Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Natural Dyeing, Round 2

 Hi everyone. I am yawning this morning as I stayed up late last night and got up early this morning to see how the election results went. Still counting I see.  I am also off early to meet a friend to walk the beach this morning. I am looking forward to getting outside and not having it windy and fairly cold.

  Today I have some results from my second round of natural fabric dyeing that I did a few weeks back. This my art for today over at Art Everyday Month .

This time I used my outside tap rusty water as well as some alum in my dye pot. I wrapped my white cloth in either brown/dead or yellow leaves and then soaked the bundles for 24 hours before boiling. After boiling I let the cloth soak for about 36 hours before opening the bundles and putting the pieces out to dry in the sun.

Except for this first piece where I used a rusty spring instead of leaves.

Then onto leaves. You can also see the rubber bands I used to tie the rolled cloth together.

I'm happy with the results. I had hoped for more leave imprints,  but I do like the mottled grey background.  I  have an idea for a wall sized art quilt bubbling around in my brain.

That's it for me today. Thanks for visiting!


  1. You got some goon and interesting results. Do you know yet what you will make out of your dyed cloth? Have a good and safe day, hope all goes well with the election! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Good morning-very fun results I have not done any dyeing since my leaf prints on papers always enjoy the journey-enjoy your walk Hugs Kathy

  3. Eco dyeing at its best, dear. I like the one that actually turned a bit blue. These turned out lovely. You are lucky (or NOT) to have access to rusty tap water. I'm sure it helped a LOT. Nice project for AEDM, too.

  4. Got all excited over the dyeing, yes, I have been up all night. Kansas stayed red, which nearly broke my heart. I thought we had a shot at a new senator, but that hope was dashed, too. I haven't lost hope, but I'm not as confident as I was earlier in the evening last night. I have someone coming today to give me an estimate on some work I need done at my house, so I'll be up until he leaves. Then I'm going to sleep for about 4 years.

  5. Of course you like the results, Erika. Great imprints. I know the technique but I have never tried it. Well, you never know, maybe I will try it one day. I love the imprints of the leaves, my friend.
    I am OK with the virus. I am working from home some days a week and I am very careful. I do not go out of home, I order everything online (even things from supermarket) and I go only to the office when I have to. I know it sounds crazy, but I am looking forward for the new lockdown. Things are very dangerous. Kisses!

  6. I remember when everyone was tie-dyeing tee shirts and bandanas and sheets. Some of the colors were bright, not many muted like your leaf prints. Interesting technique. I never tried it.

    be well... mae at

  7. Really beautiful. I liked the muted tones. Enjoy the walk on the beach.

  8. It’s amazing how the colour of the leaves can make their mark on the white cloth. It will be interesting to see what you will create with it.

  9. I stayed up late, too, and woke to the news that Trump had declared victory, accused Democrats of fraud, claimed Democrats were trying to steal the election, demanded vote counting be stopped, and threatened to call in the SCOTUS. I was surprised to read further that actually nobody yet has the electoral votes to win. I'm glued to the Today Show right now lol coz I can't look away ;) Facebook and Twitter are on fire. We'll know soon enough, and in the meantime I'm drinking black coffee and watching the birds at my patio feeder. I wanna walk on a beach! *whiney voice* but will get out to get a flu shot instead. Important, but not nearly as enjoyable :)

    I love this rusty piece.

  10. I just got back from my walk -- so beautiful! Love the marks on your dyed fabric. It's quite beautiful and it will be fun to see what you do with it!

  11. Wow this is fabulous! I love how your created and earthy fabric.

  12. Great work - I´m looking forward to see what is bubbling in your brain for this!

  13. Ooh, look at those - what fabulous results. Eco-dyeing gives such ethereal, beautiful effects. I'm looking forward to trying it when I have a bit more space to play with.
    Alison x

  14. You have been having fun and I love the dyed images that you created on the fabric, so amazing 😁. Take care! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  15. LOVE those natural dye impressions! :)

  16. The patterns are amazing. I want to try this and I don't even quilt - lol. Wonder how it would work with paper.....



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