Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Bringing Home the Tree

Hi everyone.

Today I have a page made with some leftovers, as well as this vintage image I  really like.

My background began with a piece of watercolor paper that I had used up some left over green paint to color.  On the left side you see lots of black, grey and rusty colors. This was actually a piece of waxed paper that I'd used underneath some items I had been painting. I really liked the frame effect that it had, so I centered that part on my page.
Before attaching my image I stamped the evergreen branches with an ancient stamp from a long defunct company and added the 2 die cut pine cones. After that I added the image, and I used a scrap of some gold snowflakes I had in my stash.  And there you go, my latest page.

The meaning of this page is definitely one of the holiday season, but with a natural twist. I love the sweet vintage image and the pops of red. It also reminds me of us getting our holiday tree, especially years ago when my daughter was young.

I am linking up to Tracey's The Meaning Of... challenge at Art Journal Journey.

It's stayed pretty chilly here since our Saturday snowstorm  so the winter scene on my page  also looks like my world right now.

I took a little drive yesterday after my early morning trip to the grocery store.  It was the long round about way home. All these photos are from that trip.
I even had to stop while these turkeys crossed the road.

I've shown you Merrymeeting Lake before. It's not frozen yet.

I've also shown you the Merrymeeting River before, but not wintery like this.
The pull off wasn't plowed so I stopped quickly in the road and snapped these photos through my car window.

They say we're going to warm up a bit more today and for the next couple of days so I am hoping for some melt. I can't walk on my road right now as it is still has a layer of ice and snow. Since it's not paved, it doesn't melt off quite as fast as a paved road would.   Not a deep layer, but enough to make it slippery, especially walking dogs. I wasn't really ready to give up walking quite yet.
Sometimes mother nature has her own ideas though.

Hope your week is going well!



  1. Your journal page is really beautiful-and I really enjoyed all of the wintry phots-you live in a very pretty area Happy mid week Kathy

  2. A beautiful page Erika, I love the green and gold.
    Lovely photos too.
    Hope you're having a good week.
    And, yes, we do have a tea advent calendar :-)
    Alison xox

  3. We've never cut our own tree, but images like yours are still a part of how I think about Christmas :) I love wild turkeys! They are fun to watch, and I so rarely have a chance to see them. Your winter wonderland looks beautifully scenic to me down here where we're expecting a high of 68 tomorrow lol

  4. This is a wonderful page, so classic! And I love your own winter scenes, which are beautiful!

  5. Lovely page and memory. Your pictures are BRRRRR. We had unexpected drizzle Tues. that didn't even show up on radar but froze to the roadway. Since the drizzle was unexpected, the roads weren't treated. There was a 14 car pile up on 146 just over the Sutton/Millbury line! 😱 I'm glad we had no place to go. Stay safe and warm out there.

  6. Love your page, very nicely combined and put together. And it does look very cold! Keep warm and safe! Hugs, Valerie

  7. It's a beautiful journal page, Erika. I really love that you used the wax paper as part of the background. It made the page take on a whole different look. I also like the die cut pine cone you used. Of course, that incredible vintage image is wonderful, too. Thanks for another wonderful journal entry using Tracey's theme.

    And WOW, you got a ton of snow that is still hanging around. Love the photos you took.

  8. Oooh, you have got lots of snow. We are still waiting for it here in the southern part, but in Lapland there is lot of it.
    Your pages green color is very uplifting. It's sad green is the color of life. Beautiful art. Erika.
    Have a great day ahead xx

  9. Wonderful page and beautiful snow Photos with birds!
    Stay safe,hugs Elke

  10. I love your journal page, I do like those old pictures, especially ones where they have been collecting a tree like that. Reminds me of my winter visits to some parts of Germany.
    I love the photographs, that is the best way for me to see snow, but I was really pleased to see that you had to stop to let the turkeys cross the road. I have never seen a turkey with feathers on and even those who have here in the UK have probably seen them on a farm. Magic for me to see them in your actual photo.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. I can see exactly how that image would have evoked such memories Erika, beautiful as a focal surrounded by other Christmassy things. A winter wonder of mixed media full of crisp freshly laid snow.
    I love the snow, we rarely get any in the UK anymore, I hope it thaws for you enough so you can continue your walks safely.. keep warm Hugs Tracey xx

  12. Wow - those snowy pictures are gorgeous! Icy looking and so fresh. Love them. Also love your getting the tree page too. Lovely background you made ad the pine cones and foliage are wonderful. Delightful post! Hugz

  13. Loving your page, the evergreen branches and pine cones look amazing with those snowflakes - beautiful 😀. So lovely to see your winter wonderland photos too, the snow looks so pretty! Bet the dogs enjoyed it too 🐶. Take care! Hugs, Jo x


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