Saturday, November 21, 2020

Assorted Art for You Today

Happy Saturday everyone
. Today I have a 3 different pieces of art to share. Hope you enjoy this mini virtual art exhibit. Smile.

I'll  start with a tag for Valerie's Pets challenge at Tag Tuesday. I made my tag with some stamps in my collection. I have an old set of dog stamps which I dug out, and I was quite excited to find this pup that looks like one of my dogs Pete. My tag is all about taking Pete for a walk. Or maybe it is better to say it is Pete taking me for a walk because he is not out to sniff and look at things on a walk; he walks with a purpose. The quote stamp is one I found last year on a mark down rack  for $1.99, and I finally used it.

I also have a journal page for Art Journal Journey, and Wendy's bird challenge. 

Notice the tag on it. Remember Halle's tag challenge back this summer? This was a page I made for that challenge and never got around to sharing. Notice the bird on my page. So now the tag is a beautiful addition but not the forefront for Wendy's challenge, and the bird is what I need to point out.
This page is a collage of some scrap papers, a bit of stamping, a cloth strip, 2 ancient punch out paper flowers, as well as the tag I created with some odds and ends.

And lastly, it's cold enough to pull out the wool and get back into knitting while I watch TV. I wanted a bright orange hat as it is deer hunting season in New Hampshire, and when you live on a dirt road that winds through the forest, there's plenty of hunters out there. I hope they can see me now in my bright orange hat, even though my road is a public road so I should be safe to walk along it. .  I looked to buy a cap but that was going to cost me over $10, and I could get a skein of yarn for under $5. Plus I could make something cuter. 
So here you go. My new hat.

I don't think any yarn companies are going to contact me for modeling their patterns, (smile), but here's me in my new hat. 

I am  lastly linking up to day 21 at Leah's November art challenge, Art Everyday Month.

Hope you enjoyed your little art tour today.
Have a nice start to your weekend. Plus, thanks so much for visiting my blog.



  1. Cute, Pete walks for a purpose! Awwww.
    Mind you, guess I get an idea what to do with the tags I found in the flow magazine!
    Oh, help, please don´t graze or something, LOL! Love your hat! I need to get out my cute one, too, had the boring one today.
    Nice to see you! The hat matches your hair perfectly, too! Happy weekend!

  2. I instantly recognized Pete in the tag. Your orange hat is cute and looks good on you. It never would have occurred to me to wear orange during hunting season. Do the dogs wear orange bandanas when you take them out for a walk, too? Looks like another nice day shaping up. Enjoy and take care.

  3. I love your doggy tag, and yes, dogs often walk with a purpose! Neighbours have a baby black lab, so cute, I love seeing him when I go out. Your orange cap is lovely, and will be seen from afar. It was very cold and windy early this morning, I hope it will be a bit pleasanter when I go for my second walk. Enjoy your weekend, have fun. Hugs, Valerie

  4. You are giving us a cute look in your new hat - brilliant. Hopefully you will soon be spotted in that when out and about - and safe!
    Love the bird page for the AJJ challenge - the bird ribbon matches your hat - ~I wonder if that was the inspiration behind the colour you chose to wear?
    Love the tag and the sentiment is fab!
    Hugs and take care - our numbers are dropping slightly.
    Neet xx

  5. Wonderful art Erika, and I love your hat! Gorgeous colour!
    Alison xx

  6. The "dog tag" is precious :) As I sit here watching the birds on my patio your bird page strikes a chord. I love the colors, and composition. I love your bright orange hat. I have Daddy's old orange deer-hunting cap and your knitted one brings back fond memories.

  7. Ohhhh cute dog tag and lovely bird art. But I really like your hat. I too make them and have one on right now in the house, it is so cold. It looks good on you.

  8. What a brilliant sentiment and perfectly true Erika! Love it. Your hat looks so cosy. Just what I would need right now with the weather change over here. Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday. xx

  9. The dog tag made me smile. Nice!

    Lovely bird page too.

    Great job on your hat! I hope you and the deer stay safe from hunters.

  10. Love the tag and page, thank you for daring with AJJ and Tag Tuesday. `Stay warm in your hat.
    Hugs Wendy

  11. What a gorgeous orange hat, Erika! I did not know you love crochet!!! Enjoy your new hat, my friend. I LOVE YOUR PHOTO and the tag for Valerie. Kisses!

  12. love your definition of LOVE! We had a collie when I was a kid. She was lovely and took care of me. But nowadays I am allergic to fur so, no animals close by.

  13. Wow, Erika. You have gone all out on this post. I'm sure Valerie is thrilled you joined her with a tag this fortnight, I will try to create something if time. I like that you used one of your dogs as inspiration, too. Wow, that is a great hat, too. You are really busy all the time.

    Of course, I was really impressed with your latest journal entry. What a great way to repurpose a journal page. It's super for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, too, dear.

  14. The day is so sweet and your journal page is fantastic, oh lovely to see! The hat looks good on you with this color, great knit.
    Have a nice Sunday, hug Elke

  15. Love your cute hat! Yes, they'll spot you and I'm glad!

  16. Super Tag..I love the dog and the background on your tag.
    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday x

  17. Your hat soooo fun! Love the color. Great tag and great page. All so much fun - great post!!!

  18. Fabulous art Erika! I love the tag and the quote! Your bird page is so cheerful - looks like a summers day! I think my needles with be out soon too - I found a ton of yarn in a box while tidying! Your hat looks great and really suits you! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Beautiful tags. i share your love of puppies and crochet
    Happy Tuesday

    much love


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