Kathy

  2. such beautiful photos of the fall foliage on your walk! I bet the dogs were quite happy with all the smells around too;)
    Fun to try different flavored teas isn't it... and if I get one i don't care for I give it away to a family member or friend.
    So happy for you to be able to celebrate another birthday with your lovely Mom after the Covid scare especially. Happy birthday to her!
    Your bread sounds wonderful, and what's not to love about the scent of pumpkin and cinnamon this time of year...enjoy, and happy T day!

  3. Where you live is beautiful this time of year. Very beautiful and impressive. Your photos show the beauty of where you live, too. There is nothing anywhere close to that in my flat land world, dear. And it looks like the dogs and your hubby enjoyed the walk, too.

    Happy belated birthday to your mother. You can let her know how several of us followed her illness and recovery with great concern and joy when she was declared COVID free.

    WOW, that bread looks great. I'm SO wanting to bake something. Yours looks wonderful. I can almost smell it as it is fresh out of the oven.

    I had to look awhile to see that these were tea bags, not loose leaf tea. These will make great art if you save the tea bags, especially the hibiscus, which should turn slightly purple. Not sure what the key lime will do to the bag, but I would LOVE to try it, since I'm a big fan of key lime. Thanks for sharing your walk, the beauty of your area, your mother's birthday, your pumpkin cinnamon bread, and your teas with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

  4. Cool banner!
    Beautiful how the sun comes through the trees and the teas look yummy.
    That´s a happy pic of the two of you and clearly you´re mother and daughter, amazing!
    A happy T-day to you, hugs from here.

  5. Love that you have decorated your blog for Halloween! Happy birthday to your sweet Mom, I wish her all the best. Looks like you had a good walk through the autumnal woods and nice teas to drink afterwards, especially good with that pumpkin bread . I'd love a slice or two! Have a wonderful week, stay safe and happy, hugs, Valerie.

  6. Beautiful photos of your walk and the teas sound good Erika.
    Belated birthday wishes to your mum xx

  7. Happy birthday to your mom! How great that she's recovered.

    Your walk in the woods looks beautiful. Our leaves are in very similar colors this week.

    be safe... mae at

  8. Looks like a nice place for a walk. I love the photo of the puppers. "Hurry up, Mom, and take the picture. We want to get going." Your bread looks gorgeous, your house must have smelled incredible, and I bet the bread is awesome toasted. Happy birthday, to you mom and a Happy T Day

  9. I majored in Biology for the first two years of Uni. then changed to sociology. I am an artist at heart tho and now that's my life! Oh your pups look fun! Love dogs including my standard poodle. When I saw that bread, I said to dh..."I've resisted the sourdough movement but listen to her ingredients!!!" He said, mmmmmmmmmmm
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color (missing New England now that we moved west to Colorado) (in the wildfire kingdom)

  10. I so enjoyed walking with you and seeing all the amazing fall foliage, there seems to be a lot of red leaves this year 😀. Both of the teas loom amazing, I'd love to try them with a piece of that yummy cinnamon bread pleazzzzze! Happy Birthday to your mum, that's a lovely photo of you both and I was so pleased that she recovered from Covid earlier this year too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  11. What a delightful walk. And so close! Woodland walks are always a draw for me :) The bread looks delicious. I know you and your mom will enjoy the celebration whenever it happens. Fun! Happy T Tuesday

  12. What a lovely wooded area. You found lots of fall color too. Pretty leaf colorations.

    Yes please, I'd love a slice of that sourdough pumpkin cinnamon bread!

    Happy birthday to your mom! I remember that she survived COVID. So this is a pretty special birthday.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

  13. Such beautiful autumn colours! Looks like a great place for a morning walk.
    The teas look interesting. I don't like ginger, so that one would not be for me, but i love hibiscus tea. It is also very nice cold (in summer) with a few slices of lemon. I used to make a pitcher of it when we lived in Italy.
    Happy birthday your mum! Yes, it is a privilege to have a mum. I also have my mum (she is 96) but I can't go and see her, because of covid.
    Well done you for making that delicious looking bread. You are making me quite hungry now, so I think I will start supper.
    Happy T-Day,

  14. What a lovely photo of you and your mother. Such a blessing that she is able to celebrate another birthday despite battling COVID.
    Your teas look yummy. I have tried the one on the left and it is a favorite. The key lime flavor sounds intriguing.
    I am loving all the photos of your fall foliage. The colors are so vibrant!
    happy Tea Day,

  15. What a terrific new banner! And your walk was just beautiful -- those leaves are glorious. Isn't ginger peach tea delicious? That's one of my favorites. Big smiles at all the fun and love and beauty here!

  16. Gorgeous trees and leaves, Erika. I'll say it again that you're so blessed to be where you are. I love trees and you've captured them so well. Lovely to see your Mum and a double blessing that she's still here after her brush with Covid!
    Cath x

  17. You and your mom are just beautiful and Happy birthday to her. Thank you for taking us on the walk.It is so pretty there. OMG sour dough pumpkin? My mouth is watering. Have a nice day.

  18. Terrific place to walk ~ The dogs look happy too. The tea sounds yummy and so does the bread. So many beautiful leaves to see ~ I'm glad you'll be able to celebrate with your mom outdoors soon, that will be something to look forward to. Enjoy!

  19. Happy Birthday to your mom! It is wonderful you still have her! My mom died just before her 89th, so I did have her longer than others. That has been six years ago already. I can hardly believe it has been that long. I regress, sorry! Love the photo of the two of you.
    Beautiful photos of your walk. And, yes, please, I will take some of that sourdough pumpkin cinnamon bread with my tea. Have a great weekend, as it is too late to tell you happy tea day. LOL

  20. My comment got lost but I did enjoy seeing these lovely colours! Hugs, Chrisx


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