Monday, November 2, 2020

T Stand for a Few Important Things

 Hi everyone. It is the first T of November, and being the first Tuesday of the month, it is also election day. And today in the US  it is an important one.

The people down the road from me are still doing their skeleton scenes, and this latest one is very appropriate. (Sorry it's tough to see. I didn't want to walk onto their lawn to get a photo from my phone.)

You can see the stars and stripe cloth which acts as the voting booth cover. In our town we open a cloth curtain, go into a little booth to vote  using paper and a Sharpie;  then when we come out, we feed our ballot into a machine. There is a skeleton with the boxing gloves as this is a contentious election on both sides, and the leaning skeleton is holding a sign that says Go Vote.

I voted early so I won't need to go visit the elementary school where voting in my little town occurs today. If you live in the US and are able to vote, and if you haven't yet voted, I hope you visit your voting center!

Last week in my house we celebrated 2 birthdays. I will warn you, there are some food photos here!

My husband's was last Thursday. He got this balloon at work.

He wanted a Boston cream pie, which is really a 2 layer sponge cake with creme patisserie in  between the layers and a glaze of chocolate frosting on top.

 I added some silver cake glitter on top just to make it a bit festive.

Friday was my daughter's birthday. She requested a Key Lime Pie. I also made that, except I bought a premade graham cracker crust.

I decorated the top with Italian meringue and  some fresh fruit.
My daughter and her beau arrived Friday night (which was her birthday). We had a nice dinner with a couple of bottles of red wine between the 4 of us. 

These empty glasses are my entry to this week's T.  Be sure to stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to join us with a drink related post for T Day.

And here's the birthday girl. Her beau got her some Disney collectable ears that she really wanted for her birthday (plus a couple of other items). She explained to me that you have to enter a raffle to purchase these as they only make a limited number each month. Neither of them won a chance to purchase them, but he found some not too overpriced ones online. She was thrilled and wore them around all evening.
I don't personally get the Disney ear craze, but if it makes her happy, that's all that matters. Especially on her birthday!

Let me explain my last photo. My husband had a hard time turning 60. On his way out the door for work on the morning of his birthday, he said to me in his most pathetic voice that maybe because he was 60  he needed a walker. Not that he really thought he needs a walker, but as we both said when we were talking one day, turning 60 is turning to another chapter in your life.  You are not thinking as much about building your career, and you want time to do more of the other things that life offers. For us, our daughter is grown and off living her life so the child rearing days are past. I guess the dogs are like kids though, so maybe that's not a really true statement.  As we all have different  goals and lives, for some people this point may be at a different age, but  for my husband and myself, that is where we are at. 


 As he moaned about needing a walker that morning,  I had to laugh to myself. I had found this blow up walker when I was getting "party" supplies. I wasn't sure how he'd feel about it, but I just had to buy it.

The question was, how would he react to it?

The hubby opened his gifts with my daughter on Friday night, and we all had a good laugh, including my husband, when he took this gag gift out of a big garbage bag.  

Thank goodness we waited to do his gifts with my daughter on Friday night, rather than Thursday, my husband's actual birthday. With my asthma  I couldn't blow up the walker, nor could I get the tip on my husband's air compressor to fit on the opening where the air goes in on the walker. Never mind I dragged the air compressor across the garage to the plug and back ... I was very frustrated.  Of course I couldn't call my husband and ask how to get to compressor tip to fit since he'd want to know why I needed his compressor.  Luckily my daughter's beau blew it up me with about 6 breaths. Hurrah for 28 year olds who don't have asthma !

That's enough for me today. I am linking up my  photos to Art Everyday Month

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What a fabulous post and sending happy belated birthday wishes to both your hubby and daughter! It looks like you had a wonderful time together and wow, the Boston Cream pie and key lime pie look amazing - I'd love to try them both 😀. I'm going to look for some recipes! Such great present too, live those Minnie Mouse ears and I smiled at the walker too, perfect 😉. Thanks for sharing your celebrations and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Blowing out birthday candles has a whole new significance outside of families that are isolating together! So much change in our world. I hope every one has a wonderful year until the next birthday! Great looking cake and pie.

    be well... mae at

  3. What an amazing birthday celebration you shared with your daughter and husband. I laughed when I saw the walker and I'm glad your daughter's beau was able to blow the walker up before the party. I LOVE key lime pie and I am so wanting one right now. Both your husband's Boston Cream and your daughter's key lime look fabulous. BTW, the small amount of wine left in the glass would be enough to make me dizzy (grin). I'm SUCH a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.

    Thanks for sharing these birthdays with us, as well as your wine, for T this almost Tuesday. BTW, I don't get the Minnie Mouse ears, either, but I'm glad your daughter got some she liked. Just shows how out of the loop I am, I guess.

  4. Sounds like fabulous birthday parties when I turned 70 last year October-that was a wake up call for me that I am now a senior and my years now are numbered-a little scary.
    The desserts you made all look amazing! hugs Kathy

  5. The cake and pie look delicious! I bet both enjoyed their day even though your hubby turned 60. It’s just a number because my hubby is 63 with severe rheumatoid arthritis but, due to some good meds, he is able to be very busy physically even though he can’t go more than a day or 2 before his body tells him to lay low. Tomorrow is a big day and I have to hand it to your neighbours who made it funny with a message. It is when one realizes how important it is that that we go and vote and let’s hope there will be no further interference with the voting.

  6. Looks like you've been having a fun time with celebrations and VERY delicious cakes. Love the ears and walker, great ideas! Have a good and safe week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  7. Happy belated Birthday wishes! Though I don´t like sweets I must say the cake for your daughter looks really lovely, too nice to eat!
    Yes, round birthdays always make one think. But, as my FIL says, get old or... so, glad your Hubby could laugh about the walker. Happy T-day and wee. Ii hope to hear good news tonight, vote-wise...

  8. P.S. if I didn´t say already: Love the banner!

  9. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY to your husband and your beautiful daughter, Erika. I love the fun walker! You did not send me a piece of cake, but I forgive you! Ha ha! Let's hope that all this virus mess will end up soon and we will be able to visit our friends. Kisses!

  10. Fabulous post with love, celebrations, scrumptious cake and pie and just a wonderful time. Some ages are harder than others. 60 is a big one. Enjoy your day.

  11. Both desserts look delicious, Erika. I laughed at the gag gifts. I consider the Disney ears a gag. If I didn't come to Tea, I wouldn't even know about the current fads up north. The blow up walker is very funny. I'm glad you got it inflated in time.

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

  12. Your neighbor's display is great. My little town has the same stars and stripe fabric covered booth, Sharpie to color in the circles on the ballot, and inserting the ballot into the reader. Because Massachusetts allowed mail-in ballots for everyone, we took that route a couple of weeks ago. We were able to track our ballots to see that they were received to be counted. Love the dessert choices for the birthday, especially the Boston Cream Pie. What a great gag gift you got for hubby! I turned 65 this year so tell him, that ain't bad either. Happy T Day,

  13. what a fun celebratory post! happy birthday to hubby and daughter!! His balloon is super looking, and the walker is a riot- love it!! We both turned 60 last year so I get it;) The cakes both sound heavenly and I'd have a sliver of each:) But - I don't get the Mickey Mouse ear thing either, so more for someone else to enjoy. Happy T day!

  14. I voted early, too. Tonight will be interesting. Boston Cream Pie was always one of my favorites. I've never made one, coz nobody but me likes it. Happy birthdays, and happy T Tuesday!

  15. is the cake all gone? what about the pie? I want some too! I'll even sing for cake!

  16. Interesting skeleton display. I went out to vote this morning. It seems everyone decided to vote this year as I waited 35 minutes in line.
    That Boston Cream Pie looks delicious! I have always loved that kind of dessert but seldom have a chance to eat it. The blow up walker is so funny! Love the photo of your hubby trying it out.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Those cakes look yummy, I try to avoid baking as I am not supposed to eat sweet stuff. But I now want to bake something.
    Hugs Wendy

  18. That walker is a hoot! What a great idea -- I must remember that for Rick's 65th. Or maybe not. He had a bad time turning 60 too. (What is it with guys?) Your desserts look to die for! And what a clever neighbor!

  19. What a fabulous way to celebrate - both cakes look wonderful! I love those special Minnie ears! The blow up walker is so funny - what great find! Well done to your daughter's beau too! Happy T day, Chrisx

  20. Oh what a fun post! Yes, I did look at your blog before dinner.... big mistake. Those cakes look so delicious. Especially the Boston cream pie. I love anything with patisserie creme in it.
    I had to giggle at your husband and his walker. What fun.
    And i smiled at your daughter and her Disney ears. No, I don't get it either. I didn't even know they made certain things a limited number so that they would become sought after items.
    Your photos also gave me a glimpse of your house/living room. Really nice with all that wood and beams and carpets on the floor.
    Thank you for sharing a bit of your birthday celebrations and the piece of (virtual) cake.
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe,

  21. Belated Birthday Wishes to your daughter and husband! The blow-up walker was a fantastic gag gift. lol

    Funny, the year I turned 30, I felt like I was 'over the hill' and got depressed about it. Every birthday since then hasn't bothered me at all. lol

    Have a lovely week! :)

  22. Your cakes look yummy! I'm not a big disney ear fan either, but she does look so happy! Love the blow up walker ~ That's too funny and So are the skeletons. Enjoy your week!

  23. Lovely post and lovely photographs.
    Many happy belated birthday wishes to both your husband and daughter.

    All the best Jan

  24. 2 birthdays in one week seem a bit too much :) :)
    But you seemed to have lots of fun. Love that blow up walker :)

  25. Great assortment of photos. Are you temperatures supposed to warm up as the week goes on? They are here in CT. Yay! Happy T-Day!

  26. Erika, I so enjoyed reading this post. Loved the pictures - especially the food, but your story about how your husband and you feel about this chapter in life touched me. I turned 60 last Sunday, and I have to tell you that it felt like I got into a new chapter - the officially old chapter which is a bit daunting. Then I chatted with my girls and they asked me how I felt inside. I told them inside I felt 30 which is always my answer, but then I realized I actually kind of feel 40 inside...outside I feel 60. Then I started thinking about my Grandmother at 60 and to be honest, 60 is not the same now as back then. So I was cheered a bit as I realized our 60 is an improvement and I feel 40 inside (where it matters) so I am going to put off the feeling old for another time and enjoy the perks of 60: you don't have to try to look younger if you don't want to because every knows you are 60+, you can blame any mistakes or stupid things you do on your age, you get discounts, people don't expect as much out of you, and you are closer to retirement if you aren't already there, and having to fight to get promoted is not required anymore either - you can mentor those wanting your position when you retire. Sorry I chatted too much. Many hugz


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