Sunday, November 29, 2020

Holiday Cheer

 Hi everyone.  I am here with a short post today as it is day 29 over at Art Everyday Month. It's a photo post, so probably better said that is short on words, not on photos.

 This past weekend we visited our local Christmas tree farm and chopped our tree.

The farm is on the opposite side of my town. Once we parked, we grabbed a sled to help pull out the tree, as well as a saw to cut it down with. We also sanitized them and then headed off.

I only saw 1 person without a mask during the whole tree chopping adventure. Of course we do have a mask mandate in my state now.

This is my daughter. It really wasn't that cold out, but  she didn't bring a whole lot of jackets home with her.

We had little rain last summer and late spring and are in a mild drought in my area.  I thought the trees might be a little on the small side because of it. One day I drove home in this direction,  and I spotted some taller trees off to the side along the road. That's where we headed to go find our tree.

Once I snapped my photo to make it look like my husband did all the work (ha-ha-ha), the three of us pulled out the tree. 

And then we used the tree wrapper which puts string around the tree to make it easier to get it home.

I'm glad we went early as it was quite crowded by the time we left.

As my daughter was heading home later that day, we decided to put up the tree when we got home. 

For once my husband was in a Christmas spirit to put up the tree. Not that he is usually grumpy about it, but this year he was really having fun.

And there it is. The tree is a beauty. I still needed to put my tree skirt around the base, so that isn't quite done in this photo, but the lights and all the ornaments are on. 
It is fun to put up all the ornaments as they are items we have collected over the years, including some from trips, bits my daughter made when she was younger, and even a couple of ornaments I made at 5 years old.  It's a hodgepodge of memories that are always fun to see again. 

I'm hoping to put up my other decorations in the next few days also.  

It’s that time of the year.  Hope your weekend is going or has gone well! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a fun day you had as a family getting the tree and putting it up. It's a beauty and looks so pretty with all the decorations.

  2. What a fun time you three had. So great to see the tree coming down and going up in your house. It looked a lot smaller in the field than in your home. I was surprised the dogs don't pick at it. They must know better. I was also surprised at how many dog related ornaments were on the tree.

    Hope your day is going great. I'm off to clean up the mess I made yesterday in my basement studio.

  3. this christmas tree farm is beautiful with it´s curves, ups and downs. Wonderful landscape. The farm seems to be well taken care of. :) Your tree looks gorgeous- :)

  4. This was a great family outing, looks like y you all had fun. The finished tree looks wonderful, great that you have so many memories hidden there. Have a good start in the new week, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  5. thank you for sharing your tree cutting-brings back fun memories when I was kid at home

  6. and I forgot to mention you chose a beautiful tree! so fun to look at the memories in the boxes-hugs

  7. Lovely photos Erika, looks like you all had a great day. Your tree looks beautiful!
    Have a great new week,
    Alison xox

  8. You appear to have the utterly perfect location for a nice size tree in your high-ceilinged house!

    be well... mae at

  9. What a beautifully decorated tree, Erika! You all looked to be enjoying the special moment.

    I get the whole memories thing with the tree ornaments. Each year, I painted Christmas ornaments for my youngest son and my granddaughters until they were 10. Sadly I wasn't into painting ornaments when my other kids were younger.

  10. I loved this! what a pretty tree and now you'll have it for a month to enjoy and smell. I used to leave mine up in January with no ornaments. Glad you're wearing masks, amazingly enough if all of us wore them we'd have been able to resume life long ago. It cuts down on the spread so well...but everyone needs to do it for it to be 98% effective.
    I was in NH once and it is pretty. We used to vacation in Stowe every Fall, then moved to Lake Placid as a vacay spot. Now we're out west, land of NO masks and crazy full hospitals and mavericks.

  11. The tree is the perfect size and shape. Wonderful! We have the "hodgepodge of memories" tree ornaments, too. We like it that way :)

  12. I'm so glad you were able to do this with your daughter. I'm so frustrated that my Christmas is behind! It looks like a magical day and the tree is gorgeous. (I love that you have traditional lights, too! My faves!)


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