Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Little of This and That

Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well. It's been a winter wonderland in my world lately, which has made me sink deeper into the hibernation mode. I've made a bunch of art, none of which I have photographed, watched more TV than usual, have been reading a lot and have puttered around the house a lot too. My husband asked me the other day if I am now bored. My answer is no; I like to putter.  I do get a bit restless however when I don't have a big enough chunk of time to get into something, like the other day when I seemed to have a half an hour here and then a half an hour there.  
Although I must say I am ready for a bigger house project. I even know what it will be, painting my living room and the stairwell and upstairs landing. It hasn't been done for 20 years (other than touch ups) and needs it. However, that will wait for January when all the holiday dรฉcor is down because I don't want to have to take it down to paint and then put it back up.
Speaking of which, look at this.

Can you see the dark section in the middle? One string of lights went out, and when I checked the fuse, it isn't that. I tried the bulbs, and it's not that either. I could leave it, but I keep this tree right up through January as the light is really nice in this dark corner of the house.  That means  I need to de-decorate that section and put up a new string of lights. Then  redecorate. Not the worst thing in life by a long shot but just a bit of a pain in the you know where. Luckily I had a box of white lights that I bought end of season mark down one year or another so it doesn't mean I need to mail order or risk a trip to the store. I'm procrastinating though as I can't say I am enthused to do it.

Let me go back to October and show a couple of pieces of art I haven't yet posted.

This vintage spread is from my garden journal. Apple season feels a long time ago to me right now, but I like the mix of paints, stamping and vintage images. 

And this other piece from October was inspired from the wine label I used on the page.

I used a stencil and some modeling paste to create the stone work, which I then colored with some watered down paints and a bit of black ink. I am really pleased with the actual stone look.  The gargoyle is a stamp as well as the 2 jesters, all fussy cut out. And then I added some metallic paper trim under the label. The page behind this page also has some metallic paper trim at the bottom, and it really works out where just the tips are showing here. They make a nice bottom border.

I think I am going to take Pete for another beach walk later today (unless I get distracted) since it is still not good walking on my road. And my text messages keep binging as I was suppose to go for a hike with the work friends this Saturday to celebrate one of their birthdays, but unless we use ice picks and crampons, that hike needs to be changed. So we are going back and forth trying to figure out where to go. My phone keeps binging, even at this early hour. Good thing I am up.

Enough said here. Hope you are having a good day and  enjoy!



  1. Littering about is a wonderful way to spend the day! Love the art pieces you showed. Sorry about the lights. Good idea to leave painting the walls till after Christmas. Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Good morning, sounds to me like you are settling into the retirement mode-hugs.
    I was so stressed from my job when I retired-I had been ill, my husband had gone through more medical issues at the time, we were in the process of moving to Missouri and I was so burned out. when I retired and we had gotten moved I did not drive myself anywhere for almost a year-I needed time to totally destress. I had a very long drive commute to work at the time and I don't like driving. so to just stay put in my home was wonderful for me.
    I still love just staying home-there is always a project or an art or craft project to get into.
    I would probably just leave the lights alone til next year. but then if it bugs you just put on some music or a movie and get er done haha sorry for the rambling hugs Kathy

  3. What an adorable tree even with a string of lights out. Good thing you have a strand of lights to use. The news reported that with everyone home and decorating early, things like lights are hard to come by. Thanksgiving seems like a long time ago, let alone apple season. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I loved how you used the red buttons as apples on the page. Enjoy your walk. Stay warm and safe.

  4. I had to de-light a tree last year, and it's no day at the beach to do but I'm glad I did it. Now it's all lit and bringing joy. Don't try to rush it, just take your time unwinding... or put lights on top of the bad strand! (done that too)

  5. Your tree looks beautiful no matter about the lights, couldn't it wait until next year? I hope your walk on the beach was enjoyable.

    be well... mae at

  6. I think hibernation is definitely the best option at this time of year. Christmas won't be so very different here, as for us it's always a time for closing the doors, turning off the phones, lighting the candles, reading and listening to music, lit by the glow of the tree.

    I'm just starting to catch my breath after the move, and though unpacking is in a weird kind of pause (no floors until 2021 by the look of things) I have managed to clear the living space so that there are no boxes(!) and it's a cosy place to be. It's lovely seeing your winter wonderland taking shape (always the lights, isn't it?!) and it's lovely to catch up with just a bit of what you've been making. The apple pages are great - love the garden journal vintage spread particularly - and that wine label definitely deserves its place in the fabulous stony wall page.

    Catching up completely is going to be a bit much, I think, but I hope to at least start keeping up again going forwards!
    Alison x

  7. See. No one understands I don´t get bored, either.
    :-) I thought that´s art with the tree there.

  8. I feel your pain with the lights. With NEW LIGHTS, I restrung a tree yesterday. It's a heavy tree and goes "up" so Rick lifted it into place and it was all aglow. About two hours later he said, "Hey, what happened to the strand of lights at the top of the tree?" Half the string went out. I've seen them advertise this "gun" on TV that you point at burned out lights and supposedly it makes them better. It probably isn't as good as it seems but I'm sorely tempted. I will stand on a stool and restring today. UGH. At least it wasn't decorated yet. I'm so sorry!

    Love the wine label piece, particularly!

  9. Wonderful art, and I love the tree. Hope you get the lights sorted.
    Alison xx

  10. I just got rid of MY lights, but my tree was definitely much smaller than yours. I love how you decorated your cabinet, too. Very Christmas-y.

    I enjoyed your lovely journal pages. I especially like that milk cover from an old glass milk jar. It is wonderful. I've always wanted to find one. I especially like the geometric feel of the right side with the buttons, the stars and the tape.

    Wow, those "stones" look VERY realistic. Hope you had a great day because I sure liked both these spreads. The German Scrap looks good as a border, too.

  11. Your plans to paint sounds like the kind of house project I need to start, although I'm thinking that'd be just the beginning of what's needed here...

  12. I didn't notice thenlights being out until you said, so glad you have a spare set to add to the tree ๐ŸŒฒ. Your pages are gorgeous, love the apple cider page. When we visited we enjoyed lots of the apple cider, even though we would call it apple juice as cider here is an alcoholic beverage ๐Ÿ˜€. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Lovely tree - looks even better after you fixed the lights but it was pretty anyway. Love your pages from before - they are fun and full of great details. Does seem like that was a long, long time ago. Probably more so for you as you actually get real seasons there (we just have hot, a little less hot, and cool here - every once in a while we get a cold day or two but nothing like you). Stay warm and toasty and safe! Hugz


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