Monday, November 30, 2020


Hi everyone.  We have reached the end of November. Boy did it fly.
 More importantly, I want to thank Wendy for being such a wonderful hostess at Art Journal Journey this past month. I really enjoyed your bird theme a lot! Thanks for hosting!

I'm back with one last  page for Wendy's bird challenge at Art Journal Journey. Today I did a bit of dissecting of a gold paper seal, and I added in some birds instead. I also used a sheet of printed paper on top of my watercolor paper. Then I used some crackle paste from a pot  I came across. I wasn't sure if it was any good anymore, but it did work! I added some black ink to age my page. And some paper tape. Finally I added my royal seal, the die cut swan and the stamped and fussy cut queen. The quote came from the same set as the women did.

And I am also linking up to the last post for this year's Art Everyday Month. I really enjoyed visiting all you ladies who participated online  and meeting/remeeting some of you. Sorry, I do don't do instagram and don't usually post to Facebook so for those of you who joined in there, I'm sure I missed some nice art. and thank you Leah for hosting!

Now we are just about onto the December! 
Thanks for visiting!



  1. Wonderful journal page, love the crackle-effect, it turned out really well. looks like part of the English Royal seal in the middle, like how you changed it. Have a good start in the new week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Yes this month flew by. I do like your royalty art piece. Wonderful execution. Have a lovely day.

  3. What a fabulous way to end the month at both links, Erika. I absolutely love the final entry for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey. It feels so soft and romantic.

    It's always SO good to see a familiar face at Leah's blog, too. One year, I was about the only person who showed up for AEDM on the blog, since so many others go to other social media sites, of which I don't belong. I was thrilled you joined again, dear friend.

    I also saw on Wendy's blog that you have done some digital art. I simply have never even tried it, even though I have a full blown, albeit very old PhotoShop. Hope all is well in your world and I'll see you later for T Tuesday, too.

  4. Another lovely page Erika, I really enjoyed hosting this month on AJJ. Thank you for all your support. Have a wonderful December.
    Hugs Wendy.

  5. Wow! Fabulous texture here Erika! It has been a great theme hasn't it? Hugs, Chris

  6. Thanks Erika for your Royalty! The y sure are, all of them. ´

    Like you I like the blogg world best. It is more personal then both IG and FB.

    Thanks for sharing your work during AEDM

  7. A wonderful piece for the final day of AEDM, Erika! It's been so nice following along with you. I hope to stay in touch too...will add your blog to my side-bar.

    Serena x


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