Monday, November 2, 2020

Second on the Second

 Hi everyone. I'm squeezing in a Monday post this week since I am participating in 

Art Everyday Month.

For some new art, I am sharing a fall page from my Mystery, Mayhem and Magic altered book.  This is one of my favorite spreads. It really says late autumn to me, which has this sparse quality which has its own appeal. 

I'm sure you can see the crows flying across this collaged spread. I am linking this up  to Art Journal Journey also. This month Wendy is our host and her theme is birds.

For the second of the month over at   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog   , I'm keeping with a bird theme.
I have some garden birds for you. I posted these back on November 9 of 2015. Here's the original post (A Fun Day Out), some photos from a visit to a garden center holiday fair.

I thought this emu 's body was cleverly made.
And I love these stone owls.  As some of you know, I'm a fan of owls.

I'm not sure which of these 2 owls I prefer. 

I would love to visit one of these fairs right now. Looking back for something to repost, I was struck by how much I am missing going out and doing these kind of events because of covid. That's not to say what I do now is bad, and I have had a great fall in spite of this pandemic. It's just different.
You know that for sure!

Have a great day 2 of the new month.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. Good morning-Loved seeing these birds I don't remember seeing them before so thanks for sharing. Happy second on the 2nd

  2. Lovely new art, and I love the birds you showed for 2nd on the 2nd. That wire bird is gorgeous, wish I had it here! Love the new header, too. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  3. I just love your pages in your book. Lots to see on those fabulous backgrounds.
    Hugs Wendy

  4. giggling, pour emu. Seems to be a heavy plumage to carry. But well manufactured. :)

  5. What a great new spread in your MM&M journal, Erika. I love the leaves, the mushrooms, and the moon. This is a great spread. Of course, adding the birds make it even more special and great for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I went back and checked out your original post. I believe I knew Corrine then, but I know I had never heard of you or your blog, so this second look was fabulous. Thanks for sharing these "birds" and the post with us as your second look on the 2nd, dear.

  6. One of my sons used to collect owls. The two you show here are wonderful!

  7. I forgot to tell you, you don't need to MAKE art every day, you just have to share something, like I created a link to my second look. I'll be joining several link parties this month, so feel free to use that as your AEDM entry.

  8. Your spread is a great birds and autumn themed creation.
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful bird photos!
    I love your new banner, beautiful.
    Have a nice day xx

  9. Hi Erika I am playing catch up. Your art piece is wonderful I love the flying crows. Your second day one is amazing too. That emu is very unique. Enjoy your day.

  10. Your journal spread is lovely! The splashes of orange set it off perfectly!

    A nice group of photos too. The emu sculpture is so good!

    Looking forward to seeing more of your posts via AEDM. :)

  11. I like the emu and owls.

    All the best Jan

  12. Your journal page is wonderfully imaginative and so magically designed.The birds made of stone and other things go well with it, all works of art like yours.
    Take care, hug Elke

  13. Wow Erika, I love this latest page in your Mystery, Mayhem and Magic book! Those garden centre birds are pretty fabulous too, Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Very cool page in your magic book (which I love btw). The birds at the garden center are fun. So when is the owl page coming? The AJJ prompt screams owls!! LOL. Hugz


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