Friday, November 13, 2020

November Views

 Hi everyone. I am wrapping up the work week with a photo post today.  I am joining in to the Art Everyday Month challenge. 

Early last week I was out running errands and  took a short drive north . It was cold and windy outside, and it felt more like late November or December.

On the way home I stopped at a couple of pull offs and snapped some pictures. It even even looks cold.

Yes, and that is a bit of snow still on the ground. We had woken up to a dusting that morning.

Just past the scenic view's parking area was a road that went off to some homes on the lake. To get to the homes you had to drive over this little bridge.  I thought this bridge railing was quite interesting. 

The views on my morning walk  down my road are also looking like late autumn. 

 In my yard while raking, I  noticed some new leaves popping out on my hydrangea even though the cold had gotten to all of the more mature leaves.

This image below  would make a great fabric print.

We are back to normal cooler temperatures after almost a week of really nice 70 degree  (21 degrees C) weather.  I spent much of that time getting some much needed yard work done.
On Sunday, however, I did take a walk into my mother-in-law's house. My husband was going up there to do his weekly check in.

I thought this dead plant looked really cool in the sunlight. 

And the lake was really calm that day. 

The dogs even went in for a swim

My mother-in-law has left  for the winter and moved back in with my sister-in-law,  so I don't know how many more walks in I will get for awhile. But who knows how many more gorgeous warm days there will be?

That's my post for today. Have a great start to your weekend and stay well!


  1. It looks like a wonderful time with a good drive and walks. I suspect after this weekend's anticipated weather all our leaves or most but the hardiest will be gone. I love that photo with the birch in the foreground on the left. And yes, that water does look cold. That's a pretty cool bridge, too. Laying low this weekend! Have a good one.

  2. Beautiful photos, even if they look cold. But in 219 days it will be Summer! Take care and stay warm!

  3. You captured some lovely Autumn scenes of those hills and across that lake and the sweet bridge railing. That closeup of the plant looks like it came from fairyland :)

  4. Your photos are really stunning Erika! I want to be there right now!
    Alison xx

  5. Beautiful photos, love those leaves! The dogs must have enjoyed their swim. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. Wow those first 3 photos look just like places here in Oregon. Beautiful photos.

  7. such beautiful places. And close enough for you o reach. Love the lake, the leafs and the grass. This kind of grass is often very beautiful in back light.
    Beautiful catch. :)

  8. I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. Nice photos especially on the walk from your home, Erika, and yes it does look like the foliage is done. We are also saying good bye to those unseasonably warm temperatures, which is Ok with me...bring on the cooler temps.

  10. Beautiful lake views! We hope the good weather will hold in our area too.

    be well... mae at

  11. OH, what a beautiful place you live in. Gorgeous photos! While you guys are getting colder, we are getting hotter Down-Under. Not looking forward to our horrible summer heat and humidity but at least we have air-conditioning now to give us a little relief this summer. :)

  12. Some stunning photographs there Erika, but I still like the one of your lane the best. I just think that to walk out of your home and see that long road with the trees that are so high must be inspiring.Saying that I was also blown away by the fronds you photographed in the sunlight and the leaves you described as making a great fabric. True! But then I enjoyed all the photos so is unfair of me to choose - especially the bridge. Ooh, snow!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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