Sunday, December 27, 2020

Hope It Was Happy

Hi everyone. How was your weekend and Christmas?
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday (if you celebrate).  We had a warm up on the 24th and 25th and lost a lot of snow. It's not all gone, but the rain and fog did make Christmas a dark day, which in turn made it a no expectation, who cares if we didn't have breakfast until noon type of day. I was happy my daughter came home (and is still here). I ate too much, but had a lot of quality family time. 
My daughter is on vacation until after the New Year, and, and since she works from home and sees no one except her beau  and his parents (who don't see people either), she is hanging out here with us until Tuesday.  We're working our way through the Die Hard movie series, have watched several other Christmas favorite flicks and who knows what come next after those are over. It's been relaxing and low key. 

Here's a quick page I made shortly before the holiday. I had started it earlier by stenciling the poinsettia's and also spraying it with watered down ink. I then stamped some small phrases and the circle image and added the TH couple. It still needed something, and I had this sheet of mostly used up Christmas stickers from years ago. I decided they worked on this page, so I added them to finish it off.

I am linking to Tracey's  The Meaning of... challenge at Art Journal Journey. The holidays are full of glitter and sparkle and other traditional images. I like that the same things come out of storage every year and give that continuation to the holiday.  

Keeping this short.  Have a great rest of your weekend.
And thanks for visiting.



  1. Sounds like the perfect holiday. "Die Hard 3" is my favorite of the series.

  2. Wonderful journal pages, love the poinsettias. Glad your daughter is staying with you, enjoy your films! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Your holiday sounded fab Erika and that you still have your Daughter with you is so lovely, enjoy that precious time. Box sets and catch up's is a great way to while away the hours with each other, feet up and food a plenty..
    Love your seasonal page with your painted poinsettia's, I too feel security that many of the same things come out to play this time of year.
    Thank you for sharing.. enjoy the rest of your time with your Daughter.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  4. A beautiful page Erika! I love the poinsettias and baubles.
    Glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your daughter.
    Alison xx

  5. I forgot I have to add captcha! UGH! I loved the page, the wonderful colors and all the cheer! Our snow is gone, too!

  6. I'm a HUGE Die Hard fan. I always love it and was sad it wasn't on this year at Christmas. I don't own the set.

    Your journal entry is wonderful dear. I like it all, from the poinsettias to the stickers to the stamping to the TH dolls. This is an inspiring entry for Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. Sorry I haven't been by sooner. I'm trying to pull myself out of this funk I found myself in.

  7. It sounds like a peaceful Christmas :) How nice to have your daughter home for a while. I ate too much, too, but once the leftovers are gone that'll end by itself ;) We've re-watched Die Hard 1 and 2 over the holidays but haven't gotten past those yet. So many movies!

  8. What a lovely Christmas you had with your daughter being at home with you. We finally had snow (New Years Eve) although much of the country had it a day earlier - strange us not getting it then. Sounds as if our today is like your 'Christmas day as we have the fog - had it for a couple of days now.
    That is a lovely page, I do like poinsettia's and your TH couple look as if they are wrapped up for the winter weather - is he holding skates?
    Hugs, Neet xx


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