Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Dreamer

Hi everyone. Another Sunday is here. Hope you weekend is going well. 
 More covid cases are here too. In my state they seem to be getting higher and higher every day. It is really scary.
I am still surprised our governor put in a mandatory mask order starting the other day.  He's been holding off, and even  though I must say when I do go out,  most people are wearing masks., it is good to know everyone must now wear one. 
My page today began with a hand carved stamp that I made back in September. You can see it stamped in the rusty brown around the border of the page. It is my abstract take on a seedpod. 
In the center of the page, I glued down some of the shavings from my carving project. I glued these down on a blank piece of watercolor paper when I carved the stamp.
Obviously it took me awhile a while to figure out what to do with this page. I finally added some pink ink over the shavings and stamped the stars. I also added some beige paint in the center of each of my hand-cut seedpod design.
The lady looks like she is thinking about something so I added her, and also the bird stamped images.
I am linking up to Wendy's bird challenge at Art Journal Journey.
I am also linking up to day 22 at Art Everyday Month.

 Finally I added the Alison Bomber quote.

I think this lady named Gladys is hoping that the covid vaccine will be available sooner rather than later so she can take that trip to Hawaii she has been dreaming about. Of course  even though I told her that this vaccine is being produced in record time and hopefully will start to be quickly distributed as various governmental leaders determine. The process of making this vaccine is quite amazing, but Gladys told me that she isn't interested in all the microbiological details and just wants to sit under a palm tree drinking a mai-tai with the man of her dreams. Even though that sounds nice, being such a geek I am fascinated by the science behind the vaccines.  I do, however, understand why Gladys is ready to go out into the world again. Hawaii or home, I miss seeing friends, going out to eat, and doing all those normal things Gladys is dreaming about. Maybe I am that lady with her head in the clouds.

Happy Sunday. Enjoy what is left of your weekend. And as always, thanks for visiting.


  1. I absolutely adore the seed pod stamp you carved. It is awesomely awesome. I really admire you and your abilities. Even the carved waste was reused, which amazes me, too. This is a fabulous entry for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Sorry to read your covid numbers are rising. We have gone ballistic in Kansas. I am almost afraid to walk outside my own home. I hope the mask mandate works for your state. We are a red state and, as such, many in towns out west and north don't believe in masks. When our governor required masks in the entire state, her republican senate overruled her and struck her law down. Now we are paying the price, I fear. I hope Gladys gets to visit Hawaii, and maybe you do, too.

  2. interesting to learn you make your own stamps :) It does look great and I love the colors you used :)

  3. Feet on the ground and head in the clouds. I think we're all dreaming of normal again. Given the Live Free part of the motto of your state, I was surprised when your governor imposed the mandatory mask order. We've had that order for some time and most people are complying. Take care.

  4. I'm glad you have a mandatory mask order. The key is the enforcement. I hope you guys do better than Michigan!

  5. I´m SO with Gladys - who is not? Off to Hawaii (guess we´ll at least have Toast Hawaii soon).

  6. Our governor has still not instituted a mandatory mask policy. The vaccine info is fascinating, and I've enjoyed the articles on the studies and why pregnant women were excluded and what that means for them when a vaccine becomes available, and what the difference is between the vaccines we're hearing about...

    But I'm with Gladys in wishing we could just make this all be over. I'm not wanting an exotic vacation, just a long wander through every antique mall in town ;)

  7. It's a beautiful page Erika! I love the background!
    Keep safe!
    Alison xx

  8. Beautiful page Erika, love the background and the story. Stay safe and well, hugs, Valerie

  9. That lady stamp is perfect for this. I thought any other figure would not have worked. She looks like a dreamer. Here in Oregon our gov. put a 2 week shut down. In my town NO ONE, NOT ONE BUSINESS is following the rules. The gov. gave the police the authority to ticket or arrest people not following the rules. Well not enough police and some cops said NO they will not enforce it. We will NEVER be rid of covid. Be safe over there.

  10. OH, what a pretty page! I like Gladys' train of thought.

    I hope you stay safe from Covid and that the infection rate eases soon. Social distancing and wearing a mask, plus lots of sanitising, is so important during a pandemic.

    Happy Sunday/Monday to you!

  11. It is a stunning page, Erika. I haven't tried yet to carve my own stamp but I want to try it. Hopefully I will buy the materials and I will try it soon. I am thankful that you always share the steps, my friend. This is really helpful for a self-taught "artist" like me. Hugs, sweetie.

  12. I Like The Dreamer - Also, Dig That Banner Photo


  13. Catch up day for me and I have had a lovely visit, lots of great art pages Erika, it looks like you have been having fun creating.
    I loved your bright hat, its a lovely colour and will be so comfy to wear.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Hawaii sounds fun and so does going out to eat or shopping without worry! Dream on Gladys. Love your story, your page, and your fab stamp you made!!! Very well done. Hugz

  15. Hawaii sounds fun and so does going out to eat or shopping without worry! Dream on Gladys. Love your story, your page, and your fab stamp you made!!! Very well done. Hugz

  16. I love how you made this background - in such beautiful colours too! Not sure about Hawaii but I'm with Gladys on wanting to get out! We haven't been near a town for ages and even that was a quick trip in and out to the Opticians! I long to linger and look in shop windows, amble round a supermarket, have a coffee and just go out without having to make a plan before we go!! Next year maybe!! Hugs, Chrisx


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