Sunday, November 1, 2020


Hi everyone.  Happy new month. I am still shocked it is November!

Today I want to welcome Wendy as our new hostess at Art Journal Journey.  Her theme, as you may have guessed, is birds.

For my first page I started by spraying some colored inks on my page. The big chicken is a die cut. I decorated her and added this cut out corn cob. As she wasn't enough for the page, I stamped, colored,  fussy cut and added these other chickens. It is a busy barnyard now. I also added some little strips of plastic bead-like pieces to create more of a seed covered ground and to give the page a bit of "grounding". The sky is 3 pieces of cloud covered paper tape, and the sun is stamped, colored and fussy cut. 

Birds is going to be a fun challenge. I've made several pages already and have  more ideas than there are days in the month.

Just a reminder that at Art Journal Journey we want art journal pages. We accept all types of journal pages-hand done, digital and hybrid.  But please no tags, ATC's, cards or other types of art.

And seeing today is November 1, Art Every Day Month begins. This is my third year participating over at Leah's challenge.  And as you can see, I have some art for you. 

I'm looking forward to your bird inspirations and hope you are as excited about this month of creating as I am. 
Thanks for visiting.



  1. Your birds are so fun. I love your take on the theme. I didn't think of chickens, but they are the perfect bird for this time of year. Thanks so much for this incredible first entry that is outside the box at Art Journal Journey using Wendy's theme.

    Glad to see you are also joining AEDM, too. Yea!

  2. Fun page Erika. Love the warm colours. Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  3. Such a great work for starting November!
    No grey but COLORS!
    I feel sorry for the worms, though.
    Hm, our town... masks are mandatory since Friday, guess no one who really has to go goes anymore. More shops and places will close down, so your work cheers me up in my mind at least!
    And the chicken are super-cute, too!

  4. Fun page! The girls will have a hard time looking for seeds down here. Take care.

  5. Hi, Erica-- Thanks for visiting my blog and providing me information about the Cane Toad invasion in Australia. I had not heard about it. Here are a couple of links including the 1988 Australian film:

    Cane Toads: The Conquest Official Trailer

    Cane Toads An Unnatural History 1988

  6. Love your bird composite-- so creative and artful!

  7. Love the sprayed background and those lovely chickens, thank you, great page.
    Hugs Wendy.

  8. I absolutely adore this page. Chickens always make me smile and your busy barnyard has lots to cheer me up. Your sun is a very cheery one too! Yes, I am getting ready for some fun too! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. This is just beautiful. Each chick has it's own dressing of feathers. Very cool. Enjoy your day.

  10. This is such a cute and funny journal page with the chickens!
    Hug Elke

  11. ...if time goes quickly is you are having fun, I must be having a blast!

  12. Nice chickens!
    be well... mae at

  13. This is so cute! I love the sun smiling down on them. :)

  14. love! Your chicks spread a smile through my face.

  15. Love your birds, such fun.

    Happy November - where did October go?!

    All the best Jan

  16. So fun!!! What a fab background and love the chickens. Our neighbor's dogs ate two our ours a few days ago so we are in mourning. Many hugz


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